[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Paper_EinsteinToolkit_2010/ (Rev. 57)

schnetter at cct.lsu.edu schnetter at cct.lsu.edu
Tue Apr 12 13:15:09 CDT 2011

User: eschnett
Date: 2011/04/12 01:15 PM


 Remove duplicate bibtex entries that are also in einsteintoolkit.bib

File Changes:

Directory: /

File [modified]: ET.tex
Delta lines: +1 -0
--- ET.tex	2011-04-12 12:30:03 UTC (rev 56)
+++ ET.tex	2011-04-12 18:15:09 UTC (rev 57)
@@ -427,6 +427,7 @@
 i.e.\ without requiring function calls in user code.
 \todo{ES: Add figure from Carpet paper explaining subcycling in time.}
+\todo{ES: Add figure showing a grid structure}
 Carpet is the main driver used today for Cactus-based astrophysical
 simulations. Carpet offers hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelisation and is

Directory: /local_bibtex/

File [modified]: references.bib
Delta lines: +0 -213
--- local_bibtex/references.bib	2011-04-12 12:30:03 UTC (rev 56)
+++ local_bibtex/references.bib	2011-04-12 18:15:09 UTC (rev 57)
@@ -468,14 +468,6 @@
         note   = "gr-qc/0512136",
- at Article{Ajith:2007kx,
-     author    = "Ajith, P. and others",
-     title     = "A template bank for gravitational waveforms from coalescing
-                  binary black holes: I. non-spinning binaries",
-     year      = "2007",
-     eprint    = "arXiv:0710.2335 [gr-qc]",
      author    = "Ajith, Parameswaran and others",
      title     = "Phenomenological template family for black-hole coalescence
@@ -2230,18 +2222,6 @@
      SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0402102;%%"
- at Article{Ansorg:2004ds,
-     author    = {Ansorg, Marcus and Br{\"u}gmann, Bernd and Tichy, Wolfgang},
-     title     = "A single-domain spectral method for black hole puncture
-                  data",
-     journal   = "Phys. Rev. D",
-     volume    = {70},
-     pages     = {064011},
-     year      = "2004",
-     eprint    = "gr-qc/0404056",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0404056;%%"
   author =       "Ansorg, Marcus",
   title =        "A double-domain spectral method for black hole
@@ -2979,19 +2959,6 @@
      SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0102037;%%",
- at Article{Baker:2001sf,
-     author    = "Baker, John and Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O.",
-     title     = "The {L}azarus project: A pragmatic approach to binary black
-                  hole  evolutions",
-     journal   = "Phys. Rev. D",
-     volume    = "65",
-     year      = "2002",
-     pages     = "044001",
-     archive   = "http://arXiv.org/abs",
-     eprint    = "gr-qc/0104063",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0104063;%%",
      author    = "Baker, John and Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and
                   Takahashi, Ryoji",
@@ -3061,19 +3028,6 @@
   	eprint 	  = {gr-qc/0511103},
- at Article{Baker:2005vv,
-     author    = "Baker, John G. and Centrella, Joan and Choi, Dae-Il and
-                  Koppitz, Michael and van Meter, James",
-     title     = "Gravitational wave extraction from an inspiraling
-                  configuration of merging black holes",
-     journal   = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
-     volume    = "96",
-     year      = "2006",
-     pages     = "111102",
-     eprint    = "gr-qc/0511103",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0511103;%%"
      author    = "Baker, John G. and Meter, James R.",
      title     = "Reducing reflections from mesh refinement interfaces in
@@ -3086,18 +3040,6 @@
      SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0505100;%%"
- at Article{Baker:2006yw,
-     	author    = "Baker, John G. and Centrella, Joan and Choi, Dae-Il and
-                  Koppitz, Michael and van Meter, James",
-     	title     = "Binary black hole merger dynamics and waveforms",
-        journal   = "Phys. Rev. D",
-        volume    = "73",
-        year      = "2006",
-        pages     = "104002",
-        eprint    = "gr-qc/0602026",
-     	SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0602026;%%"
      author    = "Baker, John G. and Centrella, Joan and Choi, Dae-Il and
