[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] www/release-info/ (Rev. 539)

diener at cct.lsu.edu diener at cct.lsu.edu
Wed Apr 13 16:54:29 CDT 2011

User: diener
Date: 2011/04/13 04:54 PM


 Delete unused file.

File Changes:

Directory: /release-info/

File [removed]: pandora__1_2.log
Delta lines: +0 -1064
--- release-info/pandora__1_2.log	2011-04-13 21:46:41 UTC (rev 538)
+++ release-info/pandora__1_2.log	2011-04-13 21:54:28 UTC (rev 539)
@@ -1,1064 +0,0 @@
-  Warnings for configuration test
-  --------
-  Tests missed for lack of thorns:
-    checkpoint in AHFinderDirect
-      (EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect/test/checkpoint.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    checkpoint2 in AHFinderDirect
-      (EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect/test/checkpoint2.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    recover in AHFinderDirect
-      (EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect/test/recover.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    recover2 in AHFinderDirect
-      (EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect/test/recover2.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    outer-buffers in Carpet
-      (Carpet/Carpet/test/outer-buffers.par)
-      Missing:  WAVEMOL IDWAVEMOL
-    CarpetEvolutionMask_test in CarpetEvolutionMask
-      (1+log sliced black hole, ADM_BSSN, Iterative CN, Carpet with 3 levels)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    CarpetEvolutionMask_test_off in CarpetEvolutionMask
-      (1+log sliced black hole, ADM_BSSN, Iterative CN, Carpet with 3 levels)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    input_initial_data in CarpetIOHDF5
-      (Carpet/CarpetIOHDF5/test/input_initial_data.par)
-      Missing:  WAVETOYMOL
-    waveinterp-1p in CarpetInterp
-      (Carpet/CarpetInterp/test/waveinterp-1p.par)
-      Missing:  WAVEMOL IDWAVEMOL
-    waveinterp-2p in CarpetInterp
-      (Carpet/CarpetInterp/test/waveinterp-2p.par)
-      Missing:  WAVEMOL IDWAVEMOL
-    test_BSSN_MoL_Carpet in CarpetRegrid
-      (1+log sliced black hole, ADM_BSSN, Iterative CN, Carpet with 2 levels)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    test_BSSN_MoL_Carpet_keep in CarpetRegrid
-      (1+log sliced black hole, ADM_BSSN, Iterative CN, Carpet with 2 levels)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    test_BSSN_MoL_Carpet in CarpetRegrid2
-      (1+log sliced black hole, ADM_BSSN, Iterative CN, Carpet with 2 levels)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    schw-0050 in Cartoon2D
-      (CactusNumerical/Cartoon2D/test/schw-0050.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    test_cartoon_2 in Cartoon2D
-      (CactusNumerical/Cartoon2D/test/test_cartoon_2.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    test_cartoon_3 in Cartoon2D
-      (CactusNumerical/Cartoon2D/test/test_cartoon_3.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    test_ah in Dissipation
-      (distorted BH, no rotation, fixed mesh refinement evolution with carpet)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    test_ob in Dissipation
-      (distorted BH, no rotation, fixed mesh refinement evolution with carpet)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    test_dbh in DistortedBHIVP
-      (EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/test/test_dbh.par)
-      Missing:  FLEXIO
-    xeon_test_dbh in DistortedBHIVP
-      (EinsteinInitialData/DistortedBHIVP/test/xeon_test_dbh.par)
-      Missing:  EINSTEIN
-    KS-tilted in Exact
-      (EinsteinInitialData/Exact/test/KS-tilted.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    de_Sitter in Exact
-      (EinsteinInitialData/Exact/test/de_Sitter.par)
-      Missing:  ADM_BSSN
-    GRHydro_test_tov_ppm in GRHydro
-      (TOV from TOVSolverC, ICN, Marquina, PPM, Polytrope)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_disable_internal_excision in GRHydro
-      (TOV from TOVSolverC, ICN, Marquina, PPM, Polytrope)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_no_trp in GRHydro
-      (TOV from TOVSolverC, ICN, Marquina, PPM, Polytrope)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    test_brilldata_1 in IDBrillData
-      (Brill wave initial data (Physical, BAM))
-      Missing:  BAM_ELLIPTIC
-    test_brilldata_2 in IDBrillData
