[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/ (Rev. 607)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Tue Apr 15 14:48:35 CDT 2014

User: rhaas
Date: 2014/04/15 02:48 PM


  GRHydro_RiemannSolve.F90, make.code.defn

 GRHydro: add hllc solver
 * fix sign of eigenvalue of E coefficient in HLLC, probably still
   incorrect for beta!=0

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/

File [added]: GRHydro_HLLC.F90
Delta lines: +666 -0
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_HLLC.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_HLLC.F90	2014-04-15 19:48:34 UTC (rev 607)
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
+ /*@@
+   @file      GRHydro_HLLC.F90
+   @date      Sat Jan 26 01:40:14 2002
+   @author    Ian Hawke, Pedro Montero, Toni Font, Roland Haas
+   @desc 
+   The HLLC solver. Called from the wrapper function, so works in 
+   all directions.
+   @enddesc 
+ @@*/
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Functions.h"
+#include "GRHydro_Macros.h"
+#include "SpaceMask.h"
+ /*@@
+   @routine    GRHydro_HLLC
+   @date       Sat Jan 26 01:41:02 2002
+   @author     Ian Hawke, Pedro Montero, Toni Font, Roland Haas
+   @desc 
+   The HLLC solver. Sufficiently simple that its just one big routine.
+   @enddesc 
+   @calls     
+   @calledby   
+   @history 
+   Based entirely on Matt Duez notes on HLL and HLLC
+   @endhistory 
+module GRHydro_hllc_helpers
+  implicit none
+  contains
+  ! using nested subroutines seems to not work (either because gfortran has a
+  ! bug or because they are not allowed with OpenMP). So we have to pass each
+  ! argument explictly. ok for now since I plan to re-implement this in C
+  ! anyway.
+  subroutine compute_stardata(charstar,pressstar,consm_i,consp,sqrt_avg_det,pressminus,pressplus,&
+                              uxxh,uxyh,uxzh,uyyh,uyzh,uzzh,usendh,avg_beta,avg_alp,vxR,vxL,charmin,charmax,i,j,k,&
+                              cctk_ash1,cctk_ash2,cctk_ash3,xoffset,yoffset,zoffset,flux_direction)
+    implicit none
+    CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: charstar, pressstar
+    integer, intent(in) :: cctk_ash1, cctk_ash2, cctk_ash3
+    CCTK_REAL, intent(in), DIMENSION(5) :: consm_i, consp
+    CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: sqrt_avg_det, avg_beta, avg_alp
+    CCTK_REAL, intent(in), DIMENSION(cctk_ash1,cctk_ash2,cctk_ash3) :: pressminus, pressplus
+    CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: uxxh,uxyh,uxzh,uyyh,uyzh,uzzh,usendh
+    CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: charmin, charmax
+    CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: vxR, vxL
+    integer, intent(in) :: i,j,k
+    CCTK_INT, intent(in) :: xoffset, yoffset, zoffset, flux_direction
