[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] incoming/PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/ (Rev. 111)

bela at caltech.edu bela at caltech.edu
Tue Jan 7 16:35:23 CST 2014

User: szilagyi
Date: 2014/01/07 04:35 PM

  param.ccl, schedule.ccl

 work on the time-step adjuster algorithm

File Changes:

Directory: /PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/

File [modified]: param.ccl
Delta lines: +8 -8
--- PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/param.ccl	2014-01-07 05:53:08 UTC (rev 110)
+++ PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/param.ccl	2014-01-07 22:35:23 UTC (rev 111)
@@ -16,27 +16,27 @@
 } no
-BOOLEAN adjust_timestep "Should the time-step be adjusted?"
+BOOLEAN adjust_timestep "Should the time-step be adjusted? Ignored if time_interpolate==false."
 } no
-CCTK_INT adjust_timestep__steps_per_time_level \
-"Number of time-steps between two time-values in the datafile. Ignored if time_interpolate==false."
+CCTK_INT adjust_timestep__target_steps_per_time_level \
+"Target number of time-steps between two time-values in the datafile."
  1:* :: "at least one"
 } 1
 CCTK_REAL adjust_timestep__maximum_time_step \
-"Maximum allowed time-step. Ignored if time_interpolate==false."
+"Maximum allowed time-step."
  (0:* :: "larger than zero"
 } 0.1
-CCTK_REAL adjust_timestep__max_relative_change_per_step \
-"Maximum allowed relative change of the time-step during a single step.  Ignored if time_interpolate==false."
+CCTK_REAL adjust_timestep__rate_of_change \
+"Rate of change of the time-step."
- (0:1] :: "The smaller the value the more gradual the change in cctk_delta_time."
-} 0.1
+ (0:* :: "The smaller the value the more gradual the change in cctk_delta_time."
+} 0.001
 CCTK_INT sphere_number "the sphere number (if multiple spheres are present in one file) that corresponds to the worldtube radius NullSHRExtract::cr"

File [modified]: schedule.ccl
Delta lines: +2 -3
--- PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/schedule.ccl	2014-01-07 05:53:08 UTC (rev 110)
+++ PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/schedule.ccl	2014-01-07 22:35:23 UTC (rev 111)
@@ -21,9 +21,8 @@
 #} "Schedule group for reconstructing world-tube data"
 if(adjust_timestep) {
-  SCHEDULE SphericalHarmonicReconGeneric_SetTimeStep at CCTK_PRESTEP \
-  before NullNews_InterpCycleTimelevels \
-  before NullGrid_CopyTime
+  SCHEDULE SphericalHarmonicReconGeneric_SetTimeStep at CCTK_EVOL \
+  after NullEvol_Step after NullNews_ScriVals
     LANG: C
     OPTIONS: global

Directory: /PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/

File [modified]: read.cc
Delta lines: +20 -27
--- PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/read.cc	2014-01-07 05:53:08 UTC (rev 110)
+++ PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/read.cc	2014-01-07 22:35:23 UTC (rev 111)
@@ -101,33 +101,24 @@
     if (! SHR::initialized)
       CCTK_WARN(CCTK_WARN_ABORT, "Schedule mismatch. \n"
-         "      SphericalHarmonicReconGeneric_SetTimeStep must be called after\n"
-         "      SphericalHarmonicReconGeneric_Startup");
+          "      SphericalHarmonicReconGeneric_SetTimeStep must be called after\n"
+          "      SphericalHarmonicReconGeneric_Startup");
     CCTK_REAL &dt = cctkGH->cctk_delta_time;
     // no adaptivity for the 1st few time-steps
     if(cctk_iteration<5) {
-      CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Time-step has been left at %g",(double)dt);
+      if(not time_interpolate)
+        CCTK_WARN(1, "cannot adjust time-step when time_interpolate==false");
     SHR::SPH_database& db=*(SHR::db[0]);
-    const double dt_old = dt;
+    double current_time_gap_in_file = -1;
     const double time=cctk_time + SHR::initial_time_in_file;
     const double eps=1.e-10*(db.time(1)-db.time(0));
-    if(db.n_timesteps()<2) {
-      CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Time-step has been left at %g",(double)dt);
-      return; // no adjustment
-    }
-    if(time<db.time(0)-eps) {
-      dt = db.time(1)-db.time(0);
-      CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Time-step has been left at %g",(double)dt);
-      return;
-    }
-    if(time>eps+db.time(db.n_timesteps()-1)) {
-      CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Time-step has been left at %g",(double)dt);
-      return; // no adjustment
-    }
+    if(db.n_timesteps()<2) return; // no adjustment
+    if(time<db.time(0)-eps) return; // no adjustment
+    if(time>eps+db.time(db.n_timesteps()-1)) return; // no adjustment
     // locate by bisection the interval containing time
     for(int l0=0,l1=db.n_timesteps()-1,c=0;;++c) {
@@ -135,21 +126,23 @@
       if(time<db.time(lh)-eps) l1=lh;
       else l0=lh;
       if(l1==l0+1) {
-        dt = db.time(l1)-db.time(l0);
+        current_time_gap_in_file = db.time(l1)-db.time(l0);
       if(c>2+db.n_timesteps()) CCTK_WARN(0, "run-away bisection algorithm");
-    //if (CCTK_MyProc(cctkGH) == 0)
-    if (time_interpolate)
-    {
-      dt /= adjust_timestep__steps_per_time_level;
-      // change the time-step gradually
-      dt = dt_old + (dt - dt_old) * adjust_timestep__max_relative_change_per_step;
-      dt = std::min(dt,adjust_timestep__maximum_time_step);
-    }
-    if(verbose) CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Time-step has been set to %g",(double)dt);
+    if(current_time_gap_in_file<0)
+      CCTK_WARN(0, "cannot identify time gap in data file");
+    double target_dt = current_time_gap_in_file/
+      adjust_timestep__target_steps_per_time_level;
+    // change the time-step gradually
+    target_dt = std::min(target_dt,adjust_timestep__maximum_time_step);
+    dt += adjust_timestep__rate_of_change*(target_dt-dt);
+    if(verbose) CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,
+        "Time-step has been set to %g",(double)dt);
   void SphericalHarmonicReconGeneric_ReadData(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)

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