-      (Brill wave initial data (Conformal, BAM))
-      Missing:  BAM_ELLIPTIC
-    test_legoexcision in LegoExcision
-      (LegoExcision with AHFinder on schwarzschild BH)
-      Missing:  ADM_BSSN
-    Kerr in RotatingSymmetry180
-      (CactusNumerical/RotatingSymmetry180/test/Kerr.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    Kerr-rotating-180 in RotatingSymmetry180
-      (CactusNumerical/RotatingSymmetry180/test/Kerr-rotating-180.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    Kerr-rotating-180-staggered in RotatingSymmetry180
-      (CactusNumerical/RotatingSymmetry180/test/Kerr-rotating-180-staggered.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    Kerr-staggered in RotatingSymmetry180
-      (CactusNumerical/RotatingSymmetry180/test/Kerr-staggered.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    Kerr-rotating-90 in RotatingSymmetry90
-      (CactusNumerical/RotatingSymmetry90/test/Kerr-rotating-90.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    Kerr-rotating-90-staggered in RotatingSymmetry90
-      (CactusNumerical/RotatingSymmetry90/test/Kerr-rotating-90-staggered.par)
-      Missing:  BSSN_MOL
-    bam in TwoPunctures
-      (EinsteinInitialData/TwoPunctures/test/bam.par)
-      Missing:  BAM_ELLIPTIC
-    idpuncture in TwoPunctures
-      (EinsteinInitialData/TwoPunctures/test/idpuncture.par)
-    wave_output in WaveToyC
-      (CactusWave/WaveToyC/test/wave_output.par)
-      Missing:  LIBJPEG
-  Tests missed for different number of processors required:
-    CarpetWaveToyRecover_test_4proc in CarpetIOHDF5
-      (Carpet/CarpetIOHDF5/test/CarpetWaveToyRecover_test_4proc.par)
-      Requires 4 processors
-    gw3d_Exact_ord4_15 in ML_BSSN_Test
-      (McLachlan/ML_BSSN_Test/test/gw3d_Exact_ord4_15.par)
-      Requires 2 processors
-    gw3d_McLachlan_ord4_15 in ML_BSSN_Test
-      (McLachlan/ML_BSSN_Test/test/gw3d_McLachlan_ord4_15.par)
-      Requires 2 processors
-    gw3d_McLachlan_ord4_30 in ML_BSSN_Test
-      (McLachlan/ML_BSSN_Test/test/gw3d_McLachlan_ord4_30.par)
-      Requires 2 processors
-  Tests with different number of test files:
-    Multipole (test_22)
-      Test created 4 extra files: 
-    Multipole (test_31)
-      Test created 4 extra files: 
-    Multipole (test_44)
-      Test created 4 extra files: 
-  Testsuite Summary for configuration test
-  -----------------
-  Suitable testsuite parameter files found in:
-    ADM [4]
-    ADMConstraints [4]
-    AHFinder [2]
-    AHFinderDirect [15]
-    CarpetIOHDF5 [2]
-    CarpetReduce [2]
-    DistortedBHIVP [1]
-    Exact [3]
-    Extract [2]
-    GRHydro [5]
-    Hydro_InitExcision [16]
-    IDAnalyticBH [3]
-    IDAxiBrillBH [2]
-    IDAxiOddBrillBH [2]
-    IDConstraintViolate [1]
-    IDLinearWaves [2]
-    IDScalarWaveElliptic [1]
-    IOHDF5 [1]
-    InterpToArray [1]
-    Multipole [6]
-    QuasiLocalMeasures [6]
-    RotatingDBHIVP [2]
-    RotatingSymmetry180 [1]
-    RotatingSymmetry90 [1]
-    SlabTest [1]
-    TOVSolver [5]
-    TestArrays [2]
-    TestComplex [2]
-    TestFpointerNULL [1]
-    TestGlobalReduce [17]
-    TestLocalReduce [3]
-    TestTable [1]
-    TwoPunctures [3]
-    WaveBinarySource [1]
-    WaveToyC [1]
-    WaveToyCXX [1]
-    WaveToyExtra [1]
-    WaveToyF77 [2]
-    WaveToyF90 [3]
-    WaveToyFreeF90 [1]
-    WeylScal4 [2]
-  Details:
-    ADM:
-      test_ADM_1
-      test_ADM_2
-      test_ADM_3
-      test_ADM_4
-    ADMConstraints:
-      ADMConstraints_Mask
-      ADMConstraints_Physical
-      ADMConstraints_Shift
-      test_ADM
-    AHFinder:
-      test_AHF_1
-      test_AHF_2
-    AHFinderDirect:
-      Kerr
-      Kerr-Cartoon
-      Kerr-definition-expansion
-      Kerr-definition-expansion-product
-      Kerr-definition-inner-expansion
-      Kerr-definition-mean-curvature
-      Kerr-modification-radius
-      Kerr-rotating-180
-      Kerr-rotating-90
-      Kerr-selection-areal-radius
-      Kerr-selection-areal-radius-definition-expansion-product
-      Kerr-selection-mean-coordinate-radius
-      checkpointML
-      misner1.2-025
-      recoverML
-    CarpetIOHDF5:
-      CarpetWaveToyNewRecover_test_1proc
-      CarpetWaveToyRecover_test_1proc
-    CarpetReduce:
-      nonstaggered
-      staggered
-    DistortedBHIVP:
-      E2xeon_test_dbh
-    Exact:
-      Schwarzschild_EF
-      bowl-evolution
-      bowl-init
