[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] EOS_Omni/trunk/src/ (Rev. 75)
cott at tapir.caltech.edu
cott at tapir.caltech.edu
Sun Feb 24 15:07:39 CST 2013
User: cott
Date: 2013/02/24 03:07 PM
* add missing source file
File Changes:
Directory: /trunk/src/
File [added]: EOS_Omni_ColdEOSReadTable.F90
Delta lines: +105 -0
--- trunk/src/EOS_Omni_ColdEOSReadTable.F90 (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/EOS_Omni_ColdEOSReadTable.F90 2013-02-24 21:07:38 UTC (rev 75)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Functions.h"
+subroutine EOS_Omni_ReadColdTable(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+ use EOS_Omni_Module
+ implicit none
+ character(len=512) :: warnline
+ character(len=256) :: eosfilename
+ CCTK_INT :: slength
+ LOGICAL :: tablethere
+ character(len=256) :: buffer1,buffer2,buffer3
+ CCTK_INT :: lnrho,lnye,lntemp
+ integer :: i
+ ! convert file name to fortran string
+ call CCTK_FortranString ( slength, coldeos_table_name, &
+ eosfilename )
+ ! read and parse EOS table file
+ inquire(file=trim(adjustl(eosfilename)),exist=tablethere)
+ if(.not.tablethere) then
+ write(warnline,"(A10,A,A15)") "EOS file ", trim(adjustl(eosfilename)), " does not exist!"
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,warnline)
+ endif
+ ! read header
+ open(unit=667,file=trim(adjustl(eosfilename)),form="formatted")
+ read(667,"(A)") buffer1
+ ! check if okay
+ if(.not. (trim(adjustl(buffer1)).eq."EoSType = Tabulated")) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,"Wrong EOS table format -- check header")
+ endif
+ ! now read number of rho entries
+ read(667,"(A7,i7,A6,i6,A5,i6)") buffer1,lnrho,buffer2,lnye,buffer3,lntemp
+ if(lnye.ne.1.or.lntemp.ne.1) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,"Wrong EOS table format -- cannot handle Nye!=1 or NT!=`")
+ endif
+ coldeos_nrho = lnrho
+ ! allocate vars
+ allocate(coldeos_logrho(coldeos_nrho))
+ allocate(coldeos_eps(coldeos_nrho))
+ allocate(coldeos_gamma(coldeos_nrho))
+ allocate(coldeos_cs2(coldeos_nrho))
+ ! read rho min and max
+ read(667,"(A16,A16)") buffer1,buffer2
+ read(buffer1(9:),*) coldeos_rhomin
+ read(buffer2(9:),*) coldeos_rhomax
+ ! read heat capacity? Not sure what exactly that is used for, just ignore it
+ ! for now
+ read(667,*) buffer1
+ ! read gamma thermal
+ read(667,"(A30)") buffer1
+ read(buffer1(10:),*) coldeos_gammath
+ if(coldeos_use_thermal_gamma_law.ne.1) then
+ coldeos_thfac = 0.0d0
+ endif
+ ! read kappa
+ read(667,"(A30)") buffer1
+ read(buffer1(9:),*) coldeos_kappa
+ ! make sure density is in log spacing
+ read(667,"(A30)") buffer1
+ if(.not.(trim(adjustl(buffer1)).eq."RhoSpacing = Log")) then
+ call CCTK_WARN(0,"Density spacing not log? Check table format!")
+ endif
+ ! now read everything
+ do i=1,coldeos_nrho
+ read(667,"(E24.14,E24.14,E24.14)") coldeos_eps(i),coldeos_gamma(i),coldeos_cs2(i)
+ coldeos_cs2(i) = coldeos_cs2(i)**2
+ enddo
+ close(667)
+ ! set up rho
+ coldeos_dlrho = (log10(coldeos_rhomax) - log10(coldeos_rhomin)) / (coldeos_nrho-1)
+ coldeos_dlrhoi = 1.0d0/coldeos_dlrho
+ do i=1,coldeos_nrho
+ coldeos_logrho(i) = log10(coldeos_rhomin) + (i-1)*coldeos_dlrho
+ enddo
+#if 0
+ ! debug output
+ do i=1,coldeos_nrho
+ write(6,"(i5,1P10E15.6)") i, coldeos_logrho(i), &
+ coldeos_eps(i),coldeos_gamma(i),sqrt(coldeos_cs2(i))
+ enddo
+end subroutine EOS_Omni_ReadColdTable
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