[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/ (Rev. 223)

cott at tapir.caltech.edu cott at tapir.caltech.edu
Sat Mar 12 08:25:12 CST 2011

User: cott
Date: 2011/03/12 08:25 AM

  interface.ccl, param.ccl, schedule.ccl
  GRHydro_Boundaries.F90, GRHydro_BoundariesM.F90, make.code.defn

 * remove GZ patch system code
 * test suites pass

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/

File [modified]: GRHydro_Boundaries.F90
Delta lines: +0 -156
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_Boundaries.F90	2011-03-12 04:06:44 UTC (rev 222)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_Boundaries.F90	2011-03-12 14:25:11 UTC (rev 223)
@@ -257,159 +257,3 @@
 end subroutine GRHydro_Boundaries
- /*@@
-   @routine    GRHydro_OutflowBoundaries
-   @date       Tue May 17 16:58:06 2005
-   @author     Ian Hawke
-   @desc 
-   Set outflow boundaries over only part of the domain.
-   This is designed to be used with GZPatchSystem.
-   @enddesc 
-   @calls     
-   @calledby   
-   @history 
-   @endhistory 
-subroutine GRHydro_OutflowBoundaries(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
-  implicit none
-  integer, dimension(3) :: sw
-  integer :: ierr
-  integer :: i,j,k
-  CCTK_REAL, dimension(3) :: posn
-  CCTK_REAL :: det,psi4pt
-  sw = GRHydro_stencil
-  if (r(1,1,1) < r(1,1,cctk_lsh(3))) then
-    if (cctk_bbox(6) .ne. 0) then
-      do k = cctk_lsh(3) - sw(3), cctk_lsh(3)
-        do j = 1, cctk_lsh(2)
-          do i = 1, cctk_lsh(1)
-            posn(1) = x(i,j,k)
-            posn(2) = y(i,j,k)
-            posn(3) = z(i,j,k)
-            if (dot_product(outflowboundary_normal, posn) > 0.d0) then
-              rho(i,j,k)        = rho(i,j,k-1)
-              velx(i,j,k)       = velx(i,j,k-1)
-              vely(i,j,k)       = vely(i,j,k-1)
-              velz(i,j,k)       = velz(i,j,k-1)
-              eps(i,j,k)        = eps(i,j,k-1)
-              press(i,j,k)      = press(i,j,k-1)
-              w_lorentz(i,j,k)  = w_lorentz(i,j,k-1)
-              if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
-                 Bvecx(i,j,k)       = Bvecx(i,j,k-1)
-                 Bvecy(i,j,k)       = Bvecy(i,j,k-1)
-                 Bvecz(i,j,k)       = Bvecz(i,j,k-1)
-                 if(clean_divergence.ne.0) then
-                    psidc(i,j,k)    = psidc(i,j,k-1)
-                 endif
-              endif
-              psi4pt = 1.0d0
-              det = SPATIAL_DETERMINANT(gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),gxz(i,j,k),\
-                   gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k))
-              if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
-                 call prim2conM(GRHydro_eos_handle,psi4pt*gxx(i,j,k),&
-                      psi4pt*gxy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gxz(i,j,k),&
-                      psi4pt*gyy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gyz(i,j,k),psi4pt*gzz(i,j,k),&
-                      det, dens(i,j,k),sx(i,j,k),sy(i,j,k),sz(i,j,k),&
-                      tau(i,j,k),Bvecx(i,j,k),Bvecy(i,j,k),Bvecz(i,j,k),&
-                      rho(i,j,k),velx(i,j,k),vely(i,j,k),velz(i,j,k),&