+    ! naming convention: in this routine we use the convention of Duez (and by
+    ! extenstion Mignone et al.MNRAS 364 126 (2005) which means that L<->plus,
+    ! R<->minus
+    ! for convenience, use s^k = D h u^k = D h g^{k \mu} u_\mu
+    ! ie. this is NOT s^k = gamma^{kj} s_j
+    ! doing the math, I find: 
+    ! s^k = gamma^{kj} s_j - beta^k/alpha sqrt(detgamma) rho h W**2
+    ! where the last part is rho h W**2 = tau+D+press
+    CCTK_REAL :: sXL, sXR
+    ! the coefficients of the quadratic equaion determining lambdastar
+    ! the combination D*h*W which appear more than once
+    CCTK_REAL :: lamstar_tilde ! eq (22)
+    ! compute sX
+    DhWR = consm_i(1)+consm_i(5)+ &
+           sqrt_avg_det*pressminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset)
+    DhWL = consp  (1)+consp  (5)+ &
+           sqrt_avg_det*pressplus (i        ,j        ,k        )
+    if (flux_direction == 1) then
+      sXR = uxxh*consm_i(2)+uxyh*consm_i(3)+uxzh*consm_i(4) - &
+            avg_beta/avg_alp*DhWR
+      sXL = uxxh*consp  (2)+uxyh*consp  (3)+uxzh*consp  (4) - &
+            avg_beta/avg_alp*DhWL
+    else if (flux_direction == 2) then
+      sXR = uxyh*consm_i(2)+uyyh*consm_i(3)+uyzh*consm_i(4) - &
+            avg_beta/avg_alp*DhWR
+      sXL = uxyh*consp  (2)+uyyh*consp  (3)+uyzh*consp  (4) - &
+            avg_beta/avg_alp*DhWL
+    else if (flux_direction == 3) then
+      sXR = uxzh*consm_i(2)+uyzh*consm_i(3)+uzzh*consm_i(4) - &
+            avg_beta/avg_alp*DhWR
+      sXL = uxzh*consp  (2)+uyzh*consp  (3)+uzzh*consp  (4) - &
+            avg_beta/avg_alp*DhWL
+    else
+      call CCTK_ERROR("Flux direction not x,y,z")
+    end if
+    ! compute the coefficients A-D of Duez (23)-(26)
+    AR = (consm_i(5)+consm_i(1))*(charmax+avg_beta) - (avg_alp*sXR+DhWR*avg_beta)
+    AL = (consp  (5)+consp  (1))*(charmin+avg_beta) - (avg_alp*sXL+DhWL*avg_beta)
+    CR = avg_alp*usendh
+    CL = CR
+    BR = CR*sqrt_avg_det*pressminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) - &
+         (sXR+DhWR*avg_beta/avg_alp)*(charmax-vXR)
+    BL = CL*sqrt_avg_det*pressplus (i        ,j        ,k        ) - &
+         (sXL+DhWL*avg_beta/avg_alp)*(charmin-vXL)
+    ER = -(avg_beta + charmax) ! sing ERROR in Duez (26)
+    EL = -(avg_beta + charmin)
+    ! we require the negative root only (see Mignone et al), this is (27) of
+    ! Duez
+    call solve_quadratic(EL*AR-AL*ER, -(AL*CR+BL*ER-CL*AR-EL*BR), BR*CL-BL*CR, &
+                         lamstar_tilde)
+    charstar = avg_alp * lamstar_tilde - avg_beta ! eq (22)
+    ! pressstar is equal left and right of contact discontinuity
+    pressstar = (AL*lamstar_tilde + BL)/((CL+EL*lamstar_tilde)*sqrt_avg_det)
+  end subroutine
+  ! this function is a straightforward transcription of the GSL solve_quadratic
+  ! functions. Both codes are GPL. 
