[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro_InitData/trunk/ (Rev. 139)
rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Thu Aug 9 01:26:39 CDT 2012
User: rhaas
Date: 2012/08/09 01:26 AM
GRHydro_InitData: make rotor parameters Cactus parameters
* cite paper with description of system
* reverse sense of rotation
* add openmp statements
From: Roland Haas <roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu>
File Changes:
Directory: /trunk/src/
File [modified]: GRHydro_RotorM.F90
Delta lines: +56 -74
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_RotorM.F90 2012-08-09 06:26:37 UTC (rev 138)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_RotorM.F90 2012-08-09 06:26:39 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -44,93 +44,82 @@
subroutine GRHydro_RotorM(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ use cctk
implicit none
CCTK_INT :: i, j, k, nx, ny, nz
- CCTK_REAL :: radius, det, v_max
- CCTK_REAL :: rhoin, rhoout, pressin, pressout
- CCTK_REAL :: bvcxl,bvcyl,bvczl
- CCTK_REAL :: tmp,tmp2,gam,r_rot
+ CCTK_REAL :: radius, det, rfact
- CCTK_INT :: use_smoothing
- CCTK_REAL :: rsmooth_rel,rfact
+ !begin EOS_Omni stuff
+ CCTK_REAL :: tempEOS(1), yeEOS(1), xepsEOS(1)
+ CCTK_INT :: keyerr(1), anyerr
+ CCTK_INT, parameter :: have_temp = 0, n = 1
+ !end EOS_Omni
-!!$Hardwired bfield and gamma values
- bvcxl = 1.0
- bvcyl = 0.0
- bvczl = 0.0
-!!$Adiabatic index for test
- gam = (5.d0/3.d0)
-!!$radius of rotor is 0.1
- r_rot = 0.1
-!!$Maximum velocity is 0.995
- v_max = 0.995
-!!$Inner values
- rhoin = 10.d0
- pressin = 1.d0
-!!$Outer values
- rhoout = 1.d0
- pressout = 1.d0
-!!$ Smooth the edge? Define the radius in relative terms if so
- use_smoothing = 0
- rsmooth_rel = 0.05
nx = cctk_lsh(1)
ny = cctk_lsh(2)
nz = cctk_lsh(3)
- if(v_max>1.0) then
- write(*,*)"No superluminal speeds!!!! v_max=",v_max," reset to 0.995"
- v_max=0.995
- endif
+ !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(i,j,k,radius,det,rfact,tempEOS,yeEOS,xepsEOS,keyerr,anyerr) &
+ !$OMP default(none) &
+ !$OMP firstprivate(nx,ny,nz,GRHydro_eos_handle, GRHydro_eos_rf_prec, grhydro_eos_type, &
+ !$OMP rotor_xc,rotor_yc, rotor_rsmooth_rel, rotor_use_smoothing, &
+ !$OMP rotor_r_rot, rotor_rhoin,rotor_pressin,rotor_rhoout,rotor_pressout, &
+ !$OMP rotor_v_max, rotor_bvcxl, rotor_bvcyl, rotor_bvczl) &
+ !$OMP shared(x,y,z,rho,press,eps,vel,Bvec,w_lorentz,dens,Scon,tau,Bcons, &
+ !$OMP gxx,gxy,gxz,gyy,gyz,gzz)
do i=1,nx
do j=1,ny
do k=1,nz
- radius = sqrt(x(i,j,k)**2+y(i,j,k)**2)
- if(radius.le.r_rot) then
- rho(i,j,k) = rhoin
- press(i,j,k) = pressin
- velx(i,j,k) = v_max/r_rot*y(i,j,k)
- vely(i,j,k) = -1.d0*v_max/r_rot*x(i,j,k)
+ radius = sqrt((x(i,j,k)-rotor_xc)**2+(y(i,j,k)-rotor_yc)**2)
+ if(radius.le.rotor_r_rot) then
+ rho(i,j,k) = rotor_rhoin
+ press(i,j,k) = rotor_pressin
+ velx(i,j,k) = -1.d0*rotor_v_max/rotor_r_rot*(y(i,j,k)-rotor_yc)
+ vely(i,j,k) = +1.d0*rotor_v_max/rotor_r_rot*(x(i,j,k)-rotor_xc)
velz(i,j,k) = 0.d0
- else if((use_smoothing.eq.1) .and. &
- ((radius.gt.r_rot) .and. &
- (radius.le.((1.0+rsmooth_rel)*r_rot)))) then
- rfact = (radius/r_rot - 1.d0) / rsmooth_rel
- rho(i,j,k) = rfact*rhoout + (1.d0-rfact)*rhoin
- press(i,j,k) = rfact*pressout + (1.d0-rfact)*pressin
- velx(i,j,k) = (1.d0-rfact)*v_max * y(i,j,k) / radius
- velx(i,j,k) = -1.d0*(1.d0-rfact)*v_max * x(i,j,k) / radius
+ else if((rotor_use_smoothing.eq.1) .and. &
+ ((radius.gt.rotor_r_rot) .and. &
+ (radius.le.((1.0+rotor_rsmooth_rel)*rotor_r_rot)))) then
+ rfact = (radius/rotor_r_rot - 1.d0) / rotor_rsmooth_rel
