[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] manifest/trunk/ (Rev. 75)

schnetter at cct.lsu.edu schnetter at cct.lsu.edu
Mon Feb 14 12:12:08 CST 2011

User: eschnett
Date: 2011/02/14 12:12 PM


 Add some first names

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: einsteintoolkit.bib
Delta lines: +78 -55
--- trunk/einsteintoolkit.bib	2011-02-14 15:05:37 UTC (rev 74)
+++ trunk/einsteintoolkit.bib	2011-02-14 18:12:08 UTC (rev 75)
@@ -33,15 +33,20 @@
 ##A ############################################################################
-     author    = "Ajith, P. and Babak, S. and Chen, Y. and Hewitson, M. and Krishnan, B. and Whelan, J. T. and Br{\"u}gman, B. and Gonzalez, J. and Hannam, M. and Husa, S. and Koppitz, M. and Pollney, D. and Rezzolla, L. and Santamar{\'i}a, L. and Sintes, A. M. and Sperhake, U. and Thornburg, J.",
-     title     = "A template bank for gravitational waveforms from coalescing
-                  binary black holes: I. non-spinning binaries",
-     journal   = "Phys. Rev. D",
-     volume    = 77,
-     pages     = 104017,
-     year      = 2008,
-     eprint    = "arXiv:0710.2335",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:0710.2335;%%"
+  author =       {Parameswaran Ajith and Stanislav Babak and Yanbei
+                  Chen and Martin Hewitson and Badri Krishnan and
+                  Alicia M. Sintes and John T. Whelan and Bernd
+                  Br{\"u}gmann and Peter Diener and Ernst Nils Dorband
+                  and Jos{\'e} Gonz{\'a}lez and Mark Hannam and Sascha
+                  Husa and Denis Pollney and Luciano Rezzolla and
+                  Luc{\'i}a Santamar{\'i}a and Ulrich Sperhake and
+                  Jonathan Thornburg},
+  journal =      {Phys. Rev. D},
+  volume =       77,
+  pages =        104017,
+  year =         2008,
+  eprint =       {arXiv:0710.2335},
+  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:0710.2335;%%"
@@ -110,15 +115,16 @@
-     author    = {{Baker}, J.~G. and {Centrella}, J. and {Choi}, {D.-I.} and {Koppitz}, M. and {van Meter}, J.},
-     title     = "Gravitational wave extraction from an inspiraling
+  author =       {John G. Baker and Joan Centrella and Dae-Il Choi and
+                  Michael Koppitz and James van Meter},
+  title =        "Gravitational wave extraction from an inspiraling
                   configuration of merging black holes",
-     journal   = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
-     volume    = "96",
-     year      = "2006",
-     pages     = "111102",
-     eprint    = "gr-qc/0511103",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0511103;%%"
+  journal =      {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
+  volume =       96,
+  year =         2006,
+  pages =        111102,
+  eprint =       {gr-qc/0511103},
+  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = GR-QC 0511103;%%"
@@ -133,16 +139,18 @@
-     author    = {{Baker}, J.~G. and {Centrella}, J. and {Choi}, {D.-I.} and {Koppitz}, M. and {van Meter}, J.~R. and {Miller}, M.~C.},
-     title     = "{Getting a kick out of numerical relativity}",
-     journal   = "Astrophys. J.",
-     volume    = "653",
-     year      = "2006",
-     pages     = "L93-L96",
-     eprint    = "astro-ph/0603204",
-     archivePrefix = "arXiv",
-     doi       = "10.1086/510448",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH/0603204;%%"
+  author =       {John G. Baker and Joan Centrella and Dae-Il Choi and
+                  Michael Koppitz and James R. van Meter and M.
+                  Coleman Miller},
+  title =        {Getting a kick out of numerical relativity},
+  journal =      {Astrophys. J.},
+  volume =       653,
+  year =         2006,
+  pages =        {L93-L96},
+  eprint =       astro-ph/0603204,
+  archivePrefix ={arXiv},
+  doi =          {10.1086/510448},
+  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH/0603204;%%"
@@ -158,17 +166,20 @@