-                      eps(i,j,k),press(i,j,k),w_lorentz(i,j,k))
-              else
-                 call prim2con(GRHydro_eos_handle,psi4pt*gxx(i,j,k),&
-                      psi4pt*gxy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gxz(i,j,k),&
-                      psi4pt*gyy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gyz(i,j,k),psi4pt*gzz(i,j,k),&
-                      det, dens(i,j,k),sx(i,j,k),sy(i,j,k),sz(i,j,k),&
-                      tau(i,j,k),rho(i,j,k),velx(i,j,k),vely(i,j,k),velz(i,j,k),&
-                      eps(i,j,k),press(i,j,k),w_lorentz(i,j,k))
-              endif
-            end if
-          end do
-        end do
-      end do
-    end if
-  else
-    if (cctk_bbox(5) .ne. 0) then
-      do k = sw(3), 1, -1
-        do j = 1, cctk_lsh(2)
-          do i = 1, cctk_lsh(1)
-            posn(1) = x(i,j,k)
-            posn(2) = y(i,j,k)
-            posn(3) = z(i,j,k)
-            if (dot_product(outflowboundary_normal, posn) > 0.d0) then
-              rho(i,j,k)        = rho(i,j,k+1)
-              velx(i,j,k)       = velx(i,j,k+1)
-              vely(i,j,k)       = vely(i,j,k+1)
-              velz(i,j,k)       = velz(i,j,k+1)
-              eps(i,j,k)        = eps(i,j,k+1)
-              press(i,j,k)      = press(i,j,k+1)
-              w_lorentz(i,j,k)  = w_lorentz(i,j,k+1)
-              if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
-                 Bvecx(i,j,k)       = Bvecx(i,j,k+1)
-                 Bvecy(i,j,k)       = Bvecy(i,j,k+1)
-                 Bvecz(i,j,k)       = Bvecz(i,j,k+1)
-                 if(clean_divergence.ne.0) then
-                    psidc(i,j,k)    = psidc(i,j,k+1)
-                 endif
-              endif
-              psi4pt = 1.0d0
-              det = SPATIAL_DETERMINANT(gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),gxz(i,j,k),\
-                   gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k))
-              if(evolve_mhd.ne.0) then
-                 call prim2conM(GRHydro_eos_handle,psi4pt*gxx(i,j,k),&
-                      psi4pt*gxy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gxz(i,j,k),&
-                      psi4pt*gyy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gyz(i,j,k),psi4pt*gzz(i,j,k),&
-                      det, dens(i,j,k),sx(i,j,k),sy(i,j,k),sz(i,j,k),&
-                      tau(i,j,k),Bvecx(i,j,k),Bvecy(i,j,k),Bvecz(i,j,k),&
-                      rho(i,j,k),velx(i,j,k),vely(i,j,k),velz(i,j,k),&
-                      eps(i,j,k),press(i,j,k),w_lorentz(i,j,k))
-              else
-                 call prim2con(GRHydro_eos_handle,psi4pt*gxx(i,j,k),&
-                      psi4pt*gxy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gxz(i,j,k),&
-                      psi4pt*gyy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gyz(i,j,k),psi4pt*gzz(i,j,k),&
-                      det, dens(i,j,k),sx(i,j,k),sy(i,j,k),sz(i,j,k),&
-                      tau(i,j,k),rho(i,j,k),velx(i,j,k),vely(i,j,k),velz(i,j,k),&
-                      eps(i,j,k),press(i,j,k),w_lorentz(i,j,k))
-              endif
-            end if
-          end do
-        end do
-      end do
-    end if
-  end if
-end subroutine GRHydro_OutflowBoundaries

