[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] HydroBase/trunk/ (Rev. 56)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Sun Jul 8 00:00:53 CDT 2012

User: rhaas
Date: 2012/07/08 12:00 AM


 revert r55

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: schedule.ccl
Delta lines: +0 -5
--- trunk/schedule.ccl	2012-06-17 15:55:48 UTC (rev 55)
+++ trunk/schedule.ccl	2012-07-08 05:00:52 UTC (rev 56)
@@ -184,11 +184,6 @@
   schedule HydroBase_InitExcisionMask in HydroBase_ExcisionMaskSetup
     LANG: C
-    # GLOBAL is global-early in INITIAL and Post_Recover_Variables
-    # GLOBAL is global-late in PostRegrid and PostRegridInitial
-    # since we would always like to run before any possibly local routine
-    # modifying the mask, we run global-early
-    OPTIONS: global-early loop-local
   } "Initialize hydro excision mask to 'no excision everywhere'"
   schedule GROUP HydroBase_ExcisionHasBeenSet at CCTK_PostStep

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