+  ! Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2007 Brian Gough
+  subroutine solve_quadratic(a,b,c, res)
+    implicit none
+    CCTK_REAL, intent(in) :: a,b,c
+    CCTK_REAL, intent(out) :: res
+    CCTK_REAL, parameter :: one = 1
+    CCTK_REAL :: disc, r, sgnb, temp, r1, r2
+    character(len=256) :: warnline
+    disc = b * b - 4 * a * c
+    if (a == 0) then! Handle linear case
+        if (b == 0) then
+            write (warnline, '("Could not solve quadratic equation with coefficients ",3g22.15)') a,b,c
+            call CCTK_ERROR(warnline)
+        else
+            res = -c / b
+        end if
+        return
+    end if
+    if (disc > 0) then
+        if (b == 0) then
+            r = abs (0.5d0 * sqrt (disc) / a)
+            res = -r
+            !*x1 =  r ! only want negative root
+        else
+            sgnb = sign(one, b)
+            temp = -0.5d0 * (b + sgnb * sqrt (disc))
+            r1 = temp / a
+            r2 = c / temp
+            res = r2 ! only want negative (second) root
+            !if (r1 < r2) then
+            !    res = r1
+            !    !*x1 = r2 ! only want negative root
+            !else 
+            !    res = r2
+            !    !*x1 = r1 ! only want negative root
+            !end if
+        end if
+    else if (disc == 0) then
+        res = -0.5d0 * b / a
+        !*x1 = -0.5 * b / a ! only want one root
+    else
+        write (warnline, '("Could not solve quadratic equation with coefficients ",3g22.15)') a,b,c
+        call CCTK_ERROR(warnline)
+    end if
+  end subroutine
+end module GRHydro_hllc_helpers
+subroutine GRHydro_HLLC(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+  USE GRHydro_Eigenproblem
+  USE GRHydro_hllc_helpers
+  implicit none
+  integer :: i, j, k
+  integer :: keytemp
+  CCTK_REAL, dimension(5) :: consp,consm_i,fplus,fminus,lamplus
+  CCTK_REAL, dimension(5) :: f1,lamminus, consstar
+  CCTK_REAL ::  charmin, charmax, charstar, avg_alp,avg_det
+  CCTK_REAL :: gxxh, gxyh, gxzh, gyyh, gyzh, gzzh, uxxh, uxyh, &
+       uxzh, uyyh, uyzh, uzzh, avg_beta, usendh
+  CCTK_REAL :: pressstar ! NOTE: this name is unfortuante for MHD where it
+                         ! conflicts
+  CCTK_REAL :: sqrt_avg_det
+  ! Duez und GRHydro define different quantities v^i, we have 
+  ! v^i_Duez = alp*v^i_GRHydro - beta^i
+  CCTK_REAL :: vXL, vXR
+  CCTK_REAL :: velstar ! GRhydro's velocity in the star region
+  CCTK_INT :: type_bits, trivial
+  ! sign requires its arguments to be of identical KIND
+  CCTK_REAL, parameter :: one = 1d0
+  ! save memory when MP is not used
+  CCTK_INT :: GRHydro_UseGeneralCoordinates
+  CCTK_REAL, DIMENSION(cctk_ash1,cctk_ash2,cctk_ash3) :: g11, g12, g13, g22, g23, g33
+  pointer (pg11,g11), (pg12,g12), (pg13,g13), (pg22,g22), (pg23,g23), (pg33,g33)
+  CCTK_REAL, DIMENSION(cctk_ash1,cctk_ash2,cctk_ash3) :: beta1, beta2, beta3
+  pointer (pbeta1,beta1), (pbeta2,beta2), (pbeta3,beta3)
+  CCTK_REAL, DIMENSION(cctk_ash1,cctk_ash2,cctk_ash3,3) :: vup
+  pointer (pvup,vup)
+  if (GRHydro_UseGeneralCoordinates(cctkGH).ne.0) then
+    pg11 = loc(gaa)
+    pg12 = loc(gab)
+    pg13 = loc(gac)
+    pg22 = loc(gbb)
+    pg23 = loc(gbc)
+    pg33 = loc(gcc)
+    pbeta1 = loc(betaa)
+    pbeta2 = loc(betab)
+    pbeta3 = loc(betac)
+    pvup = loc(lvel)
+  else
+    pg11 = loc(gxx)
+    pg12 = loc(gxy)
+    pg13 = loc(gxz)
+    pg22 = loc(gyy)
+    pg23 = loc(gyz)
+    pg33 = loc(gzz)
+    pbeta1 = loc(betax)
+    pbeta2 = loc(betay)
+    pbeta3 = loc(betaz)
+    pvup = loc(vel)
+  end if
+  if (flux_direction == 1) then
+    call SpaceMask_GetTypeBits(type_bits, "Hydro_RiemannProblemX")
+    call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(trivial, "Hydro_RiemannProblemX", &
+         &"trivial")
+  else if (flux_direction == 2) then
+    call SpaceMask_GetTypeBits(type_bits, "Hydro_RiemannProblemY")
+    call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(trivial, "Hydro_RiemannProblemY", &
+         &"trivial")
+  else if (flux_direction == 3) then
+    call SpaceMask_GetTypeBits(type_bits, "Hydro_RiemannProblemZ")
+    call SpaceMask_GetStateBits(trivial, "Hydro_RiemannProblemZ", &
+         &"trivial")
+  else
+    call CCTK_ERROR("Flux direction not x,y,z")
+  end if
+  if(evolve_temper.eq.1.and.reconstruct_temper.eq.1) then
+     keytemp = 1
+  else
+     keytemp = 0
+  endif
+  !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(k,j,i,f1,lamminus,lamplus,consp,consm_i,consstar, &
+  !$OMP                     fplus,fminus,avg_beta,avg_alp,   &
