[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/src/ (Rev. 154)

knarf at cct.lsu.edu knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Wed Sep 15 08:32:42 CDT 2010

User: knarf
Date: 2010/09/15 08:32 AM


 tabs to spaces

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/

File [modified]: GRHydro_Minima.cc
Delta lines: +36 -36
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_Minima.cc	2010-09-08 19:04:46 UTC (rev 153)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_Minima.cc	2010-09-15 13:32:42 UTC (rev 154)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
         After initial data, set up the scalar GRHydro_rho_min used for checking the atmosphere.
         This is computed taking into account the actual maximum rest-mass density on the grid.
-	Version for Carpet.
+        Version for Carpet.
@@ -62,41 +62,41 @@
   if (flag) // Actually run this reduction only the first time the routine is called.
       if (rho_abs_min > 0.0)
-	{
-	  *GRHydro_rho_min = rho_abs_min;
-	}
+        {
+          *GRHydro_rho_min = rho_abs_min;
+        }
-	{	  
-	  // Go to global mode
+        {          
+          // Go to global mode
+          BEGIN_GLOBAL_MODE (cctkGH) {
             // Find the global maximum of rho
             const int Reduction_Handle = CCTK_ReductionHandle ("maximum");
             const CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices= {CCTK_VarIndex("HydroBase::rho")};
             const int ierr = CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH,
-					 -1, // target processors; -1 -> all
-					 Reduction_Handle,
-					 1,  // number of output variables
-					 &max_rho,
-					 1,  // number of variables to be reduced
-					 input_array_variable_indices);
+                                         -1, // target processors; -1 -> all
+                                         Reduction_Handle,
+                                         1,  // number of output variables
+                                         CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,
+                                         &max_rho,
+                                         1,  // number of variables to be reduced
+                                         input_array_variable_indices);
             if (ierr != 0)
-	      {
-		CCTK_WARN(0, "Failed to compute the global maximum of rho");
-	      }
+              {
+                CCTK_WARN(0, "Failed to compute the global maximum of rho");
+              }
             *GRHydro_rho_min = max_rho * rho_rel_min;
             // Go back to local mode
-	}
+          } END_GLOBAL_MODE;
+        }
       // After this has run once, set the flag so that this does not run again
       flag = false;
     } // end if (flag)
@@ -152,22 +152,22 @@
       // Find the global maximum of rho
       const int Reduction_Handle = CCTK_ReductionHandle("maximum");
       const CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices={CCTK_VarIndex("HydroBase::rho")};
       const int ierr = CCTK_Reduce(cctkGH,
-			 -1, // target processors; -1 -> all
-			 Reduction_Handle,
-			 1,  // number of output variables   
-			 &max_rho,
-			 1,  // number of variables to be reduced
-			 input_array_variable_indices);
+                         -1, // target processors; -1 -> all
+                         Reduction_Handle,
+                         1,  // number of output variables   
+                         CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL,
+                         &max_rho,
+                         1,  // number of variables to be reduced
+                         input_array_variable_indices);
       if (ierr != 0)
-	{
-	  CCTK_WARN(0, "Failed to compute the global maximum of rho");
-	}
+        {
+          CCTK_WARN(0, "Failed to compute the global maximum of rho");
+        }
       *GRHydro_rho_min = max_rho * rho_rel_min;     

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