[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] www/release-info/ (Rev. 567)

diener at cct.lsu.edu diener at cct.lsu.edu
Wed Apr 20 15:03:01 CDT 2011

User: diener
Date: 2011/04/20 03:03 PM

  pandora-xl__1_1.log, pandora-xl__2_1.log, pandora-xl__2_2.log

 Update pandora results.

File Changes:

Directory: /release-info/

File [modified]: pandora-xl__1_1.log
Delta lines: +23 -26
--- release-info/pandora-xl__1_1.log	2011-04-20 19:14:08 UTC (rev 566)
+++ release-info/pandora-xl__1_1.log	2011-04-20 20:03:01 UTC (rev 567)
@@ -814,11 +814,11 @@
       CarpetIOHDF5: CarpetWaveToyRecover_test_1proc
          Success: 12 files compared, 7 differ in the last digits
       CarpetReduce: nonstaggered
-         Failure: 5 files compared, 1 differ, 1 differ significantly
+         Success: 5 files identical
       CarpetReduce: staggered
-         Failure: 5 files compared, 1 differ, 1 differ significantly
+         Success: 5 files identical
       DistortedBHIVP: E2xeon_test_dbh
-         Failure: 100 files compared, 45 differ, 5 differ significantly
+         Failure: 100 files compared, 45 differ, 4 differ significantly
       Exact: Schwarzschild_EF
          Failure: 112 files compared, 51 differ, 42 differ significantly
       Exact: bowl-evolution
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@
       Extract: test_extract
          Success: 60 files compared, 56 differ in the last digits
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_shock
-         Success: 48 files compared, 10 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 48 files compared, 11 differ in the last digits
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_shock_ppm
          Success: 48 files compared, 22 differ in the last digits
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_ML
@@ -840,37 +840,37 @@
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_no_trp_ML
          Success: 180 files compared, 49 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 58 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_ppm
-         Failure: 72 files compared, 55 differ, 1 differ significantly
+         Success: 72 files compared, 55 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_ppm
          Success: 72 files compared, 55 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: halfsphere_pugh_ppm
          Success: 75 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: halfsphere_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 75 files compared, 53 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 75 files compared, 52 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: sphere_pugh_ppm
          Success: 75 files compared, 65 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: sphere_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 75 files compared, 61 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 75 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 27 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 28 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_ppm
-         Failure: 72 files compared, 31 differ, 1 differ significantly
+         Success: 72 files compared, 31 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_tvd
          Success: 72 files compared, 27 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 35 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 30 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_ppm
          Success: 72 files compared, 38 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 32 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 33 differ in the last digits
       IDAnalyticBH: kerr
          Success: 45 files compared, 37 differ in the last digits
       IDAnalyticBH: test_bl
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@
       IDAxiBrillBH: test_axibrill_nostagger
          Success: 96 files compared, 69 differ in the last digits
       IDAxiOddBrillBH: E2xeon_test_axioddbh
-         Success: 88 files compared, 85 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 88 files compared, 88 differ in the last digits
       IDAxiOddBrillBH: test_axioddbh
          Success: 120 files compared, 74 differ in the last digits
       IDConstraintViolate: ConstraintViolate
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
       RotatingDBHIVP: E2xeon_test_rdbh
          Success: 96 files compared, 92 differ in the last digits
       RotatingDBHIVP: test_rdbh
-         Success: 120 files compared, 82 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 120 files compared, 83 differ in the last digits
       SlabTest: slabtest
          Success: 1 files identical
       TOVSolver: test_one_boost_max
@@ -1020,14 +1020,14 @@
       WeylScal4: teukolsky
          Success: 8 files compared, 6 differ in the last digits
       WeylScal4: teukolskyID
-         Success: 8 files compared, 6 differ in the last digits
+         Failure: 8 files missing, 0 files compared, 0 differ
   Summary for configuration test
-    Time                     -> Wed Apr 13 13:19:56 CDT 2011
+    Time                     -> Wed Apr 20 14:34:03 CDT 2011
     Host                     -> pandora1.hpc.lsu.edu
     User                     -> diener
@@ -1036,25 +1036,22 @@
     Runnable tests           -> 131
     Total number of thorns   -> 163
     Number of tested thorns  -> 39
-    Number of tests passed   -> 119
+    Number of tests passed   -> 122
     Number passed only to
-               set tolerance -> 69
-    Number failed            -> 12
+               set tolerance -> 70
+    Number failed            -> 9
   Tests failed:
-    nonstaggered (from CarpetReduce)
-    staggered (from CarpetReduce)
     E2xeon_test_dbh (from DistortedBHIVP)
     Schwarzschild_EF (from Exact)
-    diag_flip_pugh_ppm (from Hydro_InitExcision)
-    x_flip_pugh_ppm (from Hydro_InitExcision)
     qlm-bl (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
     qlm-ks (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
     qlm-ks-boosted (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
     qlm-ks-shifted (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
     qlm-ks-tilted (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
     qlm-minkowski (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
+    teukolskyID (from WeylScal4)