+  !$OMP                     avg_det,gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,gyzh,gzzh, &
+  !$OMP                     uxxh,uxyh,uxzh,uyyh,uyzh,uzzh,         &
+  !$OMP                     usendh, charmin, charmax, charstar, &
+  !$OMP                     pressstar, sqrt_avg_det, vXL, vXR, velstar)
+  do k = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(3) - GRHydro_stencil
+    do j = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(2) - GRHydro_stencil
+      do i = GRHydro_stencil, cctk_lsh(1) - GRHydro_stencil
+        f1 = 0.d0
+        lamminus = 0.d0
+        lamplus = 0.d0
+        consp = 0.d0
+        consm_i = 0.d0
+        fplus = 0.d0
+        fminus = 0.d0
+!!$        Set the left (p for plus) and right (m_i for minus, i+1) states
+        consp(1)   = densplus(i,j,k) 
+        consp(2)   = sxplus(i,j,k)
+        consp(3)   = syplus(i,j,k)
+        consp(4)   = szplus(i,j,k)
+        consp(5)   = tauplus(i,j,k)
+        consm_i(1) = densminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset)
+        consm_i(2) = sxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset)
+        consm_i(3) = syminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset)
+        consm_i(4) = szminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset)
+        consm_i(5) = tauminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) 
+!!$        Calculate various metric terms here.
+!!$        Note also need the average of the lapse at the 
+!!$        left and right points.
+        if (flux_direction == 1) then
+           avg_beta = 0.5d0 * (beta1(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + &
+               beta1(i,j,k))
+        else if (flux_direction == 2) then
+           avg_beta = 0.5d0 * (beta2(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + &
+               beta2(i,j,k))
+        else if (flux_direction == 3) then
+           avg_beta = 0.5d0 * (beta3(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + &
+               beta3(i,j,k))
+        else
+            call CCTK_ERROR("Flux direction not x,y,z")
+         end if
+        avg_alp = 0.5 * (alp(i,j,k) + alp(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset))
+        gxxh = 0.5d0 * (g11(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + g11(i,j,k))
+        gxyh = 0.5d0 * (g12(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + g12(i,j,k))
+        gxzh = 0.5d0 * (g13(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + g13(i,j,k))
+        gyyh = 0.5d0 * (g22(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + g22(i,j,k))
+        gyzh = 0.5d0 * (g23(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + g23(i,j,k))
+        gzzh = 0.5d0 * (g33(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) + g33(i,j,k))
+        avg_det =  SPATIAL_DETERMINANT(gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,\
+             gyyh,gyzh,gzzh)
+        sqrt_avg_det = sqrt(avg_det)
+!!$ If the Riemann problem is trivial, just calculate the fluxes from the 
+!!$ left state and skip to the next cell
+        if (SpaceMask_CheckStateBitsF90(space_mask, i, j, k, type_bits, trivial)) then
+          if (flux_direction == 1) then
+            call num_x_flux(consp(1),consp(2),consp(3),consp(4),consp(5),&
+                 f1(1),f1(2),f1(3),&
+                 f1(4),f1(5),&
+                 velxplus(i,j,k),pressplus(i,j,k),&
+                 avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+          else if (flux_direction == 2) then
+            call num_x_flux(consp(1),consp(3),consp(4),consp(2),consp(5),&
+                 f1(1),f1(3),f1(4),&
+                 f1(2),f1(5),&
+                 velyplus(i,j,k),pressplus(i,j,k),&
+                 avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+          else if (flux_direction == 3) then
+            call num_x_flux(consp(1),consp(4),consp(2),consp(3),consp(5),&
+                 f1(1),f1(4),f1(2),&
+                 f1(3),f1(5),&
+                 velzplus(i,j,k),pressplus(i,j,k),&
+                 avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+          else
+            call CCTK_ERROR("Flux direction not x,y,z")
+          end if
+        else !!! The end of this branch is right at the bottom of the routine
+          call UpperMetric(uxxh, uxyh, uxzh, uyyh, uyzh, uzzh, &
+               avg_det,gxxh, gxyh, gxzh, &
+               gyyh, gyzh, gzzh)
+          if (flux_direction == 1) then
+            usendh = uxxh
