[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Paper_EinsteinToolkit_2010/ (Rev. 116)

roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Aug 22 08:12:24 CDT 2011

User: rhaas
Date: 2011/08/22 08:12 AM


 More cleanup in the boundary and symmetries sections

File Changes:

Directory: /

File [modified]: ET.tex
Delta lines: +7 -6
--- ET.tex	2011-08-22 05:47:08 UTC (rev 115)
+++ ET.tex	2011-08-22 13:12:23 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -2055,11 +2055,6 @@
 \subsection{Simulation Domain, Symmetries, Boundaries\pages{3 Roland}}
 \subsubsection{Domains and Coordinates.}
-The Einstein Toolkit provided thorn \codename{CoordBase} facilates
-the specification of the simulation domain independend from the actual
-evolution thorn used. 
-The simulation domain is specified at run time via a parameter file at the
-same time as parameters describing the physical system are specified.
 Cactus distinguishes between
 the \emph{physical} domain, which lives in the continuum, and
 \emph{discrete} domain, which consists of a discrete set of grid
@@ -2077,6 +2072,11 @@
 the numerical resolution do not affect the extent of the physical
 domain, i.e.\ that the discrete domains converge to the physical
 domain in the limint of infinite resolution.
+The Einstein Toolkit provided thorn \codename{CoordBase} facilates
+this specification of the simulation domain independend of the actual
+evolution thorn used. 
+The domain is specified at run time via a parameter file at the
+same time as parameters describing the physical system are specified.
 \codename{CoordBase} exposes a public runtime interface that allows 
 thorns to query the domain description in a uniform way. This is used
@@ -2169,7 +2169,8 @@
 tracking objects as they move through the domain. One can also add or
 remove stacks if e.g.\ the number of objects changes. Fully AMR based on
 a local error estimate is supported by \codename{Carpet} however the
-Einstein Toolkit does not provide a suitable redgridding thorn to create
+Einstein Toolkit does not presently provide a suitable redgridding thorn
+to create
 such a grid. If initial
 conditions are constructed outside of Carpet (which is often the
 case), then the initial mesh hierarchy has to be defined manually.

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