[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/src/ (Rev. 200)
bcmsma at astro.rit.edu
bcmsma at astro.rit.edu
Sat Dec 25 00:53:40 CST 2010
User: bmundim
Date: 2010/12/25 12:53 AM
Add missing file from previous commit.
File Changes:
Directory: /trunk/src/
File [added]: GRHydro_Con2PrimM_polytype_pt.c
Delta lines: +916 -0
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_Con2PrimM_polytype_pt.c (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_Con2PrimM_polytype_pt.c 2010-12-25 06:53:39 UTC (rev 200)
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+ Copyright 2006 Scott C. Noble, Charles F. Gammie, Jonathan C. McKinney,
+ and Luca Del Zanna.
+ This file was derived from PVS_GRMHD. The authors of PVS_GRMHD include
+ Scott C. Noble, Charles F. Gammie, Jonathan C. McKinney, and Luca Del Zanna.
+ PVS_GRMHD is available under the GPL from:
+ http://rainman.astro.uiuc.edu/codelib/
+ You are morally obligated to cite the following paper in his/her
+ scientific literature that results from use of this file:
+ [1] Noble, S. C., Gammie, C. F., McKinney, J. C., \& Del Zanna, L. \ 2006,
+ Astrophysical Journal, 641, 626.
+ PVS_GRMHD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ PVS_GRMHD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with PVS_GRMHD; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ If the user has any questions, please direct them to Scott C. Noble at
+ scn at astro.rit.edu .
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <complex.h>
+#include "cctk.h"
+/* Set this to be 1 if you want debug output */
+#define DEBUG_CON2PRIMM (0)
+/* Adiabatic index used for the state equation */
+#define MAX_NEWT_ITER (30) /* Max. # of Newton-Raphson iterations for find_root_2D(); */
+#define NEWT_TOL (1.0e-10) /* Min. of tolerance allowed for Newton-Raphson iterations */
+#define MIN_NEWT_TOL (1.0e-10) /* Max. of tolerance allowed for Newton-Raphson iterations */
+#define EXTRA_NEWT_ITER (2)
+#define NEWT_TOL2 (1.0e-15) /* TOL of new 1D^*_{v^2} gnr2 method */
+#define MIN_NEWT_TOL2 (1.0e-10) /* TOL of new 1D^*_{v^2} gnr2 method */
+#define W_TOO_BIG (1.e20) /* \gamma^2 (\rho_0 + u + p) is assumed
+ to always be smaller than this. This
+ is used to detect solver failures */
+#define FAIL_VAL (1.e30) /* Generic value to which we set variables when a problem arises */
+ The following functions assume a Gamma-law EOS:
+/* Local Globals */
+static CCTK_REAL Bsq,QdotBsq,Qtsq,Qdotn,D,half_Bsq,rho_gm1;
+static CCTK_REAL W_for_gnr2, rho_for_gnr2, W_for_gnr2_old, rho_for_gnr2_old, drho_dW;
+static CCTK_REAL t2,t4,t7,t24,two_Bsq,t300,t400,s200,s100;
+// Declarations:
+static CCTK_REAL vsq_calc(CCTK_REAL W);
+static CCTK_INT oned_newton_raphson( CCTK_REAL x[], CCTK_INT n, CCTK_REAL gammaeos,
+ void (*funcd) (CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [],
+ CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [][1],