                   Koppitz, Michael and van Meter, James and Miller, M. Coleman",
@@ -3124,17 +3066,6 @@
   SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC /0605030;%%"
- at Article{Baker:2006ha,
-  author =       "Baker, John G. and van Meter, James R. and
-                  McWilliams, Sean T. and Centrella, Joan and Kelly,
-                  Bernard J.",
-  title =        "Consistency of post-{Newtonian} waveforms with
-                  numerical relativity",
-  year =         2006,
-  eprint =       "gr-qc/0612024",
-  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612024;%%"
   author =       "Baker, John G. and McWilliams, Sean T. and van Meter,
                   James R. and Centrella, Joan and Choi, Dae-Il and Kelly,
@@ -3834,15 +3765,6 @@
         eprint  = {gr-qc/0405077},
- at Article{Baumgarte:2006en,
-     author    = "Thomas Baumgarte and Patrick Brady and Jolien D E Creighton and Luis Lehner and Frans Pretorius and Ricky DeVoe",
-     title     = "Learning about compact binary merger: The interplay between
-                  numerical relativity and gravitational-wave astronomy",
-     year      = "2006",
-     eprint    = "gr-qc/0612100",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612100;%%"
   author =       {Thomas W. Baumgarte and Stephen G. Naculich},
   title =        {Analytical representation of a black hole puncture
@@ -7046,19 +6968,6 @@
      SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH 0509814;%%"
- at Article{Campanelli:2005dd,
-     author    = "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and Marronetti, Pedro
-                  and Zlochower, Yosef",
-     title     = "Accurate evolutions of orbiting black-hole binaries without
-                  excision",
-     journal   = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
-     volume    = "96",
-     year      = "2006",
-     pages     = "111101",
-     eprint    = "gr-qc/0511048",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0511048;%%"
      author    = "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, C. O. and Zlochower, Y.",
      title     = "The last orbit of binary black holes",
@@ -7070,18 +6979,6 @@
      SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0601091;%%"
- at Article{Campanelli:2006uy,
-  author =       "Campanelli, M. and Lousto, C. O. and Zlochower, Y.",
-  title =        "Gravitational radiation from spinning-black-hole
-                  binaries: The orbital hang up",
-  journal =      "Phys. Rev. D",
-  volume =       "74",
-  year =         "2006",
-  pages =        "041501(R)",
-  eprint =       "gr-qc/0604012",
-  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0604012;%%"
   author =       {Manuela Campanelli and Carlos O. Lousto and Yosef
@@ -7093,33 +6990,6 @@
   eprint =       {gr-qc/0608275},
-% outdated -- don't use this
- at Article{Campanelli:2006fy,
-  author =       "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and
-                  Zlochower, Yosef and Krishnan, Badri and Merritt,
-                  David",
-  title =        "Spin Flips and Precession in Black-Hole-Binary
-                  Mergers",
-  year =         2006,
-  eprint =       "gr-qc/0612076",
-  note   =       "gr-qc/0612076",
-  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612076;%%"
- at Article{Campanelli:2006fy1,
-  author =       "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and
-                  Zlochower, Yosef and Krishnan, Badri and Merritt,
-                  David",
-  title =        "Spin Flips and Precession in Black-Hole-Binary
-                  Mergers",
-  year =         2007,
-  journal =      "Phys. Rev. D",
-  number =       75,
-  pages =        064030,
-  eprint =       "gr-qc/0612076",
-  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0612076;%%"
   author =       "Campanelli, Manuela and Lousto, Carlos O. and
                   Zlochower, Yosef and and Merritt, David",
@@ -13684,16 +13554,6 @@
- at Article{Hinder:2007qu,
-     author    = "Hinder, Ian and Vaishnav, Birjoo and Herrmann, Frank and
-                  Shoemaker, Deirdre and Laguna, Pablo",
-     title     = "{Universality and Final Spin in Eccentric Binary Black Hole