+            vXR = avg_alp*velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) - avg_beta
+            vXL = avg_alp*velxplus (i        ,j        ,k        ) - avg_beta
+          else if (flux_direction == 2) then
+            usendh = uyyh
+            vXR = avg_alp*velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) - avg_beta
+            vXL = avg_alp*velyplus (i        ,j        ,k        ) - avg_beta
+          else if (flux_direction == 3) then
+            usendh = uzzh
+            vXR = avg_alp*velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) - avg_beta
+            vXL = avg_alp*velzplus (i        ,j        ,k        ) - avg_beta
+          else
+            call CCTK_ERROR("Flux direction not x,y,z")
+          end if
+!!$        Eigenvalues and fluxes either side of the cell interface
+          if (flux_direction == 1) then
+             if(evolve_temper.ne.1) then
+                call eigenvalues(GRHydro_eos_handle,&
+                     rhominus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     epsminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     w_lorentzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     lamminus,gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,&
+                     gyzh,gzzh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+                call eigenvalues(GRHydro_eos_handle,rhoplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velxplus(i,j,k),velyplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velzplus(i,j,k),epsplus(i,j,k),w_lorentzplus(i,j,k),&
+                     lamplus,gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,&
+                     gyzh,gzzh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+             else
+                call eigenvalues_hot(GRHydro_eos_handle,keytemp,&
+                     i,j,k,&
+                     rhominus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     epsminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     tempminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     y_e_minus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     w_lorentzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     lamminus,gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,&
+                     gyzh,gzzh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+                call eigenvalues_hot(GRHydro_eos_handle,keytemp,&
+                     i,j,k,&
+                     rhoplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velxplus(i,j,k),velyplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velzplus(i,j,k),epsplus(i,j,k), &
+                     tempplus(i,j,k),&
+                     y_e_plus(i,j,k),&
+                     w_lorentzplus(i,j,k),&
+                     lamplus,gxxh,gxyh,gxzh,gyyh,&
+                     gyzh,gzzh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+             endif
+            call num_x_flux(consp(1),consp(2),consp(3),consp(4),consp(5),&
+                 fplus(1),fplus(2),fplus(3),fplus(4),&
+                 fplus(5),velxplus(i,j,k),pressplus(i,j,k),&
+                 avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+            call num_x_flux(consm_i(1),consm_i(2),consm_i(3),&
+                 consm_i(4),consm_i(5),fminus(1),fminus(2),fminus(3),&
+                 fminus(4), fminus(5),&
+                 velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                 pressminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                 avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+          else if (flux_direction == 2) then
+             if(evolve_temper.ne.1) then
+                call eigenvalues(GRHydro_eos_handle,&
+                     rhominus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     epsminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     w_lorentzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     lamminus,gyyh,gyzh,gxyh,gzzh,&
+                     gxzh,gxxh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+                call eigenvalues(GRHydro_eos_handle,rhoplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velyplus(i,j,k),velzplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velxplus(i,j,k),epsplus(i,j,k),w_lorentzplus(i,j,k),&
+                     lamplus,gyyh,gyzh,gxyh,gzzh,&
+                     gxzh,gxxh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+             else
+                call eigenvalues_hot(GRHydro_eos_handle,keytemp,i,j,k,&
