[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] EOS_Omni/trunk/doc/ (Rev. 45)

cott at tapir.caltech.edu cott at tapir.caltech.edu
Tue Apr 19 19:39:48 CDT 2011

User: cott
Date: 2011/04/19 07:39 PM


 * describe finite-temperature nuclear EOS

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/doc/

File [modified]: documentation.tex
Delta lines: +20 -3
--- trunk/doc/documentation.tex	2011-04-20 00:21:05 UTC (rev 44)
+++ trunk/doc/documentation.tex	2011-04-20 00:39:48 UTC (rev 45)
@@ -342,13 +342,30 @@
-\subsection{Finite-Temperature Nuclear}
+\subsection{Finite-Temperature Nuclear EOS}
-\textbf{TODO: Not yet documented; not even mentioned yet in some other
-  sections of this documentation.}
+Complex microphysical finite-temperature equations of state come
+usually in tabulated form. {\tt EOS\_Omni} comes with routines
+provided as part of the \texttt{nuc\_eos} package described in
+\cite{oconnor:10} and available at \\ {\tt
+  http://www.stellarcollapse.org}. A variety of EOS tables for
+application in high-density astrophysical situations (i.e. in stellar
+collapse or in compact star mergers) are also available from there
+in HDF5 format.
+The parameters controlling the finite-temperature nuclear EOS
+are the following:
+\texttt{nuceos\_read\_table}& BOOLEAN & Set to {\tt yes} to read table.\\
+\texttt{do\_energy\_shift}& BOOLEAN & Set to {\tt yes} to subtract the energy shift\\ 
+&& stored in the table to get correctly normalized $\epsilon$.\\
+\texttt{nuceos\_table\_name}& STRING & Path/Name of the table file.
 \section{Converting Old Parameter Files}
 If you have a parameter file that uses the previous EOS interface in

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