+static void func_W( CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [][1],
+ CCTK_REAL *f, CCTK_REAL *df, CCTK_INT n, CCTK_REAL gammaeos);
+static CCTK_REAL x1_of_x0(CCTK_REAL x0 ) ;
+static CCTK_INT gnr2( CCTK_REAL x[], CCTK_INT n, CCTK_REAL gammaeos,
+ void (*funcd) (CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [],
+static void func_rho(CCTK_REAL x[], CCTK_REAL dx[], CCTK_REAL resid[],
+ CCTK_REAL jac[][1], CCTK_REAL *f, CCTK_REAL *df, CCTK_INT n, CCTK_REAL gammaeos);
+static CCTK_REAL eos_info(CCTK_REAL W, CCTK_REAL vsq, CCTK_REAL *dpdw, CCTK_REAL *dpdvsq, CCTK_REAL gammaeos);
+/* pressure as a function of rho0 and u */
+static CCTK_REAL pressure_rho0_u(CCTK_REAL rho0, CCTK_REAL u, CCTK_REAL gammaeos)
+ return((gammaeos - 1.)*u) ;
+/* Pressure as a function of rho0 and w = rho0 + u + p */
+static CCTK_REAL pressure_rho0_w(CCTK_REAL rho0, CCTK_REAL w, CCTK_REAL gammaeos)
+ return((gammaeos-1.)*(w - rho0)/gammaeos) ;
+void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(GRHydro_Con2PrimM_Polytype_pt) (
+ CCTK_INT *handle, CCTK_REAL *gamma_eos,
+ CCTK_REAL *dens_in,
+ CCTK_REAL *sx_in, CCTK_REAL *sy_in, CCTK_REAL *sz_in,
+ CCTK_REAL *sc_in,
+ CCTK_REAL *rho,
+ CCTK_REAL *velx, CCTK_REAL *vely, CCTK_REAL *velz,
+ CCTK_REAL *epsilon, CCTK_REAL *pressure,
+ CCTK_REAL *w_lorentz,
+ CCTK_REAL *gxx, CCTK_REAL *gxy, CCTK_REAL *gxz,
+ CCTK_REAL *gyy, CCTK_REAL *gyz, CCTK_REAL *gzz,
+ CCTK_REAL *uxx, CCTK_REAL *uxy, CCTK_REAL *uxz,
+ CCTK_REAL *uyy, CCTK_REAL *uyz, CCTK_REAL *uzz,
+ CCTK_REAL *det,
+ CCTK_REAL *bsq,
+ CCTK_INT *epsnegative,
+ CCTK_REAL *retval);
+ Con2PrimM_Polytype_pt():
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Attempts an inversion from GRMHD conserved variables to primitive variables assuming a guess.
+ -- Uses the 2D method of Noble et al. (2006):
+ -- Solves for two independent variables (W,v^2) via a 2D
+ Newton-Raphson method
+ -- Can be used (in principle) with a general equation of state.
+ -- Minimizes two residual functions using a homemade Newton-Raphson routine.
+ -- It is homemade so that it can catch exceptions and handle them correctly, plus it is
+ optimized for this particular problem.
+ -- Note that the notation used herein is that of Noble et al. (2006) except for the argument
+ list.
+INPUT: (using GRHydro variable defintions)
+ s[x,y,z] = scons[0,1,2] = \alpha \sqrt(\gamma) T^0_i
+ dens = as defined in GRHydro and are assumed to be densitized (i.e. with sqrt(\gamma))
+ dens = D = \sqrt(\gamma) W \rho
+ sc_in = K D, where K is the polytropic constant
+ g[x,y,z][x,y,x] = spatial metric corresponding to \gamma
+ u[x,y,z][x,y,z] = inverse of the spatial metric, g[x,y,z][x,y,x]
+ det = sqrt(\gamma)
+ B[x,y,z] = Bvec[0,1,2]
+ bsq = b^\mu b_\mu
+ epsnegative = (integer)
+ = 0 if rho and epsilon are positive
+ != 0 otherwise
+ -- (users should set B[x,y,z] = 0 for hydrodynamic runs)
+OUTPUT: (using GRHydro variable defintions)
+ rho, eps = as defined in GRHydro, primitive variables
