[Carpetx-developers] Fwd: Building CarpetX on a laptop

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Tue Aug 31 15:18:45 CDT 2021

Hello all,

since this was originally shared only with a subset of the devs, here
it is once more. These are the original (tested) instructions on how to
compile CarpetX for CUDA.

The ones on
https://bitbucket.org/eschnett/cactusamrex/wiki/Getting%20Started#markdown-header-cuda-support are a derivative and also use slightly different code branches (in an attempt to support building ExternalLibraries).


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2021 11:32:11 -0400
From: Erik Schnetter <eschnetter at perimeterinstitute.ca>
To: Bruno Giacomazzo <bruno.giacomazzo at unimib.it>
Cc: Lorenzo Ennoggi <lorenzo.ennoggi at gmail.com>,        Lucas Timotheo
Sanches <lucas.t.s.carneiro at gmail.com>,        Jay Vijay Kalinani
<jayvijay.kalinani at phd.unipd.it>,        Annamalai P S
<annamalaips.97 at gmail.com>,        Roland Haas <rhaas at illinois.edu>,
    Soham Mukherjee <smukherjee at perimeterinstitute.ca> Subject: Re:
Building CarpetX on a laptop

To run on a GPU, you need to install AMReX differently, probably into
a different directory: You need to configure it with additional cmake
options such as


where "75" stands for the CUDA compute capability 7.5. Choose other
values there, depending on the hardware on which you will run.

Then continue as before. Create a different option list (which points
to the new AMReX library) and, which uses nvcc as C++ compiler. For
me, the respective modified or new options are:

CXX = /home/eschnetter/Cactus/view-cuda/bin/nvcc --compiler-bindir
/home/eschnetter/Cactus/view-cuda-compilers/bin/g++ -x cu
CXXFLAGS = -pipe -g --compiler-options -march=native -std=c++17
--compiler-options -std=gnu++17 --expt-relaxed-constexpr
--extended-lambda --gpu-architecture sm_75
--forward-unknown-to-host-compiler --Werror cross-execution-space-call
--Werror ext-lambda-captures-this --relocatable-device-code=true


CUDA_DIR = /home/eschnetter/Cactus/view-cuda

Then create a new Cactus configuration (executable). This executable
will only run when you have a GPU available; AMReX will check this at

Depending on how you write your loops, they will either still run on a
CPU, or will now run on a GPU (if you use "loop_device", as in

I left out the steps where you get lots of errors from the compiler,
and where you sprinkle the code with macros such as CCTK_DEVICE,
CCTK_HOST, or CCTK_ATTRIBUTE_ALWAYS_INLINE, and where you change C++
lambda expressions to use [=] to ensure the captured variables are
copied to the GPU instead of leading to compiler errors (good, because
they come with line numbers) or run-time errors (bad, because they
just say "something went wrong").

And once you're done, you would start looking at performance, trying
to beat our well-optimized CPU gode.

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