+                     rhominus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     epsminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     tempminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     y_e_minus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     w_lorentzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     lamminus,gyyh,gyzh,gxyh,gzzh,&
+                     gxzh,gxxh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+                call eigenvalues_hot(GRHydro_eos_handle,keytemp,i,j,k,&
+                     rhoplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velyplus(i,j,k),velzplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velxplus(i,j,k),epsplus(i,j,k),&
+                     tempplus(i,j,k),y_e_plus(i,j,k),&
+                     w_lorentzplus(i,j,k),&
+                     lamplus,gyyh,gyzh,gxyh,gzzh,&
+                     gxzh,gxxh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+             endif
+            call num_x_flux(consp(1),consp(3),consp(4),consp(2),consp(5),&
+                 fplus(1),fplus(3),fplus(4),fplus(2),&
+                 fplus(5),velyplus(i,j,k),pressplus(i,j,k),&
+                 avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+            call num_x_flux(consm_i(1),consm_i(3),consm_i(4),&
+                 consm_i(2),consm_i(5),fminus(1),fminus(3),fminus(4),&
+                 fminus(2), fminus(5),&
+                 velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                 pressminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                 avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+          else if (flux_direction == 3) then
+             if(evolve_temper.ne.1) then
+                call eigenvalues(GRHydro_eos_handle,&
+                     rhominus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     epsminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     w_lorentzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     lamminus,gzzh,gxzh,gyzh,&
+                     gxxh,gxyh,gyyh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+                call eigenvalues(GRHydro_eos_handle,rhoplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velzplus(i,j,k),velxplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velyplus(i,j,k),epsplus(i,j,k),w_lorentzplus(i,j,k),&
+                     lamplus,gzzh,gxzh,gyzh,&
+                     gxxh,gxyh,gyyh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+             else
+                call eigenvalues_hot(GRHydro_eos_handle,keytemp,i,j,k,&
+                     rhominus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velxminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     velyminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     epsminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     tempminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     y_e_minus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     w_lorentzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                     lamminus,gzzh,gxzh,gyzh,&
+                     gxxh,gxyh,gyyh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+                call eigenvalues_hot(GRHydro_eos_handle,keytemp,&
+                     i,j,k,&
+                     rhoplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velzplus(i,j,k),velxplus(i,j,k),&
+                     velyplus(i,j,k),epsplus(i,j,k),&
+                     tempplus(i,j,k),y_e_plus(i,j,k),&
+                     w_lorentzplus(i,j,k),&
+                     lamplus,gzzh,gxzh,gyzh,&
+                     gxxh,gxyh,gyyh,&
+                     usendh,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+             endif
+            call num_x_flux(consp(1),consp(4),consp(2),consp(3),consp(5),&
+                 fplus(1),fplus(4),fplus(2),fplus(3),&
+                 fplus(5),velzplus(i,j,k),pressplus(i,j,k),avg_det,&
+                 avg_alp,avg_beta)
+            call num_x_flux(consm_i(1),consm_i(4),consm_i(2),&
+                 consm_i(3),consm_i(5),fminus(1),fminus(4),fminus(2),&
+                 fminus(3), fminus(5),&
+                 velzminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                 pressminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset),&
+                 avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+          else
+            call CCTK_ERROR("Flux direction not x,y,z")
+          end if
+!!$        we need characteristic speeds for leftmost and rightmost state only.