+ vel[x,y,z] = as defined in GRHydro, primitive variables
+RETURN VALUE: of retval = (i*100 + j) where
+ i = 0 -> Newton-Raphson solver either was not called (yet or not used)
+ or returned successfully;
+ 1 -> Newton-Raphson solver did not converge to a solution with the
+ given tolerances;
+ 2 -> Newton-Raphson procedure encountered a numerical divergence
+ (occurrence of "nan" or "+/-inf" ;
+ j = 0 -> success
+ 1 -> failure: some sort of failure in Newton-Raphson;
+ 2 -> failure: unphysical vsq = v^2 value at initial guess;
+ 3 -> failure: W<0 or W>W_TOO_BIG
+ 4 -> failure: v^2 > 1
+ ( used to be 5 -> failure: rho,uu <= 0 but now sets epsnegative to non-zero )
+void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(GRHydro_Con2PrimM_Polytype_pt) (
+ CCTK_INT *handle, CCTK_REAL *gamma_eos,
+ CCTK_REAL *dens_in,
+ CCTK_REAL *sx_in, CCTK_REAL *sy_in, CCTK_REAL *sz_in,
+ CCTK_REAL *sc_in,
+ CCTK_REAL *rho,
+ CCTK_REAL *velx, CCTK_REAL *vely, CCTK_REAL *velz,
+ CCTK_REAL *epsilon, CCTK_REAL *pressure,
+ CCTK_REAL *w_lorentz,
+ CCTK_REAL *gxx, CCTK_REAL *gxy, CCTK_REAL *gxz,
+ CCTK_REAL *gyy, CCTK_REAL *gyz, CCTK_REAL *gzz,
+ CCTK_REAL *uxx, CCTK_REAL *uxy, CCTK_REAL *uxz,
+ CCTK_REAL *uyy, CCTK_REAL *uyz, CCTK_REAL *uzz,
+ CCTK_REAL *det,
+ CCTK_REAL *bsq,
+ CCTK_INT *epsnegative,
+ CCTK_REAL *retval)
+ CCTK_REAL x_1d[1];
+ CCTK_REAL sx, sy, sz;
+ CCTK_REAL usx, usy, usz;
+ CCTK_REAL dens, gammaeos;
+ CCTK_REAL QdotB,utsq,gamma_sq;
+ CCTK_REAL rho0,u,p,w,gammasq,gamma,gtmp,W_last,W,vsq;
+ CCTK_REAL g_o_WBsq, QdB_o_W;
+ CCTK_REAL rho_g, x_rho[1];
+ CCTK_REAL detg = (*det);
+ CCTK_REAL sqrt_detg = sqrt(detg);
+ CCTK_REAL inv_sqrt_detg = 1./sqrt_detg;
+ CCTK_INT i,j, i_increase,ntries ;
+ /* Assume ok initially: */
+ *retval = 0.;
+ *epsnegative = 0;
+ gammaeos = *gamma_eos;
+ fprintf(stdout," *dens = %26.16e \n", *dens_in );
+ fprintf(stdout," *sx = %26.16e \n", *sx_in );
+ fprintf(stdout," *sy = %26.16e \n", *sy_in );
+ fprintf(stdout," *sz = %26.16e \n", *sz_in );
+ fprintf(stdout," *Sc = %26.16e \n", *sc_in );
+ fprintf(stdout," *rho = %26.16e \n", *rho );
+ fprintf(stdout," *velx = %26.16e \n", *velx );
+ fprintf(stdout," *vely = %26.16e \n", *vely );
+ fprintf(stdout," *velz = %26.16e \n", *velz );
+ fprintf(stdout," *epsilon = %26.16e \n", *epsilon );
+ fprintf(stdout," *pressure = %26.16e \n", *pressure );
+ fprintf(stdout," *w_lorentz = %26.16e \n", *w_lorentz );
+ fprintf(stdout," *gxx = %26.16e \n", *gxx );
+ fprintf(stdout," *gxy = %26.16e \n", *gxy );
+ fprintf(stdout," *gxz = %26.16e \n", *gxz );
+ fprintf(stdout," *gyy = %26.16e \n", *gyy );
+ fprintf(stdout," *gyz = %26.16e \n", *gyz );
+ fprintf(stdout," *gzz = %26.16e \n", *gzz );
+ fprintf(stdout," *uxx = %26.16e \n", *uxx );
+ fprintf(stdout," *uxy = %26.16e \n", *uxy );
+ fprintf(stdout," *uxz = %26.16e \n", *uxz );
+ fprintf(stdout," *uyy = %26.16e \n", *uyy );
