[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] EOS_Omni/trunk/src/nuc_eos/ (Rev. 29)
cott at tapir.caltech.edu
cott at tapir.caltech.edu
Sat Dec 4 19:29:38 CST 2010
User: cott
Date: 2010/12/04 07:29 PM
* add missing file
File Changes:
Directory: /trunk/src/nuc_eos/
File [added]: findrho.F90
Delta lines: +112 -0
--- trunk/src/nuc_eos/findrho.F90 (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/nuc_eos/findrho.F90 2010-12-05 01:29:37 UTC (rev 29)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+subroutine findrho_press(lr0,lt,y,lpressin,keyerrr,tol)
+ use eosmodule
+ implicit none
+ !given initial guess of density
+ real*8 :: lr0
+ !working density
+ real*8 :: lr, lr_lastguess
+ !given T and Ye
+ real*8 :: lt,y
+ !pressure corresponding to lr1,lt,y
+ real*8 :: lpressin
+ !accuracy we need rho to, ~1 part in tol^{-1}
+ real*8 :: tol
+ !will be derivatives of pressure wrt rho,T,ye
+ real*8 :: d1,d2,d3
+ !helpers along the way
+ real*8 :: lpress_of_guess,lpress_of_lastguess,first_lpress,ldr,lr_new
+ !bounds of density
+ real*8 :: lrmax,lrmin
+ !counters & flags
+ integer :: rl = 0
+ integer :: itmax,i,keyerrr
+ keyerrr=0
+ itmax=20 ! use at most 20 iterations, then bisection
+ lr=lr0
+ lrmax=logrho(nrho)
+ lrmin=logrho(1)
+ !Note: We are using Ewald's Lagrangian interpolator here!
+ !first use initial guess to estimate derivatives
+ call findthis(lr,lt,y,lpress_of_guess,alltables(:,:,:,1),d1,d2,d3)
+ first_lpress = lpress_of_guess
+ !preconditioning 1: do we already have the right rho?
+ if (abs(lpressin-lpress_of_guess).lt.tol*abs(lpressin)) then
+ lr0 = lr
+ return
+ endif
+ !otherwise we must newton-raphson to get the real rho
+ do i=1,itmax
+ !d1 is the derivative dlpress/dlogrho, use to guess hopefully better rho
+! write(*,*) i,lr,d1,lpressin-lpress_of_guess
+ ldr= (lpressin-lpress_of_guess)/d1
+ if (abs(ldr).gt.5.0d0) then
+ write(*,*) i,ldr,d1,lr,lr_new
+ keyerrr = 473
+ write(*,*) "dpdrho very small"
+ return
+ endif
+ lr_new = lr+ldr
+ !make sure we do not go out of bounds
+ lr_new = min(lr_new,lrmax)
+ lr_new = max(lr_new,lrmin)
+ !keep old variables incase we want to make our own derivatives
+ lpress_of_lastguess = lpress_of_guess
+ lr_lastguess = lr
+ !use to get next iteration of NR
+ lr = lr_new
+ call findthis(lr,lt,y,lpress_of_guess,alltables(:,:,:,1),d1,d2,d3)
+ if (abs(lpressin - lpress_of_guess).lt.tol*abs(lpressin)) then
+ !yes, we got it!
+ lr0 = lr
+ return
+ endif
+ ! if we are closer than 10^-3 to the
+ ! root (lpressin-lpress_of_guess)=0, we are switching to
+ ! the secant method, since the table is rather coarse and the
+ ! derivatives may be garbage.
+ if(abs(lpressin-lpress_of_guess).lt.1.0d-3*abs(lpressin)) then
+ d1 = (lpress_of_guess-lpress_of_lastguess)/(lr-lr_lastguess)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ !we may fail in the NR, after itmax reached. Then we revert to the bisection method.
+ if(i.ge.itmax) then
+ keyerrr=667
+ call bisection_rho(lr0,lt,y,lpressin,lr,alltables(:,:,:,1),keyerrr,3)
+ if(keyerrr.eq.667) then
+ ! total failure
+ call findthis(lr,lt,y,lpress_of_guess,alltables(:,:,:,1),d1,d2,d3)
+ write(*,*) "EOS: Did not converge in findrho_press!"
+ write(*,*) "iteration,logrho0,logtemp,ye,lpressin,lpress_first,rhoreturn,press_of_rhoreturn"
+ write(*,"(i4,1P10E19.10)") i,lr0,lt,y,lpressin,first_lpress,lr,lpress_of_guess
+ write(*,*) "Tried calling bisection... didn't help... :-/"
+ write(*,*) "Bisection error: ",keyerrr
+ endif
+ endif
+ lr0 = lr
+ return
+end subroutine findrho_press
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