-     author    = {{Baker}, J.~G. and {Centrella}, J. and {Choi}, {D.-I.} and {Koppitz}, M. and {van Meter}, J.~R. and {Miller}, M.~C.},
-     title     = "{Modeling kicks from the merger of non-precessing black-
-                  hole binaries}",
-     journal   = "Astrophys. J.",
-     volume    = "668",
-     year      = "2007",
-     pages     = "1140-1144",
-     eprint    = "astro-ph/0702390",
-     archivePrefix = "arXiv",
-     doi       = "10.1086/521330",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH/0702390;%%"
+  author =       {John G. Baker and William D. Boggs and Joan
+                  Centrella and Bernard J. Kelly and Sean T.
+                  McWilliams and M. Coleman Miller and James R. van
+                  Meter},
+  title =        {Modeling kicks from the merger of non-precessing
+                  black- hole binaries},
+  journal =      {Astrophys. J.},
+  volume =       668,
+  year =         2007,
+  pages =        {1140-1144},
+  eprint =       {astro-ph/0702390},
+  archivePrefix ={arXiv},
+  doi =          {10.1086/521330},
+  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH/0702390;%%"
@@ -186,25 +197,27 @@
-     author    = {{Baker}, J.~G. and {Boggs}, W.~D. and {Centrella}, J.~M. and {Kelly}, B.~J. and {McWilliams}, S.~T. and {van Meter}, J.~R.},
-     title     = "{Gravitational waves from black-hole mergers}",
-     year      = "2007",
-     eprint    = "0708.4202",
-     archivePrefix = "arXiv",
-     primaryClass  =  "astro-ph",
-     SLACcitation  = "%%CITATION = 0708.4202;%%"
+  author =       {John G. Baker and William D. Boggs and Joan M.
+                  Centrella and Bernard J. Kelly and Sean T.
+                  McWilliams and James R. van Meter},
+  title =        {Gravitational waves from black-hole mergers},
+  year =         2007,
+  eprint =       {0708.4202},
+  archivePrefix ={arXiv},
+  primaryClass = {astro-ph},
+  SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 0708.4202;%%"
-        key     = {Banyuls97},
-        author  = {F. Banyuls and J.~A. Font and J.~M. Ib{\'a}{\~n}ez and
-                   J.~M. Mart{\'\i} and J.~A. Miralles},
-        title   = {Numerical {3+1} General-Relativistic Hydrodynamics: A Local Characteristic Approach },
-        journal = {Astrophys. J.},
-        volume  = {476},
-        year    = {1997},
-        pages   = {221}
+  author =       "Banyuls, Francesc and Font, Jose A. and Ibanez, Jose
+                  M.A. and Marti, Jose M.A. and Miralles, Juan A.",
+  title =        "{Numerical {3+1} General Relativistic Hydrodynamics:
+                  A Local Characteristic Approach}",
+  journal =      "Astrophys. J.",
+  volume =       476,
+  pages =        221,
+  year =         1997,
      author    = "Thomas Baumgarte and Patrick Brady and Jolien D E Creighton and Luis Lehner and Frans Pretorius and Ricky DeVoe",
@@ -854,7 +867,7 @@
   author =       "Schnetter, Erik and Diener, Peter and Dorband, Ernst
                   Nils and Tiglio, Manuel",
   title =        "{A multi-block infrastructure for three-dimensional
-                  time- dependent numerical relativity}",
+                  time-dependent numerical relativity}",
   journal =      "Class. Quantum Grav.",
   volume =       23,
   year =         2006,
@@ -887,6 +900,16 @@
 ##T ############################################################################
+ at Misc{Thomas:2010aa,
+  author =       {Michael W. Thomas and Erik Schnetter},
+  title =        {{Simulation} {Factory}: Taming Application
+                  Configuration and Workflow on High-End Resources},
+  year =         2010,
+  eprint =       {arXiv:1008.4571 [cs.DC]},
+  url =          {http://arxiv.org/abs/1008.4571},
+ at Comment point to http://compframe.org/cbhpc2010/proceedings/ once they exist
      suggested-for ="EinsteinAnalysis/AHFinderDirect",
      author =       "Thornburg, Jonathan",

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