+ fprintf(stdout," *uyz = %26.16e \n", *uyz );
+ fprintf(stdout," *uzz = %26.16e \n", *uzz );
+ fprintf(stdout," *det = %26.16e \n", *det );
+ fprintf(stdout," *Bx = %26.16e \n", *Bx );
+ fprintf(stdout," *By = %26.16e \n", *By );
+ fprintf(stdout," *Bz = %26.16e \n", *Bz );
+ fprintf(stdout," *bsq = %26.16e \n", *bsq );
+ fprintf(stdout," *epsnegative = %10d \n", *epsnegative );
+ fprintf(stdout," *retval = %26.16e \n", *retval );
+ fflush(stdout);
+ /* First undensitize all conserved variables : */
+ sx = ( *sx_in) * inv_sqrt_detg;
+ sy = ( *sy_in) * inv_sqrt_detg;
+ sz = ( *sz_in) * inv_sqrt_detg;
+ dens = (*dens_in) * inv_sqrt_detg;
+ usx = (*uxx)*sx + (*uxy)*sy + (*uxz)*sz;
+ usy = (*uxy)*sx + (*uyy)*sy + (*uyz)*sz;
+ usz = (*uxz)*sx + (*uyz)*sy + (*uzz)*sz;
+ // Calculate various scalars (Q.B, Q^2, etc) from the conserved variables:
+ Bsq =
+ (*gxx) * (*Bx) * (*Bx) +
+ (*gyy) * (*By) * (*By) +
+ (*gzz) * (*Bz) * (*Bz) +
+ 2*(
+ (*gxy) * (*Bx) * (*By) +
+ (*gxz) * (*Bx) * (*Bz) +
+ (*gyz) * (*By) * (*Bz) );
+ QdotB = (sx * (*Bx) + sy * (*By) + sz * (*Bz)) ;
+ QdotBsq = QdotB*QdotB ;
+ Qtsq = (usx * sx + usy * sy + usz * sz) ;
+ D = dens;
+ half_Bsq = 0.5*Bsq;
+ t2 = D*D;
+ t4 = QdotBsq*t2;
+ t7 = Bsq*Bsq;
+ t24 = 1/t2;
+ two_Bsq = Bsq + Bsq;
+ t300 = QdotBsq*Bsq*t2;
+ t400 = Qtsq*t2;
+ s200 = D*gammaeos*(*sc_in);
+ CCTK_REAL g_o_gm1 = (gammaeos/(gammaeos-1.));
+ s100 = g_o_gm1*(*sc_in);
+ /* calculate W from last timestep and use for guess */
+ vsq =
+ (*gxx) * (*velx) * (*velx) +
+ (*gyy) * (*vely) * (*vely) +
+ (*gzz) * (*velz) * (*velz) +
+ 2*(
+ (*gxy) * (*velx) * (*vely) +
+ (*gxz) * (*velx) * (*velz) +
+ (*gyz) * (*vely) * (*velz) );
+ if( (vsq < 0.) && (fabs(vsq) < 1.0e-13) ) {
+ vsq = fabs(vsq);
+ }
+ if(vsq < 0. || vsq > 1. ) {
+ *retval = 2.;
+ return;
+ }
+ gammasq = 1. / (1. - vsq);
+ gamma = sqrt(gammasq);
+ // Always calculate rho from D and gamma so that using D in EOS remains consistent
+ // i.e. you don't get positive values for dP/d(vsq) .
+ rho0 = D / gamma ;
+ CCTK_REAL gm1 = gammaeos-1.;
+ rho_gm1 = pow(rho0,gm1);
+ p = (*sc_in) * rho_gm1 / gamma;
+ u = p / gm1;
+ w = rho0 + u + p ;
+ W_last = w*gammasq ;
+ // Make sure that W is large enough so that v^2 < 1 :
+ i_increase = 0;
+ while( (( W_last*W_last*W_last * ( W_last + 2.*Bsq )
+ - QdotBsq*(2.*W_last + Bsq) ) <= W_last*W_last*(Qtsq-Bsq*Bsq))
+ && (i_increase < 10) ) {
+ W_last *= 10.;
+ i_increase++;
+ }
+ W_for_gnr2 = W_for_gnr2_old = W_last;
+ rho_for_gnr2 = rho_for_gnr2_old = rho0;
+ // Calculate W:
+ x_1d[0] = W_last;
+ *retval = 1.0*oned_newton_raphson( x_1d, 1, gammaeos, func_W ) ;
+ W = x_1d[0];
+ /* Problem with solver, so return denoting error before doing anything further */
+ if( ((*retval) != 0.) || (W == FAIL_VAL) ) {
+ *retval = *retval*100.+1.;
+ return;
+ }
+ else{
+ if(W <= 0. || W > W_TOO_BIG) {
+ *retval = 3.;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ rho_g = x_rho[0] = rho_for_gnr2;
+ ntries = 0;