-    Extract:
-      extract_physical
-      test_extract
-    GRHydro:
-      GRHydro_test_shock
-      GRHydro_test_shock_ppm
-      GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_ML
-      GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_ML_disable_internal_excision
-      GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_no_trp_ML
-    Hydro_InitExcision:
-      diag_flip_pugh_eno
-      diag_flip_pugh_ppm
-      diag_flip_pugh_tvd
-      diag_pugh_eno
-      diag_pugh_ppm
-      diag_pugh_tvd
-      halfsphere_pugh_ppm
-      halfsphere_pugh_tvd
-      sphere_pugh_ppm
-      sphere_pugh_tvd
-      x_flip_pugh_eno
-      x_flip_pugh_ppm
-      x_flip_pugh_tvd
-      x_pugh_eno
-      x_pugh_ppm
-      x_pugh_tvd
-    IDAnalyticBH:
-      kerr
-      test_bl
-      test_misner
-    IDAxiBrillBH:
-      test_axibrill
-      test_axibrill_nostagger
-    IDAxiOddBrillBH:
-      E2xeon_test_axioddbh
-      test_axioddbh
-    IDConstraintViolate:
-      ConstraintViolate
-    IDLinearWaves:
-      test_pw_ADM_leap
-      test_pw_ADM_sl
-    IDScalarWaveElliptic:
-      test_waveell
-    IOHDF5:
-      test_recover
-    InterpToArray:
-      wavetoy
-    Multipole:
-      test_22
-      test_31
-      test_44
-      test_rads
-      test_simpson
-      test_vars
-    QuasiLocalMeasures:
-      qlm-bl
-      qlm-ks
-      qlm-ks-boosted
-      qlm-ks-shifted
-      qlm-ks-tilted
-      qlm-minkowski
-    RotatingDBHIVP:
-      E2xeon_test_rdbh
-      test_rdbh
-    RotatingSymmetry180:
-      KerrSchild-rotating-180
-    RotatingSymmetry90:
-      KerrSchild-rotating-90
-    SlabTest:
-      slabtest
-    TOVSolver:
-      test_one_boost_max
-      test_one_static_max
-      test_tov_carpet
-      test_two_av
-      test_two_max
-    TestArrays:
-      arrays
-      arrays0
-    TestComplex:
-      TestComplex
-      TestComplexPow
-    TestFpointerNULL:
-      test_fpointer_null
-    TestGlobalReduce:
-      TestAvg
-      TestAvg_dest0
-      TestMax
-      TestMax_dest0
-      TestMin
-      TestMin_dest0
-      TestScalar
-      TestSum
-      TestSum_dest0
-      TestWeightAvg
-      TestWeightMax
-      TestWeightMin
-      TestWeightSum
-      gaussianMax
-      gaussianMax_dest0
-      gaussianSum
-      gaussianSum_dest0
-    TestLocalReduce:
-      TestAvg
-      TestMax
-      TestSum
-    TestTable:
-      test-table
-    TwoPunctures:
-      bhns_eval
-      bhns_interp
-      twopunctures
-    WaveBinarySource:
-      test_binary_1
-    WaveToyC:
-      test_rad
-    WaveToyCXX:
-      test_rad
-    WaveToyExtra:
-      test_custom
-    WaveToyF77:
-      test_rad
-      test_rob
-    WaveToyF90:
-      test_rad
-      test_wavef90_flat
-      test_wavef90_zero
-    WaveToyFreeF90:
-      test_rad
-    WeylScal4:
-      teukolsky
-      teukolskyID
-  Thorns with no valid testsuite parameter files:
-    ADMAnalysis
-    ADMBase
-    ADMCoupling
-    ADMMacros
-    AEILocalInterp
-    BLAS
-    Boundary
-    CalcK
-    Carpet
-    CarpetEvolutionMask
-    CarpetIOASCII
-    CarpetIOBasic
-    CarpetIOScalar
-    CarpetInterp
-    CarpetInterp2
-    CarpetLib
-    CarpetMask
-    CarpetRegrid
-    CarpetRegrid2
-    CarpetSlab
-    CarpetTracker
-    CartGrid3D
-    Cartoon2D
-    Constants
-    CoordBase
-    CoordGauge
-    Dissipation
-    EHFinder
-    EOSG_Base
-    EOSG_Hybrid
-    EOSG_IdealFluid
-    EOSG_Polytrope
-    EOS_Base
-    EOS_Hybrid
-    EOS_IdealFluid
-    EOS_Omni
-    EOS_Polytrope
-    EllBase
-    EllSOR
-    Formaline
-    Fortran
-    GRHydro_InitData
-    GSL
-    GenericFD
-    HDF5
-    HTTPD
-    HTTPDExtra
-    HydroBase
-    Hydro_Analysis
-    IDBrillData
-    IDFileADM
-    IDScalarWave
-    IDScalarWaveC
-    IDScalarWaveCXX
-    IOBasic
-    IOHDF5Util
-    IOUtil
-    InitBase
-    LegoExcision
-    LocalInterp
-    LocalReduce
-    LoopControl
-    ML_ADMConstraints
-    ML_ADMQuantities
-    ML_BSSN
-    ML_BSSN_Helper
-    ML_BSSN_O2
-    ML_BSSN_O2_Helper
-    ML_BSSN_Test
-    Meudon_Bin_BH
-    Meudon_Bin_NS
-    Meudon_Mag_NS
-    MoL
-    NaNChecker
-    NewRad
-    Nice
-    NoExcision
-    NoMPI
-    Noise
-    Norms
-    OpenSSL
-    PUGH
-    PUGHInterp
-    PUGHReduce
-    PUGHSlab
-    Periodic
-    PunctureTracker
-    ReflectionSymmetry
-    SetMask_SphericalSurface
-    Slab
-    Socket
-    SpaceMask
-    SphericalSurface