File [modified]: pandora-xl__2_1.log
Delta lines: +20 -22
--- release-info/pandora-xl__2_1.log	2011-04-20 19:14:08 UTC (rev 566)
+++ release-info/pandora-xl__2_1.log	2011-04-20 20:03:01 UTC (rev 567)
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@
       AHFinderDirect: Kerr-selection-mean-coordinate-radius
          Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
       DistortedBHIVP: E2xeon_test_dbh
-         Failure: 100 files compared, 45 differ, 5 differ significantly
+         Failure: 100 files compared, 45 differ, 4 differ significantly
       Exact: Schwarzschild_EF
          Failure: 112 files compared, 51 differ, 42 differ significantly
       Exact: bowl-evolution
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@
       Extract: test_extract
          Success: 60 files compared, 56 differ in the last digits
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_shock
-         Success: 48 files compared, 10 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 48 files compared, 11 differ in the last digits
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_shock_ppm
          Success: 48 files compared, 22 differ in the last digits
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_ML
@@ -837,37 +837,37 @@
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_no_trp_ML
          Success: 180 files compared, 50 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 58 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_ppm
          Success: 72 files compared, 55 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_ppm
-         Failure: 72 files compared, 55 differ, 1 differ significantly
+         Success: 72 files compared, 55 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: halfsphere_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 75 files compared, 58 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 75 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: halfsphere_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 75 files compared, 53 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 75 files compared, 52 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: sphere_pugh_ppm
          Success: 75 files compared, 65 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: sphere_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 75 files compared, 61 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 75 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 27 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 28 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_ppm
-         Failure: 72 files compared, 31 differ, 1 differ significantly
+         Success: 72 files compared, 31 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_tvd
          Success: 72 files compared, 27 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 35 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 30 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 72 files compared, 39 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 38 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 32 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 33 differ in the last digits
       IDAnalyticBH: kerr
          Success: 45 files compared, 37 differ in the last digits
       IDAnalyticBH: test_bl
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@
       IDAxiBrillBH: test_axibrill_nostagger
          Success: 96 files compared, 69 differ in the last digits
       IDAxiOddBrillBH: E2xeon_test_axioddbh
-         Success: 88 files compared, 85 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 88 files compared, 88 differ in the last digits
       IDAxiOddBrillBH: test_axioddbh
          Success: 120 files compared, 74 differ in the last digits
       IDConstraintViolate: ConstraintViolate
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
   Summary for configuration test
-    Time                     -> Wed Apr 13 14:18:46 CDT 2011
+    Time                     -> Wed Apr 20 14:57:44 CDT 2011
     Host                     -> pandora1.hpc.lsu.edu
     User                     -> diener
@@ -1033,18 +1033,16 @@
     Runnable tests           -> 124
     Total number of thorns   -> 163
     Number of tested thorns  -> 38
-    Number of tests passed   -> 111
+    Number of tests passed   -> 113
     Number passed only to
-               set tolerance -> 63
-    Number failed            -> 13
+               set tolerance -> 65
+    Number failed            -> 11
   Tests failed:
     Kerr-Cartoon (from AHFinderDirect)
     E2xeon_test_dbh (from DistortedBHIVP)
     Schwarzschild_EF (from Exact)
-    diag_pugh_ppm (from Hydro_InitExcision)
-    x_flip_pugh_ppm (from Hydro_InitExcision)
     qlm-bl (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
     qlm-ks (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
     qlm-ks-boosted (from QuasiLocalMeasures)