+ while ( (*retval = gnr2( x_rho, 1, gammaeos, func_rho)) && ( ntries++ < 10 ) ) {
+ rho_g *= 10.;
+ x_rho[0] = rho_g;
+ }
+ rho_for_gnr2 = x_rho[0];
+ if( (*retval != 0) ) {
+ *retval = 10;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Calculate v^2 :
+ rho0 = rho_for_gnr2;
+ rho_gm1 = pow(rho0,gm1);
+ utsq = (D-rho0)*(D+rho0)/(rho0*rho0);
+ gamma_sq = 1.+utsq;
+ gamma = sqrt(gamma_sq);
+ // Calculate v^2:
+ if( vsq >= 1. ) {
+ *retval = 4.;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Recover the primitive variables from the scalars and conserved variables:
+ w = W / gamma_sq;
+ // printf("doublecheck - S, rho, gamma: %e %e %e\n",*sc_in, rho_gm1,gamma);
+ p = (*sc_in) * rho_gm1 / gamma;
+ u = p / gm1;
+ // User may want to handle this case differently, e.g. do NOT return upon
+ // a negative rho/u, calculate v^i so that rho/u can be floored by other routine:
+ if( (rho0 <= 0.) || (u <= 0.) ) {
+ *epsnegative = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ *rho = rho0;
+ *epsilon = u / rho0;
+ *w_lorentz = gamma;
+ *pressure = p ;
+ g_o_WBsq = 1./(W+Bsq);
+ QdB_o_W = QdotB / W;
+ *bsq = Bsq * (1.-vsq) + QdB_o_W*QdB_o_W;
+ *velx = g_o_WBsq * ( usx + QdB_o_W*(*Bx) ) ;
+ *vely = g_o_WBsq * ( usy + QdB_o_W*(*By) ) ;
+ *velz = g_o_WBsq * ( usz + QdB_o_W*(*Bz) ) ;
+ fprintf(stdout,"rho = %26.16e \n",*rho );
+ fprintf(stdout,"epsilon = %26.16e \n",*epsilon );
+ fprintf(stdout,"pressure = %26.16e \n",*pressure );
+ fprintf(stdout,"w_lorentz = %26.16e \n",*w_lorentz);
+ fprintf(stdout,"bsq = %26.16e \n",*bsq );
+ fprintf(stdout,"velx = %26.16e \n",*velx );
+ fprintf(stdout,"vely = %26.16e \n",*vely );
+ fprintf(stdout,"velz = %26.16e \n",*velz );
+ fprintf(stdout,"gam = %26.16e \n",gammaeos );
+ fflush(stdout);
+ /* done! */
+ return;
+ vsq_calc():
+ -- evaluate v^2 (spatial, normalized velocity) from
+ W = \gamma^2 w
+static CCTK_REAL vsq_calc(CCTK_REAL W)
+ CCTK_REAL Wsq,Xsq,Bsq_W;
+ Wsq = W*W ;
+ Bsq_W = (Bsq + W);
+ Xsq = Bsq_W * Bsq_W;
+ return( ( Wsq * Qtsq + QdotBsq * (Bsq_W + W)) / (Wsq*Xsq) );
+ x1_of_x0():
+ -- calculates v^2 from W with some physical bounds checking;
+ -- asumes x0 is already physical
+ -- makes v^2 physical if not;
+static CCTK_REAL x1_of_x0(CCTK_REAL x0 )
+ CCTK_REAL x1,vsq;
+ CCTK_REAL dv = 1.e-15;
+ vsq = fabs(vsq_calc(x0)) ; // guaranteed to be positive
+ return( ( vsq > 1. ) ? (1.0 - dv) : vsq );
+ validate_x():
+ -- makes sure that x[0,1] have physical values, based upon
+ their definitions:
+static void validate_x(CCTK_REAL x[2], CCTK_REAL x0[2] )
+ const CCTK_REAL dv = 1.e-15;
+ /* Always take the absolute value of x[0] and check to see if it's too big: */
+ x[0] = fabs(x[0]);
+ x[0] = (x[0] > W_TOO_BIG) ? x0[0] : x[0];
+ x[1] = (x[1] < 0.) ? 0. : x[1]; /* if it's too small */
+ x[1] = (x[1] > 1.) ? (1. - dv) : x[1]; /* if it's too big */
+ return;
+ oned_newton_raphson():
+ -- performs Newton-Rapshon method on an 2d system.
