[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] manifest/trunk/ (Rev. 42)

schnetter at cct.lsu.edu schnetter at cct.lsu.edu
Mon Nov 8 13:26:39 CST 2010

User: eschnett
Date: 2010/11/08 01:26 PM


 Correct IH citation

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: einsteintoolkit.bib
Delta lines: +26 -12
--- trunk/einsteintoolkit.bib	2010-11-08 18:20:05 UTC (rev 41)
+++ trunk/einsteintoolkit.bib	2010-11-08 19:26:39 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -126,6 +126,22 @@
   SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC/0512001;%%"
+ at Article{Dreyer:2002mx,
+  required-for = "LSUThorns/QuasiLocalMeasures",
+  author =       "Dreyer, Olaf and Krishnan, Badri and Shoemaker,
+                  Deirdre and Schnetter, Erik",
+  title =        "{Introduction to Isolated Horizons in Numerical
+                  Relativity}",
+  journal =      "Phys. Rev. D",
+  volume =       67,
+  year =         2003,
+  pages =        024018,
+  eprint =       "gr-qc/0206008",
+  archivePrefix ="arXiv",
+  doi =          "10.1103/PhysRevD.67.024018",
+  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC/0206008;%%"
   suggested-for ="EinsteinEvolve/GRHydro",
   author =       "Giacomazzo, Bruno and Rezzolla, Luciano",
@@ -222,20 +238,18 @@
   SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC/0310042;%%"
- at Article{Schnetter:2006yt,
-  required-for = "LSUThorns/QuasiLocalMeasures",
-  author =       "Schnetter, Erik and Krishnan, Badri and Beyer,
-                  Florian",
-  title =        "{Introduction to dynamical horizons in numerical
-                  relativity}",
+ at Article{Thornburg:1995cp,
+  suggested-for ="EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect",
+  author =       "Thornburg, Jonathan",
+  title =        "{Finding apparent horizons in numerical relativity}",
   journal =      "Phys. Rev. D",
-  volume =       74,
-  year =         2006,
-  pages =        024028,
-  eprint =       "gr-qc/0604015",
+  volume =       54,
+  year =         1996,
+  pages =        "4899-4918",
+  eprint =       "gr-qc/9508014",
   archivePrefix ="arXiv",
-  doi =          "10.1103/PhysRevD.74.024028",
-  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC/0604015;%%"
+  doi =          "10.1103/PhysRevD.54.4899",
+  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC/9508014;%%"

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