[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] SphericalHarmonicDecomp/trunk/ (Rev. 7)

yosef at astro.rit.edu yosef at astro.rit.edu
Mon Jul 30 13:57:21 CDT 2012

User: zlochower
Date: 2012/07/30 01:57 PM

  ExtractMetric.cc, SphericalHarmonicDecomp.h

 Check status of hdf5 IO operations and optionally kill run
 if they fail (not default)

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/

File [modified]: ExtractMetric.cc
Delta lines: +124 -77
--- trunk/src/ExtractMetric.cc	2012-05-28 22:22:18 UTC (rev 6)
+++ trunk/src/ExtractMetric.cc	2012-07-30 18:57:20 UTC (rev 7)
@@ -12,6 +12,22 @@
 #include <complex>
 #include "sYlm.hh"
+static int hdf5_warn_level = CCTK_WARN_ALERT;
+#define HDF5_ERROR(fn_call)                                                   \
+        do {                                                                  \
+          int _error_code = fn_call;                                          \
+                                                                              \
+                                                                              \
+          if (_error_code < 0)                                                \
+          {                                                                   \
+            CCTK_VWarn (hdf5_warn_level, __LINE__, __FILE__, CCTK_THORNSTRING,              \
+                        "HDF5 call '%s' returned error code %d",              \
+                        #fn_call, _error_code);                               \
+            error_count++;                                                    \
+          }                                                                   \
+        } while (0)
 #  include "Legendre.hh"
@@ -248,10 +264,12 @@
   dims[0] = nn;
   dims[1] = nlmmodes;
+  int error_count = 0;
   static int FirstCall = 1;
   static int last_dump[MAX_RADII];
   const int dump_it = iter;
+  hid_t dataset_id, attribute_id, dataspace_id, group_id;
   if (FirstCall)
@@ -262,107 +280,122 @@
+  bool file_exists = false;
+     file_exists = H5Fis_hdf5(filename) > 0;
+  } H5E_END_TRY;
+  if(file_exists)
-    /* OK there must be a better to test if the file exists */
-    FILE *file = fopen(filename, "rb");
-    if (!file)
+    file_id = H5Fopen (filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
+    if (file_id < 0)
-      file_id = H5Fcreate (filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC,
+      CCTK_WARN(hdf5_warn_level, "Failed to open hdf5 file");
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    file_id = H5Fcreate (filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC,
            H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
+    if (file_id < 0)
+    {
+      CCTK_WARN(hdf5_warn_level, "Failed to create hdf5 file");
+    }
-      {
-        hid_t dataset_id, attribute_id, dataspace_id, group_id;
-        char name[]="/metadata";
-        group_id = H5Gcreate(file_id, name, 0);
+    char name[]="/metadata";
+    HDF5_ERROR(group_id = H5Gcreate(file_id, name, 0));
-        int ds[2] = {nn, nlmmodes};
-        hsize_t oD2 = 2;
-        hsize_t oD1 = 1;
+    int ds[2] = {nn, nlmmodes};
+    hsize_t oD2 = 2;
+    hsize_t oD1 = 1;
-        dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oD2, NULL);
-        attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "dim", H5T_NATIVE_INT,
-                       dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
-        status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, ds);
-        status = H5Aclose(attribute_id);
-        status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);
+    HDF5_ERROR(dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oD2, NULL));
+    HDF5_ERROR(attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "dim", H5T_NATIVE_INT,
+                   dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, ds));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Aclose(attribute_id));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id));
-        dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oD1, NULL);
-        attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "spin", H5T_NATIVE_INT,
-                        dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
-        status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &s);
-        status = H5Aclose(attribute_id);
-        status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);
+    HDF5_ERROR(dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oD1, NULL));
+    HDF5_ERROR(attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "spin", H5T_NATIVE_INT,
+                    dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &s));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Aclose(attribute_id));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id));
-        dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oD1, NULL);
-        attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "Rin", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
-                        dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
-        status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &rin);
-        status = H5Aclose(attribute_id);
-        status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);
+    HDF5_ERROR(dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oD1, NULL));
+    HDF5_ERROR(attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "Rin", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
+                    dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &rin));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Aclose(attribute_id));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id));
-        dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oD1, NULL);
-        attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "Rout", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
-                        dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
-        status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &rout);
-        status = H5Aclose(attribute_id);
-        status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);
+    HDF5_ERROR(dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oD1, NULL));
+    HDF5_ERROR(attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "Rout", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
+                    dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &rout));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Aclose(attribute_id));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id));