+ -- inspired in part by Num. Rec.'s routine newt();
+static CCTK_INT oned_newton_raphson( CCTK_REAL x[], CCTK_INT n, CCTK_REAL gammaeos,
+ void (*funcd) (CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [],
+ CCTK_REAL f, df, dx[1], x_old[1], resid[1],
+ jac[1][1];
+ CCTK_REAL errx, x_orig[1];
+ CCTK_INT n_iter, id, jd, i_extra, doing_extra;
+ CCTK_REAL dW,W,W_old;
+ CCTK_INT keep_iterating, i_increase;
+ // Initialize various parameters and variables:
+ errx = 1. ;
+ df = f = 1.;
+ i_extra = doing_extra = 0;
+ //-fast for( id = 0; id < n ; id++) x_old[id] = x_orig[id] = x[id] ;
+ x_old[0] = x_orig[0] = x[0] ;
+ W = W_old = 0.;
+ n_iter = 0;
+ /* Start the Newton-Raphson iterations : */
+ keep_iterating = 1;
+ while( keep_iterating ) {
+ (*funcd) (x, dx, resid, jac, &f, &df, n, gammaeos); /* returns with new dx, f, df */
+ /* Save old values before calculating the new: */
+ errx = 0.;
+ //-fast for( id = 0; id < n ; id++) { x_old[id] = x[id] ; }
+ x_old[0] = x[0] ;
+ /* don't use line search : */
+ //-fast for( id = 0; id < n ; id++) { x[id] += dx[id] ; }
+ x[0] += dx[0] ;
+// //METHOD specific:
+// i_increase = 0;
+// while( (( x[0]*x[0]*x[0] * ( x[0] + 2.*Bsq ) -
+// QdotBsq*(2.*x[0] + Bsq) ) <= x[0]*x[0]*(Qtsq-Bsq*Bsq))
+// && (i_increase < 10) ) {
+// x[0] -= (1.*i_increase) * dx[0] / 10. ;
+// i_increase++;
+// }
+ /****************************************/
+ /* Calculate the convergence criterion */
+ /****************************************/
+ /* For the new criterion, always look at error in "W" : */
+ // METHOD specific:
+ errx = (x[0]==0.) ? fabs(dx[0]) : fabs(dx[0]/x[0]);
+ /****************************************/
+ /* Make sure that the new x[] is physical : */
+ /****************************************/
+ x[0] = fabs(x[0]);
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ /* If we've reached the tolerance level, then just do a few extra iterations */
+ /* before stopping */
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+ if( (fabs(errx) <= NEWT_TOL) && (doing_extra == 0) && (EXTRA_NEWT_ITER > 0) ) {
+ doing_extra = 1;
+ }
+ if( doing_extra == 1 ) i_extra++ ;
+ if( ((fabs(errx) <= NEWT_TOL)&&(doing_extra == 0)) ||
+ (i_extra > EXTRA_NEWT_ITER) || (n_iter >= (MAX_NEWT_ITER-1)) ) {
+ keep_iterating = 0;
+ }
+ n_iter++;
+ } // END of while(keep_iterating)
+ /* Check for bad untrapped divergences : */
+ if( (!finite(f)) || (!finite(df)) || (!finite(x[0])) ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\ngnr not finite, f,df,x_o,x,W_o,W,rho_o,rho = %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e \n",
+ f,df,x[0],x_old[0],W_for_gnr2_old,W_for_gnr2,rho_for_gnr2_old,rho_for_gnr2); fflush(stderr);
+ return(2);
+ }
+ if( fabs(errx) <= NEWT_TOL ){
+ return(0);
+ }
+ else if( (fabs(errx) <= MIN_NEWT_TOL) && (fabs(errx) > NEWT_TOL) ){
+ return(0);
+ }
+ else {
+ return(1);
+ }
+ return(0);
+ func_W()
+ -- calculates the residuals, and Newton step for general_newton_raphson();
+ -- for this method, x=W here;
+ Arguments:
+ x = current value of independent var's (on input & output);
+ dx = Newton-Raphson step (on output);
+ resid = residuals based on x (on output);
+ jac = Jacobian matrix based on x (on output);
+ f = resid.resid/2 (on output)
+ df = -2*f; (on output)
+ n = dimension of x[];
+ *********************************************************************************/
+static void func_W(CCTK_REAL x[], CCTK_REAL dx[], CCTK_REAL resid[],
+ CCTK_REAL jac[][1], CCTK_REAL *f, CCTK_REAL *df, CCTK_INT n, CCTK_REAL gammaeos)
