[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Paper_EinsteinToolkit_2010/ (Rev. 185)

knarf at cct.lsu.edu knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Fri Nov 11 09:34:53 CST 2011

User: knarf
Date: 2011/11/11 09:34 AM


 start on small issues in section 2

File Changes:

Directory: /

File [modified]: ET.tex
Delta lines: +12 -12
--- ET.tex	2011-11-11 15:27:00 UTC (rev 184)
+++ ET.tex	2011-11-11 15:34:53 UTC (rev 185)
@@ -287,10 +287,10 @@
-While the list of studies mentioned in the introduction collectively represent
+While the aforementioned studies collectively represent
 breakthrough simulations that have significantly advanced the modeling of
 relativistic astrophysical systems, all simulations are presently
-missing one or more critical physical ingredients, as well as lacking the
+missing one or more critical physical ingredients and are lacking the
 numerical precision to accurately and realistically model the
 large-scale and small-scale dynamics of their target systems simultaneously.
@@ -301,27 +301,27 @@
  \item{\bf MHD}. Many studies, in particular those concerned with
-  massive star collapse, NS-NS or BH-NS binaries, and rotational
+  massive star collapse, NS-NS or BH-NS binaries and rotational
   non-axisymmetric instabilities, are still performed in pure GRHD\@.
   Without a doubt, these systems must be simulated with GRMHD to capture
-  the effects of magnetic fields that in many cases will
+  the effects of magnetic fields which in many cases will
   alter the simulation outcome on a qualitative level and may be 
   the driving mechanisms behind much of the observable EM signature
   from GRBs (e.g.,~\cite{Woosley:2006fn}) 
   and magneto-rotationally exploding core-collapse supernovae
   (e.g.,~\cite{Burrows:2007yx}). In addition, all simulations that have
-  taken into account magnetic fields are still limited to the
+  taken magnetic fields into account are still limited to the
   ideal MHD approximation, which assumes perfect conductivity. 
   Non-ideal GRMHD schemes are just becoming 
   available~(see, e.g.,~\cite{Palenzuela:2008sf,DelZanna:2007pk}), 
-  but yet to be implemented widely in many branches of numerical relativity.
+  but have yet to be implemented widely in many branches of numerical relativity.
  \item {\bf Equation of state (EOS), microphysics, and radiation
   transport}. Most presently published 3D GR(M)HD simulations, with the
-  exceptions of recent work  on massive star collapse 
+  exception of recent work on massive star collapse 
   (see, e.g.,~\cite{Ott:2006eu}) and binary mergers 
   (see, e.g.,~\cite{Sekiguchi:2011zd}),
-  relied on a simple zero-temperature descriptions of
+  relied on simple zero-temperature descriptions of
   NS stellar structure, with many assuming simple polytropic forms. 
   Such EOSs are computationally
   efficient, but are not necessarily a good description for matter in
@@ -329,12 +329,12 @@
   finite-temperature EOSs, derived from the microphysical descriptions of
   high-density matter, will lead to qualitatively different and much
   more astrophysically reliable results (see, e.g.,~\cite{Ott:2006eu}).
-  In addition, most GR(M)HD studies are
-  neglecting transport of neutrinos and photons
+  In addition, most GR(M)HD studies
+  neglect transport of neutrinos and photons
   and their interactions with matter. Neutrinos in
   particular play a crucial role in core-collapse supernovae and in
-  the cooling of NS-NS merger remnants and must not be left out when
-  attempting to accurately model such events.  Only few studies have
+  the cooling of NS-NS merger remnants, thus they must not be left out when
+  attempting to accurately model such events.  Few studies have
   incorporated neutrino and/or photon transport and interactions in
   approximate ways (see, e.g.,~\cite{Ott:2006eu,Farris:2008fe,Sekiguchi:2011zd}).

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