+          ! Duez and GRHydro differ by a factor of lapse that we pull out of the
+          ! fluxes. To aid the overall confusion, we are going to adhere to
+          ! Duez' convetion for a while until we compute the fluxes. Note that
+          ! the contained function compute_lamstar has access to all of our
+          ! local variables and does indeed look at charmin and charmax.
+          charmin = min(lamminus(1),lamplus(1))*avg_alp
+          charmax = max(lamminus(5),lamplus(5))*avg_alp
+          call compute_stardata(charstar, pressstar,consm_i,consp,sqrt_avg_det,pressminus,pressplus,&
+                              uxxh,uxyh,uxzh,uyyh,uyzh,uzzh,usendh,avg_beta,avg_alp,vxR,vxL,charmin,charmax,i,j,k,&
+                              cctk_ash1,cctk_ash2,cctk_ash3,xoffset,yoffset,zoffset,flux_direction)
+!!$        Calculate flux by standard formula
+          ! TODO: possibly one can safe a bit of time but oly computing charstar
+          ! when needed? No need to compute it when 0.lt.charmin or 0.gt.charmax
+          ! TODO: only compute fplus and fminus when we need them
+          ! TODO: clean this up. This is horrible. Consider reviving the GT C
+          ! HLL code for this.
+          if (0.lt.charmin) then
+            f1 = fplus
+          else if (0.lt.charstar) then
+            ! solve for state vector ULstar using (12)-(16)
+            ! note the change in sign in both numerator and denom
+            consstar = (vXL - charmin)/(charstar-charmin)*consp
+            ! sx, sy, sz
+            consstar(1+flux_direction) = consstar(1+flux_direction) + &
+              avg_alp*sqrt_avg_det* &
+                (pressplus (i        ,j        ,k        )-pressstar) / &
+                (charstar-charmin)
+            ! tau
+            consstar(5) = consstar(5) + sqrt_avg_det * &
+              ((vXL+avg_beta)*pressplus (i        ,j        ,k        ) - &
+               (charstar+avg_beta)*pressstar) / &
+               (charstar-charmin)
+            ! need to pass in GRHydro velocity computed from Duez velocity 
+            ! which is charstar in the star region
+            velstar = (charstar+avg_beta)/avg_alp
+            if (flux_direction == 1) then
+              call num_x_flux(consstar(1),consstar(2),consstar(3),&
+                   consstar(4),consstar(5),&
+                   f1(1),f1(2),f1(3),f1(4),f1(5),&
+                   velstar,pressstar,avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+            else if (flux_direction == 2) then
+              call num_x_flux(consstar(1),consstar(3),consstar(4),&
+                   consstar(2),consstar(5),&
+                   f1(1),f1(3),f1(4),f1(2),f1(5),&
+                   velstar,pressstar,avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+            else if (flux_direction == 3) then
+              call num_x_flux(consstar(1),consstar(4),consstar(2),&
+                   consstar(3),consstar(5),&
+                   f1(1),f1(4),f1(2),f1(3),f1(5),&
+                   velstar,pressstar,avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+            else
+              call CCTK_ERROR("Flux direction not x,y,z")
+            end if
+          else if (0.lt.charmax) then
+            ! solve for state vector URstar using (12)-(16)
+            ! note the change in sign in both numerator and denom
+            consstar = (vXR - charmax)/(charstar-charmax)*consm_i
+            ! sx, sy, sz
+            consstar(1+flux_direction) = consstar(1+flux_direction) + &
+              avg_alp*sqrt_avg_det* &
+                (pressminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset)-pressstar) / &
+                (charstar-charmax)
+            ! tau
+            consstar(5) = consstar(5) + sqrt_avg_det * &
+              ((vXR+avg_beta)*pressminus(i+xoffset,j+yoffset,k+zoffset) - &
+               (charstar+avg_beta)*pressstar) / &
+               (charstar-charmax)
+            ! need to pass in GRHydro velocity computed from Duez velocity 
+            ! which is charstar in the star region
+            velstar = (charstar+avg_beta)/avg_alp
+            if (flux_direction == 1) then
+              call num_x_flux(consstar(1),consstar(2),consstar(3),&
+                   consstar(4),consstar(5),&
+                   f1(1),f1(2),f1(3),f1(4),f1(5),&
+                   velstar,pressstar,avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+            else if (flux_direction == 2) then
+              call num_x_flux(consstar(1),consstar(3),consstar(4),&
+                   consstar(2),consstar(5),&
+                   f1(1),f1(3),f1(4),f1(2),f1(5),&
+                   velstar,pressstar,avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+            else if (flux_direction == 3) then
+              call num_x_flux(consstar(1),consstar(4),consstar(2),&
+                   consstar(3),consstar(5),&
+                   f1(1),f1(4),f1(2),f1(3),f1(5),&
+                   velstar,pressstar,avg_det,avg_alp,avg_beta)
+            else
+              call CCTK_ERROR("Flux direction not x,y,z")
+            end if
+          else
+            f1 = fminus
+          end if
+        end if !!! The end of the SpaceMask check for a trivial RP.
