[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] pyGWAnalysis/ (Rev. 3)

reisswig at tapir.caltech.edu reisswig at tapir.caltech.edu
Tue Jun 14 18:19:15 CDT 2011

User: reisswig
Date: 2011/06/14 06:19 PM



 Introduced a new class for dealing with waveform difference computations more 
 Fixed a bug in FFI regarding negative m-modes.

Directory Changes:

Directory: /svn:executable/

   + *

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/DataAnalysis/

File [modified]: DataAnalysis.py
Delta lines: +3 -3
--- trunk/DataAnalysis/DataAnalysis.py	2011-04-18 22:27:52 UTC (rev 2)
+++ trunk/DataAnalysis/DataAnalysis.py	2011-06-14 23:19:15 UTC (rev 3)
@@ -266,9 +266,9 @@
     for ii in range(0, fr.Length()):
 	if (fr.x[ii] != 0):
-    	    if fr.x[ii] < 0: fr.f[ii] = 0
+    	    #if fr.x[ii] < 0: fr.f[ii] = 0
     	    div = 4*pi**2*fr.x[ii]**2
-    	    if fr.x[ii] < frange[0]: div = 4*pi**2*frange[0]**2
+    	    if abs(fr.x[ii]) < abs(frange[0]): div = 4*pi**2*frange[0]**2
     	    #if fr.x[ii] > frange[1]: div = 4*pi**2*frange[1]**2
     	    #if DF1fr.x[ii] > frange[0] and DF1fr.x[ii] < frange[1]: #div = (1.0-GaussBlend(DF1fr.x[ii], frange[0], (frange[1]-frange[0])/100)) * div + GaussBlend(DF1fr.x[ii], frange[0], (frange[1]-frange[0])/100) * 4*pi**2*frange[0]**2
     	    #    div = (1 - (DF1fr.x[ii]-frange[0])/(frange[1]-frange[0])) * 4*pi**2*frange[0]**2 + (DF1fr.x[ii]-frange[0])/(frange[1]-frange[0]) * div
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
 	if (fr.x[ii] != 0):
     	    if fr.x[ii] < 0: fr.f[ii] = 0
     	    div = 2*pi*fr.x[ii]
-    	    if fr.x[ii] < frange[0]: div = 2*pi*frange[0]
+    	    if abs(fr.x[ii]) < abs(frange[0]): div = 2*pi*frange[0]*sign(fr.x[ii])
     	    #if fr.x[ii] > frange[1]: div = 4*pi**2*frange[1]**2
     	    #if DF1fr.x[ii] > frange[0] and DF1fr.x[ii] < frange[1]: #div = (1.0-GaussBlend(DF1fr.x[ii], frange[0], (frange[1]-frange[0])/100)) * div + GaussBlend(DF1fr.x[ii], frange[0], (frange[1]-frange[0])/100) * 4*pi**2*frange[0]**2
     	    #    div = (1 - (DF1fr.x[ii]-frange[0])/(frange[1]-frange[0])) * 4*pi**2*frange[0]**2 + (DF1fr.x[ii]-frange[0])/(frange[1]-frange[0]) * div