+ rho(i,j,k) = rfact*rotor_rhoout + (1.d0-rfact)*rotor_rhoin
+ press(i,j,k) = rfact*rotor_pressout + (1.d0-rfact)*rotor_pressin
+ velx(i,j,k) = -1.d0*(1.d0-rfact)*rotor_v_max * (y(i,j,k)-rotor_yc) / radius
+ velx(i,j,k) = +1.d0*(1.d0-rfact)*rotor_v_max * (x(i,j,k)-rotor_xc) / radius
velz(i,j,k) = 0.d0
- rho(i,j,k) = rhoout
- press(i,j,k) = pressout
+ rho(i,j,k) = rotor_rhoout
+ press(i,j,k) = rotor_pressout
velx(i,j,k) = 0.d0
vely(i,j,k) = 0.d0
velz(i,j,k) = 0.d0
- eps(i,j,k)=press(i,j,k)/(gam-1.d0)/rho(i,j,k)
- Bvecx(i,j,k)=bvcxl
- Bvecy(i,j,k)=bvcyl
- Bvecz(i,j,k)=bvczl
+ keyerr = 0; anyerr = 0
+ call EOS_Omni_EpsFromPress(GRHydro_eos_handle, have_temp, GRHydro_eos_rf_prec, &
+ n, rho(i:i,j:j,k:k), eps(i:i,j:j,k:k), &
+ tempEOS, yeEOS, press(i:i,j:j,k:k), &
+ eps(i:i,j:j,k:k), & ! xeps argument
+ keyerr, anyerr)
+ if(anyerr .ne. 0) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Error when calling EOS. After stopping swearing at me, add a decent output text.")
+ end if
+ Bvecx(i,j,k)=rotor_bvcxl
+ Bvecy(i,j,k)=rotor_bvcyl
+ Bvecz(i,j,k)=rotor_bvczl
+ if(abs(det - 1d0) .gt. 1e-8) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0, "Rotor initial data only supports flat spacetime right now")
+ end if
if (CCTK_EQUALS(GRHydro_eos_type,"Polytype")) then
call Prim2ConPolyM(GRHydro_eos_handle,gxx(i,j,k),gxy(i,j,k),&
@@ -148,19 +137,12 @@
end if
- densrhs = 0.d0
- srhs = 0.d0
- taurhs = 0.d0
- Bconsrhs = 0.d0
- return
end subroutine GRHydro_RotorM
Directory: /trunk/
File [modified]: param.ccl
Delta lines: +70 -1
--- trunk/param.ccl 2012-08-09 06:26:37 UTC (rev 138)
+++ trunk/param.ccl 2012-08-09 06:26:39 UTC (rev 139)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"simple_wave" :: "Set initial data from Anile Miller Motta, Phys.Fluids. 26, 1450 (1983)"
"monopole" :: "Monopole at the center"
"cylexp" :: "Cylindrical Explosion"
- "rotor" :: "Magnetic Rotor test"
+ "rotor" :: "Magnetic Rotor test from DelZanna,Bucciantini, and Londrillo A&A 400, 397â413 (2003)"
"advectedloop":: "Magnetic advected loop test"
"alfvenwave" :: "Circularly polarized Alfven wave"
"hydro_bondi_solution" :: "Spherical single black hole Bondi solution"
@@ -275,6 +275,75 @@
(0:* :: "Anything positive."
} 1.0e-3
+# for the Magnetic Rotor test:
+# default values are from DelZanna,Bucciantini, and Londrillo A&A 400, 397â413 (2003) though notation differs
+CCTK_REAL rotor_xc "center of rotation"
+ *:* :: "Any location"
+} 0.5
+CCTK_REAL rotor_yc "center of rotation"
+ *:* :: "Any location"
+} 0.5
+CCTK_REAL rotor_bvcxl "intial component of Bvec[0]"
+ *:* :: "any real number"
+} 1.0
+CCTK_REAL rotor_bvcyl "intial component of Bvec[1]"
+ *:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+CCTK_REAL rotor_bvczl "intial component of Bvec[2]"
+ *:* :: "any real number"
+} 0.0
+CCTK_REAL rotor_r_rot "radius of rotor"
+ (0:* :: "any positive number"
+} 0.1
+CCTK_REAL rotor_v_max "Maximum velocity"
+ (-1:1) :: "any subluminal speed (negative is clockwise)"
+} 0.995
+CCTK_REAL rotor_rhoin "initial density inside rotor"
+ (0:* :: "any positive number"
+} 10.d0
+CCTK_REAL rotor_pressin "initial pressure inside rotor"
+ (0:* :: "any positive number"
+} 1.d0
+CCTK_REAL rotor_rhoout "initial density outside rotor"
+ (0:* :: "any positive number"
+} 1.d0
+CCTK_REAL rotor_pressout "initial pressure outside rotor"
+ (0:* :: "any positive number"
+} 1.d0
+CCTK_BOOLEAN rotor_use_smoothing "Smooth the edge?"
+} yes
+CCTK_REAL rotor_rsmooth_rel "Define the radius in relative terms if so"
+ (0:* :: "any positive number"
+} 0.05
USES real GRHydro_eos_rf_prec
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