[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] manifest/ (Rev. 5)

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Apr 12 15:34:21 CDT 2010

Hello all,

> User: eschnett
> Date: 2010/04/12 09:25 AM
Maybe this just affects Thunderbird users, but it seems to me as if the 
data on the server sending the commit emails is wrong (so Erik's email 
which arrived at GT at around 16:30 EDT claims to have been send around 
9:30am CDT). This causes Thunderbird to sort the email into the wrong 
spot (namely the 10:30 EDT spot) where it is likely to be missed.

Would there be any way of changing this?


My email is as private as my paper mail. I therefore support encrypting
and signing email messages. Get my PGP key from http://keys.gnupg.net.

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