File [added]: WaveDiff.py
Delta lines: +215 -0
--- trunk/DataAnalysis/WaveDiff.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/DataAnalysis/WaveDiff.py	2011-06-14 23:19:15 UTC (rev 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# This module computes differences in two given waveforms.
+# This module depends on DataAnalysis and DiscreteFunction
+# Released under the MIT License.
+# (C) Christian Reisswig 2010-2011
+import sys
+import os
+import glob
+from DiscreteFunction import *
+from WaveFunction import *
+from harmonics import *
+from DataAnalysis import *
+class WaveDiff:
+    """A class holding two wavefunction objects 
+       and their differences"""
+    def __init__(self, WF1, WF2, dx, x0, x1):
+	"""Initializes this class by loading two wavefunction.
+	   The wavefunctions are assumed to be in complex form (_not_ decomposed into amplitude and phase!).
+	   The waveforms will be resampled to new dx at common points and restricted to interval defined by [x0,x1]."""
+	self.WF1 = WaveFunction(WF1.x, WF1.f)
+	self.WF2 = WaveFunction(WF2.x, WF2.f)
+	self.align = ""
+	self.phi = 0
+	self.omega = 0
+	self.dx = dx
+	self.x0 = x0
+	self.x1 = x1
+	self.isAligned = False
+	# we cache the aligned waveforms
+	self.aWF1 = WaveFunction([],[])
+	self.aWF2 = WaveFunction([],[])
+    def AlignInPhase(self, phi):
+	"""Align given waveforms at same phase value phi"""
+	self.align = "phase"
+	self.phi = phi
+	self.isAligned = False
+    def AlignInFreq(self, omega):
+	"""Align given waveforms at same frequency omega"""
+	self.align = "freq"
+	self.omega = omega
+	self.isAligned = False
+    def AlignAtAmpMax(self):
+	"""Align two waveforms at their amplitude maximum"""
+	self.align = "max"
+	self.isAligned = False
+    def NoAlign(self):
+	self.align = ""
+	self.isAligned = False
+    def Align(self):
+	"""Returns aligned waveforms according to settings"""
+	if self.isAligned: 
+	    # return copy of cached waveforms
+	    return WaveFunction(self.aWF1.x, self.aWF1.f), WaveFunction(self.aWF2.x, self.aWF2.f)
+	if (self.align == ""):
+	    aWF1 = WaveFunction(self.WF1.x, self.WF1.f)
+	    aWF2 = WaveFunction(self.WF2.x, self.WF2.f)
+	if (self.align == "max"):
+	    # align at amplitude maximum
+	    tmax1 = self.WF1.Amplitude().FindAbsMaxInterpolated(1e-6)
+	    tmax2 = self.WF2.Amplitude().FindAbsMaxInterpolated(1e-6)
+	    aWF1 = WaveFunction(self.WF1.x-tmax1, self.WF1.f)
+	    aWF2 = WaveFunction(self.WF2.x-tmax2, self.WF2.f)
+	if (self.align == "freq"):
+	    # get omega(t)
+	    freq1 = self.WF1.Frequency()
+	    freq2 = self.WF2.Frequency()
+	    # invert omega(t) -> t(omega)
+	    t1_vs_omega1 = DiscreteFunction(abs(freq1.f), freq1.x)
+	    t2_vs_omega2 = DiscreteFunction(abs(freq2.f), freq2.x)
+	    t1_vs_omega1 = t1_vs_omega1.MakeMonotonicCoordinates()
+	    t2_vs_omega2 = t2_vs_omega2.MakeMonotonicCoordinates()
+	    # find time t at which WF has frequency omega
+	    t1 = t1_vs_omega1.Interpolate(self.omega)
+	    t2 = t2_vs_omega2.Interpolate(self.omega)
+	    #print t1, t2
+	    # align waveforms at that frequency
+	    aWF1 = WaveFunction(self.WF1.x-t1, self.WF1.f)
+	    aWF2 = WaveFunction(self.WF2.x-t2, self.WF2.f)
+	    #self.aWF1 = WaveFunction(freq1.x-t1, freq1.f)
+	    #self.aWF2 = WaveFunction(freq2.x-t2, freq2.f)
+	# interpolate waveforms to same points in same intervall
+	self.aWF1, self.aWF2 = MakeConsistent(aWF1, aWF2, self.x0, self.x1, self.dx)
+	self.isAligned = True
+	return WaveFunction(self.aWF1.x, self.aWF1.f), WaveFunction(self.aWF2.x, self.aWF2.f)
+    def AlignedPhases(self, reparam=""):
+	"""Compute aligned/reparametrized phase as function of time, phase or frequency"""
+	aWF1, aWF2 = self.Align()
+	phase1 = aWF1.Phase()
+	phase2 = aWF2.Phase()
+	if (self.align == "max"):
+	    # shift phase to zero at t=0 (where the maximum is)
+	    shift1 = phase1.Interpolate(0.0)
+	    shift2 = phase2.Interpolate(0.0)
+	    phase1.f -= shift1
+	    phase2.f -= shift2
+	return phase1, phase2
+    def AlignedAmps(self, reparam=""):
+	"""Computes aligned/reparametrized amplitude as function of time, phase or frequency"""
+	aWF1, aWF2 = self.Align()
+	amp1 = aWF1.Amplitude()
+	amp2 = aWF2.Amplitude()
+	if (reparam == "phase"):
+	    # Reparametrize in terms of phase...
+	    # ...and align, if necessary
+	    phase1 = aWF1.Phase()
+	    phase2 = aWF2.Phase()
+	    if (self.align == "max"):
+		# shift phase to zero at t=0 (where the maximum is)
+		shift1 = phase1.Interpolate(0.0)
+		shift2 = phase2.Interpolate(0.0)
+		phase1.f -= shift1
+		phase2.f -= shift2
+	    # we take the absolute value of the phase since the phase can be negative and then our (positive) monotonicity does not hold
+	    amp1_vs_phase1 = DiscreteFunction(abs(phase1.f), amp1.f)
+	    amp1_vs_phase1 = amp1_vs_phase1.MakeMonotonicCoordinates()
+	    amp2_vs_phase2 = DiscreteFunction(abs(phase2.f), amp2.f)
+	    amp2_vs_phase2 = amp2_vs_phase2.MakeMonotonicCoordinates()
+	    amp1_vs_phase1, amp2_vs_phase2 = MakeConsistent(amp1_vs_phase1, amp2_vs_phase2, self.x0, self.x1, self.dx)
+	    return amp1_vs_phase1, amp2_vs_phase2
+	# if no reparametrization is requested, just return difference in time
+	return amp1, amp2
+    def DiffAmp(self, reparam=""):
+	"""Computes difference in amplitude as function of time, phase or frequency"""
+	a, b = self.AlignedAmps(reparam)
+	return a-b
+    def DiffPhase(self, reparam=""):
+	"""Computes difference in phase as function of time, phase or frequency"""
+	a, b = self.AlignedPhases(reparam)
+	return a-b
+    def Diff(self, reparam=""):
+	"""Computes the complex wave difference as function of time, phase or frequency"""
+	aWF1, aWF2 = self.Align()
+	return diffWF
+    def Mismatch(self, mass, ftype="h", Sn=SensitivityAdLIGO, frange=[10,8000]):
+	"""Computes the mismatch for a given mass (in Msol), assuming the wave-function to be any of ftype=(h,news,psi4).
+	   Sn is the detector sensitivity function, frange the (detector) frequency range in Hz."""
+	aWF1, aWF2 = self.Align()
+	MM = -1
+	if ftype == "h":
+	    aWF1SI = StrainToSI(aWF1, mass)
+	    aWF2SI = StrainToSI(aWF2, mass)
+	    MM = MisMatch(aWF1SI, aWF2SI, Sn, frange[0], frange[1])
+	if ftype == "news":
+	    aWF1SI = NewsToSI(aWF1, mass)
+	    aWF2SI = NewsToSI(aWF2, mass)
+	    MM = MisMatch(aWF1SI, aWF2SI, Sn, frange[0], frange[1], 'news')
+	if ftype == "psi4":
+	    aWF1SI = Psi4ToSI(aWF1, mass)
+	    aWF2SI = Psi4ToSI(aWF2, mass)
+	    MM = MisMatch(aWF1SI, aWF2SI, Sn, frange[0], frange[1], 'psi4')
+	return MM
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/DataAnalysis/WaveDiff.py