+ CCTK_INT retval, ntries;
+ CCTK_REAL W, x_rho[1], rho, rho_g ;
+ CCTK_REAL t15, t200,t1000 ;
+ W = x[0];
+ W_for_gnr2_old = W_for_gnr2;
+ W_for_gnr2 = W;
+ // get rho from NR:
+ rho_g = x_rho[0] = rho_for_gnr2;
+ ntries = 0;
+ while ( (retval = gnr2( x_rho, 1, gammaeos, func_rho)) && ( ntries++ < 10 ) ) {
+ rho_g *= 10.;
+ x_rho[0] = rho_g;
+ }
+ if( x_rho[0] <= 0. ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gnr2 neg rho = %d ,rho_n,rho,rho_o,W,W_o = %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e \n", retval, x_rho[0], rho_for_gnr2, rho_for_gnr2_old, x[0], W_for_gnr2_old);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ }
+ if( retval ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"gnr2 retval = %d ,rho_n,rho,rho_o,W,W_o = %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e \n", retval, x_rho[0], rho_for_gnr2, rho_for_gnr2_old, x[0], W_for_gnr2_old);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ }
+ rho_for_gnr2_old = rho_for_gnr2;
+ rho = rho_for_gnr2 = x_rho[0];
+ CCTK_REAL gm1 = gammaeos-1.;
+ rho_gm1 = pow(rho,gm1);
+ drho_dW = -rho*rho/( -rho_gm1*s200 + W*rho);
+ // t6 = rho*rho;
+ // t100 = (D-rho)*(D+rho); // t2 - t6;
+ t15 = -(D-rho)*(D+rho); // t6-t2
+ t200 = W + two_Bsq;
+ t1000 = rho*drho_dW;
+ resid[0] = (t300+(t4+t4+(t400+t15*(t7+(t200)*W))*W)*W)*t24;
+ jac[0][0] = 2*(t4+(t400+t15*t7+(3.0*t15*Bsq+t7*t1000+(t15+t15+t1000*(t200))*W)*W)*W)*t24;
+ dx[0] = -resid[0]/jac[0][0];
+ *df = - resid[0]*resid[0];
+ *f = -0.5*(*df);
+// fprintf(stdout,"QdotBsq = %28.18e ; \n",QdotBsq );
+// fprintf(stdout,"Sc = %28.18e ; \n",Sc );
+// fprintf(stdout,"Bsq = %28.18e ; \n",Bsq );
+// fprintf(stdout,"Qtsq = %28.18e ; \n",Qtsq );
+// fprintf(stdout,"Dc = %28.18e ; \n",D );
+// fprintf(stdout,"drhodW = %28.18e ; \n",drho_dW );
+// fprintf(stdout,"W = %28.18e ; \n",W );
+// fprintf(stdout,"rho = %28.18e ; \n",rho );
+// fprintf(stdout,"resid_W = %28.18e ; \n",resid[0] );
+// fprintf(stdout,"jac_W = %28.18e ; \n",jac[0][0]);
+// fprintf(stdout,"deriv1 %g %g %g %g \n",W,resid[0],jac[0][0],dx[0]);
+ return;
+ gnr2()
+ -- used to calculate rho from W
+static CCTK_INT gnr2( CCTK_REAL x[], CCTK_INT n, CCTK_REAL gammaeos,
+ void (*funcd) (CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [], CCTK_REAL [],
+ CCTK_REAL f, df, dx[1], x_old[1], resid[1],
+ jac[1][1];
+ CCTK_REAL errx, x_orig[1];
+ CCTK_INT n_iter, id,jd, i_extra, doing_extra;
+ CCTK_REAL dW,W,W_old;
+ CCTK_INT keep_iterating;
+ // Initialize various parameters and variables:
+ errx = 1. ;
+ df = f = 1.;
+ i_extra = doing_extra = 0;
+ //-fast for( id = 0; id < n ; id++) x_old[id] = x_orig[id] = x[id] ;
+ x_old[0] = x_orig[0] = x[0] ;
+ n_iter = 0;
+ /* Start the Newton-Raphson iterations : */
+ keep_iterating = 1;
+ while( keep_iterating ) {
+ (*funcd) (x, dx, resid, jac, &f, &df, n,gammaeos); /* returns with new dx, f, df */
+ /* Save old values before calculating the new: */
+ //-fast errx = 0.;
+ //-fast for( id = 0; id < n ; id++) { x_old[id] = x[id] ; }
+ x_old[0] = x[0] ;
+ /* Make the newton step: */
+ //-fast for( id = 0; id < n ; id++) { x[id] += dx[id] ; }
+ x[0] += dx[0] ;
+ /* Calculate the convergence criterion */
+ //-fast for( id = 0; id < n ; id++) { errx += (x[id]==0.) ? fabs(dx[id]) : fabs(dx[id]/x[id]); }
+ //-fast errx /= 1.*n;
+ errx = (x[0]==0.) ? fabs(dx[0]) : fabs(dx[0]/x[0]);
+ /* Make sure that the new x[] is physical : */
+ // METHOD specific:
+ x[0] = fabs(x[0]);
+ /* If we've reached the tolerance level, then just do a few extra iterations */
+ /* before stopping */
