[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] www/about/releases/ (Rev. 1325)

ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de ian.hinder at aei.mpg.de
Wed May 21 07:16:57 CDT 2014

User: hinder
Date: 2014/05/21 07:16 AM


 ET_2014_05_announcement.php: Note that a small number of tests still fail on some of the listed machines

File Changes:

Directory: /about/releases/

File [modified]: ET_2014_05_announcement.php
Delta lines: +5 -5
--- about/releases/ET_2014_05_announcement.php	2014-05-21 12:16:52 UTC (rev 1324)
+++ about/releases/ET_2014_05_announcement.php	2014-05-21 12:16:57 UTC (rev 1325)
@@ -167,16 +167,16 @@
  <li> Default Debian, Suse and Fedora installations</li>
  <li> Bethe</li>
- <li> Bluewaters</li>
+ <li> Bluewaters *</li>
  <li> Carver</li>
  <li> Datura</li>
  <li> Gordon</li>
  <li> Hopper</li>
  <li> Loewe</li>
- <li> Lonestar</li>
+ <li> Lonestar *</li>
  <li> Supermike II</li>
- <li> Nvidia</li>
- <li> Orca</li>
+ <li> Nvidia *</li>
+ <li> Orca *</li>
  <li> Philip</li>
  <li> Queenbee</li>
  <li> Shelob</li>
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
  <li> Trestles</li>
  <li> Zwicky</li>
+<p>A * means that a small number of tests still fail on that machine. All tests pass on the other machines.</p>
  <li> LoneStar and Stampede: defs.local.ini needs to have sourcebasedir = $WORK and basedir = $SCRATCH/simulations configured for this machine.  You need to determine $WORK and $SCRATCH by logging in to the machine.</li>

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