[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/ (Rev. 480)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Mon Feb 11 10:30:22 CST 2013

User: rhaas
Date: 2013/02/11 10:30 AM


 GRHydro: synchronize press for initial guess of Con2Prim
 since the Polytype (!) con2prim routine uses it for its initial guess
 then continues to iterate over rho
 Do not sync variables not used for initial guess. This affects only runs
 with sync_only_conservatives=yes.
 From: Roland Haas <rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu>

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: schedule.ccl
Delta lines: +13 -13
--- trunk/schedule.ccl	2013-02-11 16:30:19 UTC (rev 479)
+++ trunk/schedule.ccl	2013-02-11 16:30:22 UTC (rev 480)
@@ -1268,9 +1268,9 @@
 	 LANG: Fortran
 #         SYNC: HydroBase::w_lorentz      # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
-#         SYNC: HydroBase::press          # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
-#         SYNC: HydroBase::vel
-#         SYNC: HydroBase::Bvec
+         SYNC: HydroBase::press          # con2prim_ptPolytype uses this for its initial guess
+#         SYNC: HydroBase::vel            # not needed; lvel is used as initial guess instead
+#         SYNC: HydroBase::Bvec           # not needed; lBvec is used as initial guess instead
 #         SYNC: hydrobase::entropy        # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
 #         SYNC: hydrobase::Y_e            # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
 #         SYNC: GRHydro_tracers           # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
@@ -1287,10 +1287,10 @@
 	 LANG: Fortran
-         SYNC: HydroBase::w_lorentz
-         SYNC: HydroBase::press
-#         SYNC: HydroBase::vel
-#         SYNC: HydroBase::Bvec
+#         SYNC: HydroBase::w_lorentz   # don't need that since computed in Con2Prim which runs in postregrid!
+         SYNC: HydroBase::press          # con2prim_ptPolytype uses this for its initial guess
+#         SYNC: HydroBase::vel         # not needed; obtained from lvel everywhere in post regrid after Con2Prim
+#         SYNC: HydroBase::Bvec        # not needed; obtained from lBvec everywhere in post regrid after Con2Prim
          SYNC: hydrobase::entropy
          SYNC: hydrobase::Y_e
          SYNC: GRHydro_tracers
@@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@
 	 LANG: Fortran
 #         SYNC: HydroBase::w_lorentz      # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
-#         SYNC: HydroBase::press          # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
+         SYNC: HydroBase::press          # con2prim_ptPolytype uses this for its initial guess
 #         SYNC: hydrobase::entropy        # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
 #         SYNC: hydrobase::Y_e            # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
 #         SYNC: lvel
@@ -1329,11 +1329,11 @@
 	 LANG: Fortran
-         SYNC: HydroBase::w_lorentz      # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
-         SYNC: HydroBase::press          # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
-         SYNC: hydrobase::entropy        # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
-         SYNC: hydrobase::Y_e            # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
-         SYNC: GRHydro_tracers           # not used as initial guess and hence not needed!
+#         SYNC: HydroBase::w_lorentz      # don't need that since computed in Con2Prim which runs in postregrid!
+         SYNC: HydroBase::press          # con2prim_ptPolytype uses this for its initial guess
+         SYNC: hydrobase::entropy
+         SYNC: hydrobase::Y_e
+         SYNC: GRHydro_tracers
 	 SYNC: HydroBase::rho
 	 SYNC: HydroBase::eps
 	 SYNC: HydroBase::vel

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