[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] manifest/trunk/ (Rev. 81)

tanja.bode at physics.gatech.edu tanja.bode at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Apr 11 17:20:08 CDT 2011

User: tbode
Date: 2011/04/11 05:20 PM


 Add useful ET analysis tool references

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: einsteintoolkit.bib
Delta lines: +83 -0
--- trunk/einsteintoolkit.bib	2011-03-30 17:16:56 UTC (rev 80)
+++ trunk/einsteintoolkit.bib	2011-04-11 22:20:08 UTC (rev 81)
@@ -62,6 +62,19 @@
      SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC/0411137;%%"
+ at Article{Anninos98b,
+  key =          {Anninos98b},
+  author =       {Peter Anninos and Karen Camarda and Joseph Libson and
+                  Joan Mass{\'o} and E. Seidel and W.-M. Suen},
+  title =        {Finding Apparent Horizons in Dynamic {3D} Numerical
+                  Spacetimes},
+  journal =      {Phys. Rev. D},
+  year =         1998,
+  volume =       58,
+  pages =        {024003},
+  doi   =        {10.1103/PhysRevD.58.024003},
      requested-for ="EinsteinInitialData/TwoPunctures",
      author =       "Ansorg, Marcus and Br{\"u}gmann, Bernd and Tichy,
@@ -114,6 +127,19 @@
      SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC/0403029;%%"
+ at Article{Baker:2001sf,
+     author    = "Baker, John and Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O.",
+     title     = "The {L}azarus project: A pragmatic approach to binary black
+                  hole  evolutions",
+     journal   = "Phys. Rev. D",
+     volume    = "65",
+     year      = "2002",
+     pages     = "044001",
+     archive   = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
+     eprint    = "gr-qc/0104063",
+     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0104063;%%",
   author =       {John G. Baker and Joan Centrella and Dae-Il Choi and
                   Michael Koppitz and James van Meter},
@@ -243,6 +269,17 @@
      SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = 0711.1097;%%"
+ at Article{Bowen80,
+        X-author = "Jeffrey M. Bowen and James W. York",
+        author = "Bowen, Jeffrey M. and York, James W.",
+        title = "Time-Asymmetric Initial Data for Black Holes
+                 and Black Hole Collisions",
+        journal = "Phys. Rev. D",
+        volume = 21, number = 8,
+        pages = "2047--2056",
+        year = 1980, X-month = "FIXME",
      author    = "Brill, Dieter R.",
      title     = "{On the positive definite mass of the Bondi-Weber-Wheeler
@@ -597,6 +634,18 @@
      SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = 0706.4286;%%"
+ at Article{Gundlach97a,
+        key     = {Gundlach97a},
+        author  = {Carsten Gundlach},
+        title   = {Pseudo-spectral apparent horizon finders: An efficient new
+                   algorithm},
+        journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+        volume  = {57},
+        year    = {1998},
+        eprint  = {gr-qc/9707050},
+        pages   = {863-875}
 ##H ############################################################################
@@ -772,6 +821,18 @@
      url =          {http://www.cct.lsu.edu/~eschnett/McLachlan/},
+ at Article{Moncrief74,
+        key     = {Moncrief74},
+        author  = {V. Moncrief},
+        title   = {Gravitational Perturbations of Spherically
+                  Symmetric Systems. {I}. The Exterior Problem},
+        journal = {Annals of Physics},
+        address = {New York},
+        volume  = 88,
+        year    = 1974,
+        pages   = {323-342}
 ##N ############################################################################
 ##O ############################################################################
 ##P ############################################################################
@@ -831,6 +892,17 @@
 ##Q ############################################################################
 ##R ############################################################################
+ at Article{Regge57,
+     key     = {Regge57},
+     author = {T. Regge and J. Wheeler},
+     title = {Stability of a {S}chwarzschild Singularity},
+     journal = {Phys. Rev.},
+     volume = {108},
+     number = {4},
+     year = {1957},
+     pages = {1063-1069},
      author    = {{Rezzolla}, L. and {Barausse}, E. and {Dorband}, E.~N. and {Pollney}, D. and {Reisswig}, C. and {Seiler}, J. and {Husa}, S.},
      title     = {On the final spin from the coalescence of two black holes},
@@ -946,4 +1018,15 @@
 ##W ############################################################################
 ##X ############################################################################
 ##Y ############################################################################
+ at article{Yo02a,
+        author  = {H.-J. Yo and T.W. Baumgarte and S. Shapiro},
+        title   = {Improved Numerical Stability of Stationary
+                   Black Hole Evolution Calculations},
+        journal = {Phys. Rev. D},
+        year    = {2002},
+        volume  = {66},
+        pages   = {084026}
 ##Z ############################################################################

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