[Carpetx-developers] Weekly call at 10:00AM Eastern

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Fri Feb 16 13:07:59 CST 2024

present: Roland, Erik, Alex, Helvi, Steve, Allen, Cheng-Hsin, Jay,
Liwei, Lorenzo, Lucas, Sam, Yosef

* discussed what Canuda codes to propose for inclusion
** NewRadX (Alex, Liwei and Jay will review)
** Multipole(X) (Lucas, Roland is reviewer)
** will defer LeanBSSNMoLX, NPScalarsX to next release

* Erik proposes Z4c for inclusion, will champion it. Steve reviewer.

* Allen may propose inclusion of PunctureTracker and
  ApparentHorizonFinderDirect. Will leave out QuasiLocalMeasures for
  now since it requires hacks due to Fortran and complex valued grid

** Roland mentioned that the driver specific changes to Multipole
   should be isolated to a small section of the the code that constructs
   the test data. Would be good to have single code that supports both
   drivers (easier to maintain)

** Jay has been using NewRadX with Z4c on Frontier, this worked on GPUs
** Alex suggested that someone at RIT who used NewRadX may be a good
   person to review, 

** Roland mentioned that tests for release will start May 3rd so all
   reviews must have (positively) finished by then

** Jay will focus on finish the AsterX paper and AsterX will be
   proposed for inclusion afterwards so that documentation can be

CarpetX testing and development:

* Erik is currently testing a qc0 setup and would like to use a common
  setup for the different codes to compare them more directly.
  Cheng-Hsin will upload the parameter file for grazing collisions that
  he used with LeanBSSNMoLX to the CarpetX wiki.
** Jay asked about a speed benchmark of Z4c vs. other codes, right now
   this does not exist. Newer versions of CarpetX make this easier
   though by outputting performance data.

* Steve and Sam have been looking at CarpetX + NRPy+
** Sam ran into hard-coded limit on number of grid functions per grid
function group, will update limit in CarpetX source code

* Lucas and Erik are working on Multipatch code, currently doing some

* Lucas made CarpetX documentation TeX files compatible with online
  documentation system, so they now show up on einsteintoolkit.org


* Jay is making steady progress on the paper
* working with Samuel Tootle on FUKA reader
* want paper out ASAP


* Cheng-Hsin has been debugging NPScalarX and in doing so found some
  race condition in the older NPScalar code
* currently still sees some differences but only in the boundaries so
  could be due to different boundary location in Carpet / CarpetX

Runge Kutta prolongation:

* discussed Liwei's current status of code
* required changes can all do done in "user" code and do not require
  changes to CarpetX itself
* suggestion is to implement a standalone RK4 time stepper code for
  this and not use ODESolvers for now
* will need full grid functions for Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4 just for prolongation

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