File [modified]: pandora-xl__2_2.log
Delta lines: +20 -22
--- release-info/pandora-xl__2_2.log	2011-04-20 19:14:08 UTC (rev 566)
+++ release-info/pandora-xl__2_2.log	2011-04-20 20:03:01 UTC (rev 567)
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@
       AHFinderDirect: Kerr-selection-mean-coordinate-radius
          Success: 2 files compared, 2 differ in the last digits
       DistortedBHIVP: E2xeon_test_dbh
-         Failure: 100 files compared, 45 differ, 5 differ significantly
+         Failure: 100 files compared, 45 differ, 4 differ significantly
       Exact: Schwarzschild_EF
          Failure: 112 files compared, 51 differ, 42 differ significantly
       Exact: bowl-evolution
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@
       Extract: test_extract
          Success: 60 files compared, 56 differ in the last digits
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_shock
-         Success: 48 files compared, 10 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 48 files compared, 11 differ in the last digits
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_shock_ppm
          Success: 48 files compared, 22 differ in the last digits
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_ML
@@ -837,37 +837,37 @@
       GRHydro: GRHydro_test_tov_ppm_no_trp_ML
          Success: 180 files compared, 50 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 58 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_ppm
          Success: 72 files compared, 55 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_flip_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_ppm
-         Failure: 72 files compared, 55 differ, 1 differ significantly
+         Success: 72 files compared, 55 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: diag_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 60 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: halfsphere_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 75 files compared, 58 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 75 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: halfsphere_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 75 files compared, 53 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 75 files compared, 52 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: sphere_pugh_ppm
          Success: 75 files compared, 65 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: sphere_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 75 files compared, 61 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 75 files compared, 59 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 27 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 28 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_ppm
-         Failure: 72 files compared, 31 differ, 1 differ significantly
+         Success: 72 files compared, 31 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_flip_pugh_tvd
          Success: 72 files compared, 27 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_eno
-         Success: 72 files compared, 35 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 30 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_ppm
-         Success: 72 files compared, 39 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 38 differ in the last digits
       Hydro_InitExcision: x_pugh_tvd
-         Success: 72 files compared, 32 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 72 files compared, 33 differ in the last digits
       IDAnalyticBH: kerr
          Success: 45 files compared, 37 differ in the last digits
       IDAnalyticBH: test_bl
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@
       IDAxiBrillBH: test_axibrill_nostagger
          Success: 96 files compared, 69 differ in the last digits
       IDAxiOddBrillBH: E2xeon_test_axioddbh
-         Success: 88 files compared, 85 differ in the last digits
+         Success: 88 files compared, 88 differ in the last digits
       IDAxiOddBrillBH: test_axioddbh
          Success: 120 files compared, 74 differ in the last digits
       IDConstraintViolate: ConstraintViolate
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
   Summary for configuration test
-    Time                     -> Wed Apr 13 16:10:08 CDT 2011
+    Time                     -> Wed Apr 20 13:12:32 CDT 2011
     Host                     -> pandora1.hpc.lsu.edu
     User                     -> diener
@@ -1033,18 +1033,16 @@
     Runnable tests           -> 124
     Total number of thorns   -> 163
     Number of tested thorns  -> 38
-    Number of tests passed   -> 111
+    Number of tests passed   -> 113
     Number passed only to
-               set tolerance -> 63
-    Number failed            -> 13
+               set tolerance -> 65
+    Number failed            -> 11
   Tests failed:
     Kerr-Cartoon (from AHFinderDirect)
     E2xeon_test_dbh (from DistortedBHIVP)
     Schwarzschild_EF (from Exact)
-    diag_pugh_ppm (from Hydro_InitExcision)
-    x_flip_pugh_ppm (from Hydro_InitExcision)
     qlm-bl (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
     qlm-ks (from QuasiLocalMeasures)
     qlm-ks-boosted (from QuasiLocalMeasures)

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