-        H5Gclose(group_id);
+    HDF5_ERROR(H5Gclose(group_id));
-      }
-    }
-    else
+    if (error_count > 0)
-      fclose(file);
-      file_id = H5Fopen (filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
+      CCTK_WARN(hdf5_warn_level, "Failed to initialize hdf5 file");
+  char buff[BUFFSIZE];
+  if (dump_it > last_dump[obs])
-    hid_t group_id, dataset_id, attribute_id, dataspace_id;
-    char buff[BUFFSIZE];
-    if (dump_it > last_dump[obs])
+    hsize_t oneD = 1;
+    snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "/%d", dump_it);
+    HDF5_ERROR(group_id = H5Gcreate(file_id, buff, 0));
+    HDF5_ERROR(dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oneD, NULL));
+    HDF5_ERROR(attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "Time", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
+      dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &time));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Aclose(attribute_id));
+    HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id));
+    HDF5_ERROR(H5Gclose(group_id));
+    if (error_count > 0)
-      hsize_t oneD = 1;
-      snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "/%d", dump_it);
-      group_id = H5Gcreate(file_id, buff, 0);
-      dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(1, &oneD, NULL);
-      attribute_id = H5Acreate(group_id, "Time", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
-        dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
-      status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &time);
-      status = H5Aclose(attribute_id);
-      status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);
-      H5Gclose(group_id);
+      CCTK_WARN(hdf5_warn_level, "Failed to write to hdf5 file");
-    last_dump[obs] = dump_it;
+  }
+  last_dump[obs] = dump_it;
-    snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "/%d/%s", dump_it, name);
-    group_id = H5Gcreate(file_id, buff, 0);
-    H5Gclose(group_id);
+  snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "/%d/%s", dump_it, name);
+  HDF5_ERROR(group_id = H5Gcreate(file_id, buff, 0));
+  HDF5_ERROR(H5Gclose(group_id));
-    snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "/%d/%s/re", dump_it, name);
-    dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);
-    dataset_id =  H5Dcreate(file_id, buff, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
-           dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
-    status = H5Dwrite(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL,
-                     H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, re);
-    status = H5Dclose(dataset_id);
-    status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);
+  snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "/%d/%s/re", dump_it, name);
+  HDF5_ERROR(dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL));
+  HDF5_ERROR(dataset_id =  H5Dcreate(file_id, buff, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
+         dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT));
+  HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Dwrite(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL,
+                   H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, re));
+  HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Dclose(dataset_id));
+  HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id));
-    snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "/%d/%s/im", dump_it, name);
-    dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);
-    dataset_id =  H5Dcreate(file_id, buff, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
-           dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT);
-    status = H5Dwrite(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL,
-                     H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, im);
-    status = H5Dclose(dataset_id);
-    status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);
+  snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "/%d/%s/im", dump_it, name);
+  HDF5_ERROR(dataspace_id =  H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL));
+  HDF5_ERROR(dataset_id =  H5Dcreate(file_id, buff, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,
+         dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT));
+  HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Dwrite(dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL,
+                   H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, im));
+  HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Dclose(dataset_id));
+  HDF5_ERROR(status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id));
+  HDF5_ERROR(H5Fclose(file_id));
+  if (error_count>0)
+  {
+    CCTK_WARN(hdf5_warn_level, "Failed to write data to hdf5 file");
-  H5Fclose(file_id);
   return 0;
@@ -491,18 +524,32 @@
     static int last_iter = -10000;
+fprintf(stderr, "Entering Dump metric at %d\n", cctk_iteration);
     if ((!extract_spacetime_metric_every) ||
          (cctk_iteration % extract_spacetime_metric_every))
     const int iter = cctk_iteration / extract_spacetime_metric_every;
+fprintf(stderr, "survived first test\n");
     if (iter <= last_iter)
+fprintf(stderr, "survived second test\n");
+    if (CCTK_Equals(action_on_hdf5_error, "abort"))
+    {
+      hdf5_warn_level = CCTK_WARN_ABORT;
+    }
+    else if  (CCTK_Equals(action_on_hdf5_error, "alert"))
+    {
+      hdf5_warn_level = CCTK_WARN_ALERT;
+    }
     Decompose3D(cctkGH, "gxx", CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gxx"), iter);
     Decompose3D(cctkGH, "gxy", CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gxy"), iter);
     Decompose3D(cctkGH, "gxz", CCTK_VarIndex("ADMBase::gxz"), iter);

File [modified]: SphericalHarmonicDecomp.h
Delta lines: +3 -0
--- trunk/src/SphericalHarmonicDecomp.h	2012-05-28 22:22:18 UTC (rev 6)
+++ trunk/src/SphericalHarmonicDecomp.h	2012-07-30 18:57:20 UTC (rev 7)
@@ -18,4 +18,7 @@
      CCTK_REAL **p_im);
+# ERROR: Don't activate this option

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: param.ccl
Delta lines: +6 -0
--- trunk/param.ccl	2012-05-28 22:22:18 UTC (rev 6)
+++ trunk/param.ccl	2012-07-30 18:57:20 UTC (rev 7)
@@ -97,3 +97,9 @@
   0:* :: "0 or positive. 0 means never"
 } 0
+CCTK_KEYWORD action_on_hdf5_error  "What to do" STEERABLE=ALWAYS
+  "abort" :: "stop the run."
+  "alert" :: "only alert the user"
+} "alert" 

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