[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Paper_EinsteinToolkit_2010/ (Rev. 107)
diener at cct.lsu.edu
diener at cct.lsu.edu
Mon Aug 15 10:05:22 CDT 2011
User: diener
Date: 2011/08/15 10:05 AM
Beginning of the spinning BH section.
File Changes:
Directory: /
File [modified]: ET.tex
Delta lines: +18 -0
--- ET.tex 2011-08-11 18:37:42 UTC (rev 106)
+++ ET.tex 2011-08-15 15:05:22 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -2234,6 +2234,24 @@
\todo{Will be written once we know which examples we have}
\subsection{Spinning BH\pages{2 Peter}}
+As a first example we perform simulations of a single distorted rotating black
+hole. We use \codename{TwoPunctures} to set up initial data for a single
+puncture of mass $M_{\mathrm{bh}}=1$ and dimensionless spin parameter
+$a = S_{\mathrm{bh}}/M_{\mathrm{bh}}^2 = 0.7$. Evolution of the data is
+performed by \codename{McLachlan}, apparent horizon finding by
+\codename{AHFinderDirect}, gravitational wave extraction by
+\codename{WeylScal4} and \codename{Multipole}. Additional analysis of the
+horizons is done by \codename{IsolatedHorizon}. The runs where performed
+using fixed mesh refinement provided by \codename{Carpet} using 8 levels
+of refinement on a quadrant grid (symmetries provided by
+\codename{ReflectionSymmetry} and \codename{RotatingSymmetry180}). The outer
+boundaries where placed at $R=256M$. We performed runs at 3 different
+resolutions. The low resolution was $0.024M (3.072M)$, medium was
+$0.016M (2.048M)$ and high was $0.012M (1.536M)$ where the first number is the
+resolution on the finest grid and the second number in parenthesis is the
+resolution on the coarsest grid. The runs where performed using the tapering
+evolution scheme in \codename{Carpet} in order to avoid interpolation in
+time during prolongation.
\subsection{BBH\pages{2 Bruno}}
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