-                  Inspirals}",
-     year      = "2007",
-     eprint    = "arXiv:0710.5167 [gr-qc]",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:0710.5167;%%"
   author = "Alan C. Hindmarsh",
   title  = "ODEPACK, A Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers",
@@ -20730,20 +20590,6 @@
   address = {Oxford}
- at Article{Pollney:2007ss,
-     author    = "Pollney, Denis and Reisswig, Christian and Rezzolla, Luciano and Szil{\'a}gyi, B{\'e}la and Ansorg, Marcus and Deris, Barret and Diener, Peter and Dorband, Ernst Nils and Koppitz, \
-Michael and Nagar, Alessandro and Schnetter, Erik",
-     title     = "Recoil velocities from equal-mass binary black-hole
-                  mergers: a systematic investigation of spin-orbit aligned
-                  configurations",
-     journal   = "Phys. Rev.",
-     volume    = "D76",
-     year      = "2007",
-     pages     = "124002",
-     eprint    = "arXiv:0707.2559 [gr-qc]",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:0707.2559;%%"                                                                                                                                                 
      author    = "Pollney, Denis and Reisswig, Christian",
      title     = "{Gravitational memory in binary black hole mergers}",
@@ -21188,17 +21034,6 @@
   url =          "http://bh0.physics.ubc.ca/BIRS/"
- at Article{Pretorius:2005gq,
-     author    = "Pretorius, Frans",
-     title     = "Evolution of binary black hole spacetimes",
-     journal   = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
-     volume    = 95,
-     pages     = 121101,
-     year      = "2005",
-     eprint    = "gr-qc/0507014",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0507014;%%"
   author   = {Pretorius, F. and Choptuik, M.W.},
   title    = {Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Coupled Elliptic-Hyperbolic Systems},
@@ -21883,21 +21718,6 @@
      SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = 0710.3345;%%"                                                                                                                                                       
- at Article{Rezzolla:2007rz,
-     author    = "Rezzolla, Luciano and others",
-     title     = "{On the final spin from the coalescence of two black
-                  holes}",
-     journal   = "Phys. Rev.",
-     volume    = "D78",
-     year      = "2008",
-     pages     = "044002",
-     eprint    = "0712.3541",
-     archivePrefix = "arXiv",
-     primaryClass  =  "gr-qc",
-     doi       = "10.1103/PhysRevD.78.044002",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = 0712.3541;%%"                                                                                                                                                       
      author    = "Rezzolla, Luciano",
      title     = "{Modelling the final state from binary black-hole
@@ -22799,39 +22619,6 @@
- at article{Schnetter-etal-03b,
-  author =       {Erik Schnetter and Scott H. Hawley and Ian Hawke},
-  title =        {Evolutions in {3D} numerical relativity using fixed
-                  mesh refinement},
-  year =         2004,
-  month =        "21 March",
-  journal =      "Class. Quantum Grav.",
-  volume =       21,
-  number =       6,
-  pages =        "1465--1488",
-  eprint =       "gr-qc/0310042",
- at article{Schnetter-etal-03b-nonumber,
-  author =       {Erik Schnetter and Scott H. Hawley and Ian Hawke},
-  title =        {Evolutions in {3D} numerical relativity using fixed
-                  mesh refinement},
-  year =         2004,
-  journal =      "Class. Quantum Grav.",
-  volume =       21,
-  pages =        "1465--1488",
-  eprint =       "gr-qc/0310042",
-% this is obselete, use Schnetter-etal-03b
- at Article{Schnetter:2003rb,
-     author    = "Schnetter, Erik and Hawley, Scott H. and Hawke, Ian",
-     title     = "Evolutions in 3D numerical relativity using fixed mesh
-                  refinement",
-     year      = "2003",
-     eprint    = "gr-qc/0310042",
   author =       {Erik Schnetter and Frank Herrmann and Denis Pollney},
   title =        {Horizon Pretracking},

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