-    StaticConformal
-    SummationByParts
-    SymBase
-    SystemStatistics
-    TATelliptic
-    TGRtensor
-    TerminationTrigger
-    TestCoordinates
-    TestFortranDependencies1
-    TestFortranDependencies2
-    TestFreeF90
-    TestInclude1
-    TestInclude2
-    TestLoop
-    TestReduce
-    TestSchedule
-    TestStrings
-    TestTimers
-    TestTypes
-    Time
-    TimerReport
-    TmunuBase
-    Vectors
-    zlib
-  Run details for configuration test
-      ADM: test_ADM_1
-         Success: 32 files identical
-      ADM: test_ADM_2
-         Success: 32 files identical
-      ADM: test_ADM_3
-         Success: 32 files identical
-      ADM: test_ADM_4
-         Success: 64 files compared, 3 differ in the last digits
-      ADMConstraints: ADMConstraints_Mask
-         Success: 40 files identical
-      ADMConstraints: ADMConstraints_Physical
-         Success: 36 files identical
-      ADMConstraints: ADMConstraints_Shift
-         Success: 40 files identical
-      ADMConstraints: test_ADM
-         Success: 16 files identical
-      AHFinder: test_AHF_1
-         Success: 12 files identical
-      AHFinder: test_AHF_2
-         Success: 12 files identical
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-Cartoon
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-definition-expansion
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-definition-expansion-product
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-definition-inner-expansion
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-definition-mean-curvature
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-modification-radius
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-rotating-180
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-rotating-90
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-selection-areal-radius
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-selection-areal-radius-definition-expansion-product
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: Kerr-selection-mean-coordinate-radius
-         Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: checkpointML
-         Success: 7 files compared, 7 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: misner1.2-025
-         Success: 55 files compared, 9 differ in the last digits
-      AHFinderDirect: recoverML
-         Success: 5 files compared, 4 differ in the last digits
-      CarpetIOHDF5: CarpetWaveToyNewRecover_test_1proc
-         Success: 12 files compared, 7 differ in the last digits
-      CarpetIOHDF5: CarpetWaveToyRecover_test_1proc
-         Success: 12 files compared, 7 differ in the last digits
-      CarpetReduce: nonstaggered
-         Failure: 5 files compared, 1 differ, 1 differ significantly
-      CarpetReduce: staggered
-         Failure: 5 files compared, 1 differ, 1 differ significantly
-      DistortedBHIVP: E2xeon_test_dbh
-         Failure: 100 files compared, 44 differ, 6 differ significantly
-      Exact: Schwarzschild_EF
-         Failure: 112 files compared, 105 differ, 105 differ significantly
-      Exact: bowl-evolution
-         Success: 24 files identical
-      Exact: bowl-init
-         Success: 24 files identical
-      Extract: extract_physical
-         Success: 60 files compared, 56 differ in the last digits
-      Extract: test_extract
-         Success: 60 files compared, 56 differ in the last digits
-      GRHydro: GRHydro_test_shock
-         Success: 48 files compared, 10 differ in the last digits
-      GRHydro: GRHydro_test_shock_ppm
-         Success: 48 files compared, 18 differ in the last digits
-      GRHydro: GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_ML
-         Success: 180 files compared, 52 differ in the last digits
-      GRHydro: GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_ML_disable_internal_excision
-         Success: 180 files compared, 51 differ in the last digits
-      GRHydro: GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_no_trp_ML