+ if( (fabs(errx) <= NEWT_TOL2) && (doing_extra == 0) && (EXTRA_NEWT_ITER > 0) ) {
+ doing_extra = 0;
+ }
+ if( doing_extra == 1 ) i_extra++ ;
+ // See if we've done the extra iterations, or have done too many iterations:
+ if( ((fabs(errx) <= NEWT_TOL2)&&(doing_extra == 0)) ||
+ (i_extra > EXTRA_NEWT_ITER) || (n_iter >= (MAX_NEWT_ITER-1)) ) {
+ keep_iterating = 0;
+ }
+ n_iter++;
+ }
+ /* Check for bad untrapped divergences : */
+ if( (!finite(f)) || (!finite(df)) || (!finite(x[0])) ) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"\ngnr2 not finite, f,df,x_o,x,W_o,W,rho_o,rho = %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e %26.20e \n",
+ f,df,x[0],x_old[0],W_for_gnr2_old,W_for_gnr2,rho_for_gnr2_old,rho_for_gnr2); fflush(stderr);
+ return(2);
+ }
+ // Return in different ways depending on whether a solution was found:
+ if( fabs(errx) <= NEWT_TOL ){
+ return(0);
+ }
+ else if( (fabs(errx) <= MIN_NEWT_TOL) && (fabs(errx) > NEWT_TOL) ){
+ return(0);
+ }
+ else {
+ return(1);
+ }
+ return(0);
+ func_rho():
+ -- residual/jacobian routine to calculate rho from W via the polytrope:
+ W = ( 1 + GAMMA * K_atm * rho^(GAMMA-1)/(GAMMA-1) ) D^2 / rho
+ Arguments:
+ x = current value of independent var's (on input & output);
+ dx = Newton-Raphson step (on output);
+ resid = residuals based on x (on output);
+ jac = Jacobian matrix based on x (on output);
+ f = resid.resid/2 (on output)
+ df = -2*f; (on output)
+ n = dimension of x[];
+ *********************************************************************************/
+// for the isentropic version: eq. (27)
+static void func_rho(CCTK_REAL x[], CCTK_REAL dx[], CCTK_REAL resid[],
+ CCTK_REAL jac[][1], CCTK_REAL *f, CCTK_REAL *df, CCTK_INT n, CCTK_REAL gammaeos)
+ CCTK_REAL A, B, C, rho, W, B0;
+ CCTK_REAL t40,t14;
+ CCTK_REAL gm1 = gammaeos-1.;
+ rho = x[0];
+ W = W_for_gnr2;
+ rho_gm1 = t40 = pow(rho,gm1);
+ resid[0] = (rho*W+(-t40*s100-D)*D);
+ t14 = t40/rho; // rho^(g-2)
+ jac[0][0] = -t14*s200 + W;
+ // drho_dW = -rho/jac[0][0];
+ dx[0] = -resid[0]/jac[0][0];
+ *df = - resid[0]*resid[0];
+ *f = -0.5*(*df);
+ // fprintf(stdout,"deriv3 %g %g %g %g %g \n",rho,W,resid[0],jac[0][0],dx[0]);
+// fprintf(stdout,"Dc := %28.18e ; \n",D);
+// fprintf(stdout,"Sc := %28.18e ; \n",Sc);
+// fprintf(stdout,"rho := %28.18e ; \n",rho);
+// fprintf(stdout,"W := %28.18e ; \n",W);
+// fprintf(stdout,"resid_rho := %28.18e ; \n",resid[0] );
+// fprintf(stdout,"jac_rho := %28.18e ; \n",jac[0][0] );
+ return;
+ **********************************************************************
+ The following routines specify the equation of state. All routines
+ above here should be indpendent of EOS. If the user wishes
+ to use another equation of state, the below functions must be replaced
+ by equivalent routines based upon the new EOS.
+ **********************************************************************
+ eos_info():
+ -- returns with all the EOS-related values needed;
+ **********************************************************************/
+static CCTK_REAL eos_info(CCTK_REAL W, CCTK_REAL vsq, CCTK_REAL *dpdw, CCTK_REAL *dpdvsq, CCTK_REAL gammaeos)
+ register double ftmp,gtmp;
+ ftmp = 1. - vsq;
+ gtmp = sqrt(ftmp);
+ CCTK_REAL gam_m1_o_gam = (gammaeos-1.)/gammaeos;
+ *dpdw = gam_m1_o_gam * ftmp ;
+ *dpdvsq = gam_m1_o_gam * ( 0.5 * D/gtmp - W ) ;
+ return( gam_m1_o_gam * ( W * ftmp - D * gtmp ) ); // p
+ ******************************************************************************/
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