File [modified]: GRHydro_BoundariesM.F90
Delta lines: +0 -131
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_BoundariesM.F90	2011-03-12 04:06:44 UTC (rev 222)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_BoundariesM.F90	2011-03-12 14:25:11 UTC (rev 223)
@@ -233,137 +233,6 @@
 end subroutine GRHydro_BoundariesM
- /*@@
-   @routine    GRHydro_OutflowBoundariesM
-   @date       Aug 30, 2010
-   @author     Joshua Faber, Ian Hawke
-   @desc 
-   Set outflow boundaries over only part of the domain.
-   This is designed to be used with GZPatchSystem.
-   @enddesc 
-   @calls     
-   @calledby   
-   @history 
-   @endhistory 
-subroutine GRHydro_OutflowBoundariesM(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
-  implicit none
-  integer, dimension(3) :: sw
-  integer :: ierr
-  integer :: i,j,k
-  CCTK_REAL, dimension(3) :: posn
-  CCTK_REAL :: det,psi4pt
-  sw = GRHydro_stencil
-  if (r(1,1,1) < r(1,1,cctk_lsh(3))) then
-    if (cctk_bbox(6) .ne. 0) then
-      do k = cctk_lsh(3) - sw(3), cctk_lsh(3)
-        do j = 1, cctk_lsh(2)
-          do i = 1, cctk_lsh(1)
-            posn(1) = x(i,j,k)
-            posn(2) = y(i,j,k)
-            posn(3) = z(i,j,k)
-            if (dot_product(outflowboundary_normal, posn) > 0.d0) then
-              rho(i,j,k)        = rho(i,j,k-1)
-              velx(i,j,k)       = velx(i,j,k-1)
-              vely(i,j,k)       = vely(i,j,k-1)
-              velz(i,j,k)       = velz(i,j,k-1)
-              eps(i,j,k)        = eps(i,j,k-1)
-              press(i,j,k)      = press(i,j,k-1)
-              w_lorentz(i,j,k)  = w_lorentz(i,j,k-1)
-              Bvecx(i,j,k)       = Bvecx(i,j,k-1)
-              Bvecy(i,j,k)       = Bvecy(i,j,k-1)
-              Bvecz(i,j,k)       = Bvecz(i,j,k-1)
-              if(clean_divergence.ne.0) then
-                 psidc(i,j,k)    = psidc(i,j,k-1)
-              endif
-              psi4pt = 1.d0
-              det=SPATIAL_DETERMINANT(gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),gxz(i,j,k),gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k))
-              call prim2conM(GRHydro_eos_handle,psi4pt*gxx(i,j,k),&
-                   psi4pt*gxy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gxz(i,j,k),&
-                   psi4pt*gyy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gyz(i,j,k),psi4pt*gzz(i,j,k),&
-                   det, dens(i,j,k),sx(i,j,k),sy(i,j,k),sz(i,j,k),&
-                   tau(i,j,k),Bvecx(i,j,k),Bvecy(i,j,k),Bvecz(i,j,k),&
-                   rho(i,j,k),velx(i,j,k),vely(i,j,k),velz(i,j,k),&
-                   eps(i,j,k),press(i,j,k),w_lorentz(i,j,k))
-            end if
-          end do
-        end do
-      end do
-    end if
-  else
-    if (cctk_bbox(5) .ne. 0) then
-      do k = sw(3), 1, -1
-        do j = 1, cctk_lsh(2)
-          do i = 1, cctk_lsh(1)
-            posn(1) = x(i,j,k)
-            posn(2) = y(i,j,k)
-            posn(3) = z(i,j,k)
-            if (dot_product(outflowboundary_normal, posn) > 0.d0) then
-              rho(i,j,k)        = rho(i,j,k+1)
-              velx(i,j,k)       = velx(i,j,k+1)
-              vely(i,j,k)       = vely(i,j,k+1)
-              velz(i,j,k)       = velz(i,j,k+1)
-              eps(i,j,k)        = eps(i,j,k+1)
-              press(i,j,k)      = press(i,j,k+1)
-              w_lorentz(i,j,k)  = w_lorentz(i,j,k+1)
-              Bvecx(i,j,k)       = Bvecx(i,j,k+1)
-              Bvecy(i,j,k)       = Bvecy(i,j,k+1)
-              Bvecz(i,j,k)       = Bvecz(i,j,k+1)
-              if(clean_divergence.ne.0) then
-                 psidc(i,j,k)    = psidc(i,j,k+1)
-              endif
-              psi4pt = 1.d0
-              det=SPATIAL_DETERMINANT(gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),gxz(i,j,k),gyy(i,j,k),gyz(i,j,k),gzz(i,j,k))
-              call prim2conM(GRHydro_eos_handle,psi4pt*gxx(i,j,k),&
-                   psi4pt*gxy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gxz(i,j,k),&
-                   psi4pt*gyy(i,j,k),psi4pt*gyz(i,j,k),psi4pt*gzz(i,j,k),&
-                   det, dens(i,j,k),sx(i,j,k),sy(i,j,k),sz(i,j,k),&
-                   tau(i,j,k),Bvecx(i,j,k),Bvecy(i,j,k),Bvecz(i,j,k),&
-                   rho(i,j,k),velx(i,j,k),vely(i,j,k),velz(i,j,k),&
-                   eps(i,j,k),press(i,j,k),w_lorentz(i,j,k))
-            end if
-          end do
-        end do
-      end do
-    end if
-  end if
-end subroutine GRHydro_OutflowBoundariesM