-         Success: 180 files compared, 53 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 72 files compared, 55 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 57 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 72 files compared, 55 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: halfsphere_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 75 files compared, 58 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: halfsphere_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 75 files compared, 47 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: sphere_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 75 files compared, 62 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: sphere_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 75 files compared, 57 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 26 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 72 files compared, 29 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 27 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 33 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 72 files compared, 36 differ in the last digits
-      Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 30 differ in the last digits
-      IDAnalyticBH: kerr
-         Success: 45 files compared, 37 differ in the last digits
-      IDAnalyticBH: test_bl
-         Success: 8 files identical
-      IDAnalyticBH: test_misner
-         Success: 8 files identical
-      IDAxiBrillBH: test_axibrill
-         Success: 96 files compared, 96 differ in the last digits
-      IDAxiBrillBH: test_axibrill_nostagger
-         Success: 96 files compared, 69 differ in the last digits
-      IDAxiOddBrillBH: E2xeon_test_axioddbh
-         Success: 88 files compared, 87 differ in the last digits
-      IDAxiOddBrillBH: test_axioddbh
-         Success: 120 files compared, 76 differ in the last digits
-      IDConstraintViolate: ConstraintViolate
-         Success: 24 files identical
-      IDLinearWaves: test_pw_ADM_leap
-         Success: 60 files compared, 9 differ in the last digits
-      IDLinearWaves: test_pw_ADM_sl
-         Success: 64 files compared, 12 differ in the last digits
-      IDScalarWaveElliptic: test_waveell
-         Success: 8 files compared, 4 differ in the last digits
-      IOHDF5: test_recover
-         Success: 5 files compared, 1 differ in the last digits
-      InterpToArray: wavetoy
-         Success: 25 files identical
-      Multipole: test_22
-         Success: 9 files compared, 9 differ in the last digits
-      Multipole: test_31
-         Success: 25 files compared, 25 differ in the last digits
-      Multipole: test_44
-         Success: 25 files compared, 25 differ in the last digits
-      Multipole: test_rads
-         Success: 39 files compared, 27 differ in the last digits
-      Multipole: test_simpson
-         Success: 13 files compared, 9 differ in the last digits
-      Multipole: test_vars
-         Success: 33 files compared, 32 differ in the last digits
-      QuasiLocalMeasures: qlm-bl
-         Failure: 189 files missing, 1 files compared, 1 differ
-      QuasiLocalMeasures: qlm-ks
-         Failure: 189 files missing, 1 files compared, 1 differ
-      QuasiLocalMeasures: qlm-ks-boosted
-         Failure: 189 files missing, 1 files compared, 1 differ
-      QuasiLocalMeasures: qlm-ks-shifted
-         Failure: 189 files missing, 1 files compared, 1 differ
-      QuasiLocalMeasures: qlm-ks-tilted
-         Failure: 189 files missing, 1 files compared, 1 differ
-      QuasiLocalMeasures: qlm-minkowski
-         Failure: 189 files missing, 1 files compared, 1 differ
-      RotatingDBHIVP: E2xeon_test_rdbh
-         Success: 96 files compared, 92 differ in the last digits
-      RotatingDBHIVP: test_rdbh
-         Success: 120 files compared, 82 differ in the last digits
-      RotatingSymmetry180: KerrSchild-rotating-180
-         Failure: 128 files compared, 112 differ, 77 differ significantly
-      RotatingSymmetry90: KerrSchild-rotating-90
-         Failure: 128 files compared, 112 differ, 79 differ significantly
-      SlabTest: slabtest
-         Success: 1 files identical
-      TOVSolver: test_one_boost_max
-         Success: 232 files compared, 8 differ in the last digits
-      TOVSolver: test_one_static_max
-         Success: 232 files compared, 8 differ in the last digits
-      TOVSolver: test_tov_carpet
-         Success: 116 files compared, 16 differ in the last digits
-      TOVSolver: test_two_av
-         Success: 232 files compared, 6 differ in the last digits
-      TOVSolver: test_two_max
-         Success: 232 files compared, 8 differ in the last digits
-      TestArrays: arrays
-         Success: 10 files identical
-      TestArrays: arrays0