Directory: /trunk/DiscreteFunction/

File [modified]: DiscreteFunction.py
Delta lines: +12 -5
--- trunk/DiscreteFunction/DiscreteFunction.py	2011-04-18 22:27:52 UTC (rev 2)
+++ trunk/DiscreteFunction/DiscreteFunction.py	2011-06-14 23:19:15 UTC (rev 3)
@@ -70,15 +70,18 @@
     	    self.dx = 0.0
-    def MakeMonotonicCoordinates(self):
-	"""Given a function whose coordinates are not monotonic, we remove all entries that violate monotonicity"""
+    def MakeMonotonicCoordinates(self, maxvariance=1e10):
+	"""Given a function whose coordinates are not monotonic, we remove all entries that violate monotonicity.
+	   maxvariance is the maximal change that may occur from one point to the next"""
 	x_ = []
 	f_ = []
 	jj = 0
 	for ii in range(0, len(self.x)-1):
     	    if (self.x[jj] >= self.x[ii]):
+    	    if (self.x[ii] > self.x[jj]+maxvariance):
+    		continue
     	    jj = ii
@@ -509,7 +512,7 @@
         res = self.__class__(zeros(npoints, float), zeros(npoints, type(self.f[0])))
 	dt = self.dx
-        res.f = dt * fft.fft(self.f) #/2  # divide by two becuase we're going to cut the negative frequencies!
+        res.f = dt * fft.fft(self.f) #/2  # divide by two because we're going to cut the negative frequencies!
         # get the freq
@@ -638,7 +641,11 @@
     if (x0 < max(DF1.x[0], DF2.x[0])): x0 = max(DF1.x[0], DF2.x[0])
     if (x1 > min(DF1.x[-1], DF2.x[-1])): x1 = min(DF1.x[-1], DF2.x[-1])
-    npoints = int ((x1-x0)/dx)+1
+    if ((x1-x0) < 0):
+	print "Warning: MakeConsistent: Empty overlap."
+	npoints = 1
+    else:
+	npoints = int ((x1-x0)/dx)+1
     newDF1 = DF2.__class__(zeros(npoints, float), zeros(npoints, type(DF1.f[0])))
     newDF2 = DF2.__class__(zeros(npoints, float), zeros(npoints, type(DF2.f[0])))

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