File [modified]: make.code.defn
Delta lines: +0 -1
--- trunk/src/make.code.defn	2011-03-12 04:06:44 UTC (rev 222)
+++ trunk/src/make.code.defn	2011-03-12 14:25:11 UTC (rev 223)
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 	GRHydro_Reconstruct.F90 \
 	GRHydro_ReconstructPoly.F90 \
 	GRHydro_RegisterMask.c \
-	GRHydro_RegisterGZ.cc \
 	GRHydro_RegisterVars.cc \
 	GRHydro_RiemannSolve.F90 \
 	GRHydro_RoeAverage.F90 \

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: interface.ccl
Delta lines: +0 -11
--- trunk/interface.ccl	2011-03-12 04:06:44 UTC (rev 222)
+++ trunk/interface.ccl	2011-03-12 14:25:11 UTC (rev 223)
@@ -206,18 +206,7 @@
                                         CCTK_REAL IN z )
 USES FUNCTION SetDriftCorrectPosition
-###  Functions provided by GZPatchSystem for registration  ###
-CCTK_INT FUNCTION GZPatchSystem_register_sync(CCTK_STRING IN cactus_group_name)
-USES     FUNCTION GZPatchSystem_register_sync
-  GZPatchSystem_register_cxform(CCTK_INT IN time_level,			\
-				CCTK_STRING IN cactus_group_name)
-USES     FUNCTION GZPatchSystem_register_cxform
 ### Functions provided by the Omni EOS interface    ###

File [modified]: param.ccl
Delta lines: +0 -11
--- trunk/param.ccl	2011-03-12 04:06:44 UTC (rev 222)
+++ trunk/param.ccl	2011-03-12 14:25:11 UTC (rev 223)
@@ -515,17 +515,6 @@
   ".*" :: "Should be in the full Thorn::GF format"
 } ""
-#Setting outflow boundaries over only some of the domain for multipatch runs
-BOOLEAN outflow_boundaries "Use the outflow boundary conditions?"
-} "no"
-REAL outflowboundary_normal[3] "The normal to the plane; to the right of this outflow conditions will be set"
-  *:* :: "Anything"
-} 0.0
 # NaN detection level
 INT GRHydro_NaN_verbose "The warning level for NaNs occuring within GRHydro"

File [modified]: schedule.ccl
Delta lines: +0 -21
--- trunk/schedule.ccl	2011-03-12 04:06:44 UTC (rev 222)
+++ trunk/schedule.ccl	2011-03-12 14:25:11 UTC (rev 223)
@@ -212,20 +212,7 @@
 #   LANG: C
 # } "Set up the weighting terms for the fluxes"
-### Register with GZPatchSystem ###
-SCHEDULE GROUP GZPatchSystem_register
-} "Tell Cactus that this group exists, but is not scheduled from here"
-SCHEDULE GRHydro_register_GZPatchSystem IN GZPatchSystem_register
-  LANG: C
-  OPTIONS: meta
-} "register to-be-interpatch-synchronized variables with GZPatchSystem"
 ### Set the handle for the EOS ###
@@ -1002,14 +989,6 @@
-if (outflow_boundaries)
-  schedule GRHydro_OutflowBoundaries IN HydroBase_PostStep BEFORE GRHydro_Bound
-  {
-    LANG: Fortran
-  } "Outflow boundaries over only some of the domain"
 # This should not be used anymore and should be removed after some time
 schedule group Do_GRHydro_Boundaries IN HydroBase_Boundaries

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