-         Success: 7 files identical
-      TestComplex: TestComplex
-         Success: 15 files identical
-      TestComplex: TestComplexPow
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestFpointerNULL: test_fpointer_null
-         Success: 6 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestAvg
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestAvg_dest0
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestMax
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestMax_dest0
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestMin
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestMin_dest0
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestScalar
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestSum
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestSum_dest0
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestWeightAvg
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestWeightMax
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestWeightMin
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: TestWeightSum
-         Success: 2 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: gaussianMax
-         Success: 1 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: gaussianMax_dest0
-         Success: 1 files identical
-      TestGlobalReduce: gaussianSum
-         Success: 1 files compared, 1 differ in the last digits
-      TestGlobalReduce: gaussianSum_dest0
-         Success: 1 files compared, 1 differ in the last digits
-      TestLocalReduce: TestAvg
-         Success: 6 files identical
-      TestLocalReduce: TestMax
-         Success: 6 files identical
-      TestLocalReduce: TestSum
-         Success: 6 files identical
-      TestTable: test-table
-         Success: 0 files identical
-      TwoPunctures: bhns_eval
-         Success: 232 files compared, 58 differ in the last digits
-      TwoPunctures: bhns_interp
-         Success: 232 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
-      TwoPunctures: twopunctures
-         Success: 144 files compared, 93 differ in the last digits
-      WaveBinarySource: test_binary_1
-         Success: 9 files compared, 1 differ in the last digits
-      WaveToyC: test_rad
-         Success: 6 files compared, 1 differ in the last digits
-      WaveToyCXX: test_rad
-         Success: 6 files compared, 1 differ in the last digits
-      WaveToyExtra: test_custom
-         Success: 5 files compared, 1 differ in the last digits
-      WaveToyF77: test_rad
-         Success: 6 files identical
-      WaveToyF77: test_rob
-         Success: 6 files compared, 1 differ in the last digits
-      WaveToyF90: test_rad
-         Success: 6 files identical
-      WaveToyF90: test_wavef90_flat
-         Success: 6 files identical
-      WaveToyF90: test_wavef90_zero
-         Success: 6 files identical
-      WaveToyFreeF90: test_rad
-         Success: 6 files identical
-      WeylScal4: teukolsky
-         Success: 8 files compared, 6 differ in the last digits
-      WeylScal4: teukolskyID
-         Success: 8 files compared, 6 differ in the last digits
-  Summary for configuration test
-    Time                     -> Sun Apr  3 17:49:23 CDT 2011
-    Host                     -> pandora1.hpc.lsu.edu
-    User                     -> diener
-    Total available tests    -> 173
-    Unrunnable tests         -> 41
-    Runnable tests           -> 132
-    Total number of thorns   -> 161
-    Number of tested thorns  -> 41
-    Number of tests passed   -> 120
-    Number passed only to
-               set tolerance -> 75
-    Number failed            -> 12
-  Tests failed:
-    nonstaggered (from CarpetReduce)
-    staggered (from CarpetReduce)
-    E2xeon_test_dbh (from DistortedBHIVP)
-    Schwarzschild_EF (from Exact)
-    qlm-bl (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
-    qlm-ks (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
-    qlm-ks-boosted (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
-    qlm-ks-shifted (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
-    qlm-ks-tilted (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
-    qlm-minkowski (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
-    KerrSchild-rotating-180 (from RotatingSymmetry180)
-    KerrSchild-rotating-90 (from RotatingSymmetry90)

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