+        densflux(i, j, k) = f1(1)
+        sxflux(i, j, k) = f1(2)
+        syflux(i, j, k) = f1(3)
+        szflux(i, j, k) = f1(4)
+        tauflux(i, j, k) = f1(5)
+        if(evolve_Y_e.ne.0) then
+           if (densflux(i, j, k) > 0.d0) then
+              Y_e_con_flux(i, j, k) = &
+                   Y_e_plus(i, j, k) * &
+                   densflux(i, j, k)
+           else
+              Y_e_con_flux(i, j, k) = &
+                   Y_e_minus(i + xoffset, j + yoffset, k + zoffset) * &
+                   densflux(i, j, k)
+           endif
+        endif
+      end do
+    end do
+  end do
+end subroutine GRHydro_HLLC

File [modified]: GRHydro_RiemannSolve.F90
Delta lines: +10 -0
--- trunk/src/GRHydro_RiemannSolve.F90	2014-04-15 19:48:30 UTC (rev 606)
+++ trunk/src/GRHydro_RiemannSolve.F90	2014-04-15 19:48:34 UTC (rev 607)
@@ -46,6 +46,16 @@
     end if
+  else if (CCTK_EQUALS(riemann_solver,"HLLC")) then   
+    call GRHydro_HLLC(CCTK_PASS_FTOF)
+    if (evolve_tracer .ne. 0) then
+      call GRHydro_HLLE_Tracer(CCTK_PASS_FTOF)
+    end if
   else if (CCTK_EQUALS(riemann_solver,"Roe")) then   
     call GRHydro_RoeSolve(CCTK_PASS_FTOF)

File [modified]: make.code.defn
Delta lines: +1 -0
--- trunk/src/make.code.defn	2014-04-15 19:48:30 UTC (rev 606)
+++ trunk/src/make.code.defn	2014-04-15 19:48:34 UTC (rev 607)
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 	GRHydro_Flux.F90 \
 	GRHydro_FluxSplit.F90 \
 	GRHydro_HLLE.F90 \
+	GRHydro_HLLC.F90 \
 	GRHydro_Loop.F90 \
 	GRHydro_Minima.F90 \
 	GRHydro_Minima.cc \

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: param.ccl
Delta lines: +1 -0
--- trunk/param.ccl	2014-04-15 19:48:30 UTC (rev 606)
+++ trunk/param.ccl	2014-04-15 19:48:34 UTC (rev 607)
@@ -300,6 +300,7 @@
   "Roe"		:: "Standard Roe solver"
   "Marquina"	:: "Marquina flux"
   "HLLE"	:: "HLLE"
+  "HLLC"	:: "HLLC"
   "LLF"	:: "Local Lax-Friedrichs (MHD only at the moment)"
 } "HLLE"

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