[Carpetx-developers] meeting minutes for 2023-11-08

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Wed Nov 8 09:41:46 CST 2023

Present: Erik, Roland, Steve, Jay, Liwei, Lorenzo, Lucas, Sam

* no updates from Roland
* Lucas is proceeding with documentation, is now in mostly good shape
* Liwei still working on fixing magnetized TOV case
** wondering if one could use metric defined at cell centers. Roland
   says that this will currently use the wrong prolongation operators
   since currently cell centered quantities are always treated as cell
   averages by the prolongation operators
** trying to understand differences between Spritz and AsterX still
* Lucas has core documentation written
** which interpolation interface to use, native CarpetX one or using
   Cactus interpolator interface
** Erik suggests to document that Cactus interpolator one
** some errors in multipatch interpolation
** found that Paraview can read OpenMD data using BP4, but right now
   crashes afterwards, Roland asks for clarification if it uses the
   OpenPMD plugin with BP4 backend or BP4 plugin
* no updates from Michal
* Allen finds that runs crash if using >1 OpenMP threads, with PreSync
  only. This is the same problem that Sam, Gabriele and Luas encountered
* Sam reported on the issues he encountered with PreSyncOnly mode,
  currently CarpetX has a WaveToy test that uses this and fails
* Jay reported on TOV tests, trying to use metric defined at the center
  of the cell, still not quite seeing the correct modes. Roland suggests
  that the polynomial sampling prolongation operators at the cell
  center can be generated from the templated code, but currently are
* no updates from Lorenzo

* there seems to be an issue with OpenMP and certain presync modes,
  seen by Sam, Gabriele, and Lucas


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