[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Paper_EinsteinToolkit_2010/cactus-benchmarks/ (Rev. 195)

knarf at cct.lsu.edu knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Mon Nov 14 00:17:10 CST 2011

User: knarf
Date: 2011/11/14 12:17 AM

  results-best.pdf, results-best.py

 final matplotlib script for figure

File Changes:

Directory: /cactus-benchmarks/

File [modified]: results-best.pdf
Delta lines: +0 -0
(Binary files differ)

File [modified]: results-best.py
Delta lines: +21 -15
--- cactus-benchmarks/results-best.py	2011-11-14 06:15:25 UTC (rev 194)
+++ cactus-benchmarks/results-best.py	2011-11-14 06:17:09 UTC (rev 195)
@@ -3,12 +3,8 @@
 # Plot evolution of central density
 from plot_defaults import *
-# todo: Zeilenabstand Legende
-#       X-Achse in 2^x beschriften
 # stuff
-xlim = (10,15000)
+xlim = (16,16384)
 ylim = (0,40)
 # load data
@@ -34,21 +30,21 @@
 ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
 # plot
-Fx,Fy = load_machine('franklin', {'steps': '==128', 'size': '==25', 'procs': '>=16', 'tpp': '==1', 'iter': '==0'})
-ax.semilogx(Fx, Fy, linestyle='-', marker='+', color='red', label='Franklin')
 Fx,Fy = load_machine('hlrb2',    {'steps': '==128', 'size': '==25', 'procs': '>=16', 'tpp': '==1', 'iter': '==10'})
 ax.semilogx(Fx, Fy, linestyle='--', marker='x', color='green', label='HLRB II')
-Fx,Fy = load_machine('kraken',   {'steps': '==128', 'size': '==25', 'ppn': '==4', 'procs': '>=16', 'tpp': '==1', 'iter': '==50'})
-ax.semilogx(Fx, Fy, linestyle='--', marker='*', color='blue', label='Kraken')
 Fx,Fy = load_machine('queenbee', {'steps': '==128', 'size': '==25', 'ppn': '==8', 'procs': '>=16', 'tpp': '==2', 'iter': '==0'})
 ax.semilogx(Fx, Fy, linestyle='--', marker='s', color='purple', label='Queen Bee')
 Fx,Fy = load_machine('ranger',   {'steps': '==128', 'size': '==25', 'ppn':'==16', 'procs': '>=16', 'tpp': '==1', 'iter': '==71'})
 ax.semilogx(Fx, Fy, linestyle='-', marker='s', color='black', label='Ranger')
+Fx,Fy = load_machine('kraken',   {'steps': '==128', 'size': '==25', 'ppn': '==4', 'procs': '>=16', 'tpp': '==1', 'iter': '==50'})
+ax.semilogx(Fx, Fy, linestyle='--', marker='*', color='blue', label='Kraken')
+Fx,Fy = load_machine('franklin', {'steps': '==128', 'size': '==25', 'procs': '>=16', 'tpp': '==1', 'iter': '==0'})
+ax.semilogx(Fx, Fy, linestyle='-', marker='+', color='red', label='Franklin', basex=2)
 # plot properties
@@ -56,18 +52,28 @@
 #plt.title('PSD', fontsize=fontsize)
 ax.set_xlabel(r'Number of cores')
 ax.set_ylabel(r'time per RHS evalutation $[\mu s]$')
+def base2format(n, pos):
+  if (n<1024):
+    return "%i" % n;
+  else:
+    if (n%1024 == 0):
+      return "%ik" % (n/1024);
+    else:
+      return "%i" % n;
 set_tick_sizes(ax, 8, 4)
 handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
-leg = ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='best', handlelength=4)
+leg = ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='best', handlelength=4, ncol=2)

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