[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/ (Rev. 410)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Mon Aug 27 14:19:17 CDT 2012

User: rhaas
Date: 2012/08/27 02:19 PM

  GRHydro_Analysis.F90, GRHydro_CalcUpdate.F90, GRHydro_Con2PrimM.F90, GRHydro_Con2PrimM_pt_EOSOmni.c, GRHydro_EigenproblemM.F90, GRHydro_HLLEM.F90, GRHydro_InterfacesM.h, GRHydro_PPMMReconstruct_drv.F90, GRHydro_Prim2ConM.F90, GRHydro_UpdateMaskM.F90, make.code.defn

 GRHydro: Changes to make GRHydro MHD work with nuclear/hot equation of state:
 1) Switch to EOSOmni pointwise C2P routine and modify where necessary.
 2) Modify Con2PrimM.F90 to allow for the evolution of temperature and adjust the wrapper routine.
 3) Create EigenProblemM_hot pointwise routine and call that from HLLEM.F90 when temperature is evolved.
    Additionally adjust HLLEM where necessary.
 4) Adjust InterfacesM.h to incorporate the newly created functions.
 5) Fix a loop problem (not taking into account constraint transport) in PPM reconstruction of Y_e
 6) Introduce Prim2ConM_hot and call this pointwise routine from Prim2ConM.F90 when temperature is evolved.
    Additionally also make this routine available to initial data routine in GRHydro_InitData
 7) Adjust loops in GRHydro_PoloidalMagFieldM.F90 to not set boundary points it cannot set but instead call boundary group afterwards! Pay attention as this will not work with boundary conditions set to "none" in MHD case anymore but is the correct thing to do.
 8) Allow StarMapper to extend HydroBase::initial_hydro = "starmapper".
 9) Smaller fixes.
 From: Philipp Moesta <pmoesta at tapir.caltech.edu>

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/

File [modified]: GRHydro_Analysis.F90
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: GRHydro_CalcUpdate.F90
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: GRHydro_Con2PrimM.F90
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: GRHydro_Con2PrimM_pt_EOSOmni.c
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: GRHydro_EigenproblemM.F90
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: GRHydro_HLLEM.F90
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: GRHydro_InterfacesM.h
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: GRHydro_PPMMReconstruct_drv.F90
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: GRHydro_Prim2ConM.F90
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: GRHydro_UpdateMaskM.F90
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

File [modified]: make.code.defn
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: interface.ccl
Delta lines: <Unavailable>

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