[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] incoming/PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/ (Rev. 123)

reisswig at tapir.caltech.edu reisswig at tapir.caltech.edu
Thu Jul 9 06:55:34 CDT 2015

User: reisswig
Date: 2015/07/09 06:55 AM

  read.cc, sph_database.cc, sph_database.hh, startup.cc

 SphericalHarmonicsReconstructGen: Cleanup commented out code.

File Changes:

Directory: /PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/

File [modified]: read.cc
Delta lines: +0 -60
--- PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/read.cc	2014-03-14 16:05:18 UTC (rev 122)
+++ PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/read.cc	2015-07-09 11:55:34 UTC (rev 123)
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@
     // identify iteration which corresponds to the time just before the target time "time"
     int iteration = SHR::C[0]->get_iteration(time + SHR::initial_time_in_file);
-    //cout << "Target-Time = " << time + SHR::initial_time_in_file << ". Iteration (time) just before target time: " << iteration << " (" << SHR::db[0]->time(iteration) << ")" << endl;
     if (iteration < 0) {
       cout << "Error: iteration = -1. time = "<<time << ", SHR::initial_time_in_file="<<SHR::initial_time_in_file << endl;
       assert(iteration >= 0);
@@ -72,13 +70,6 @@
                        SHR::C[0]->get_time_of_coeff_in_file(0) };
-    /*cout << "Stencil times:  5:  " << x[0] << endl;
-    cout << "                4:  " << x[1] << endl;
-    cout << "                3:  " << x[2] << endl;
-    cout << "                2:  " << x[3] << endl;
-    cout << "                1:  " << x[4] << endl;
-    cout << "                0:  " << x[5] << endl;*/
     // precompute Lagrange coefficients
     for (int i=0; i < 6; ++i)
@@ -167,7 +158,6 @@
          "      SphericalHarmonicReconGeneric_Startup");
-    //if (CCTK_MyProc(cctkGH) == 0)
     if (!time_interpolate)
 	 // read coefficients for current iteration
@@ -184,7 +174,6 @@
 	 const int my_iteration = cctk_iteration - (cctk_time < initial_relaxation_time ? cctk_iteration : initial_relaxation_time / CCTK_DELTA_TIME);
-	 //if ((cctk_iteration == 0 && static_components) || cctk_iteration == 0 || cctk_time >= initial_relaxation_time)
 	    if (my_iteration == 0 || my_iteration*CCTK_DELTA_TIME >= SHR::iteration_in_file*SHR::db[0]->delta_t())
@@ -299,55 +288,6 @@
-    /*if (verbose)
-       CCTK_INFO("Sync'ing coeffs...");
-    // do sync at once
-    const int nm = SHR::db[0]->lmax()*SHR::db[0]->lmax() + 2*SHR::db[0]->lmax();
-    const int N = 3*NUM_METRIC_COMPONENTS * (nm + 1);
-    vector<double> re(N, 0);
-    vector<double> im(N, 0);
-    for (int c=0; c < NUM_METRIC_COMPONENTS; ++c)
-    {
-      for (int l=0; l <= SHR::db[0]->lmax(); ++l)
-         for (int m=-l; m <= l; ++m)
-         { 
-            const int n = 3 * (c*nm + (l*l + l+m));
-            re[n] = SHR::C[c]->get_mode(l, m).real();
-            im[n] = SHR::C[c]->get_mode(l, m).imag();
-            re[n+1] = SHR::Cr[c]->get_mode(l, m).real();
-            im[n+1] = SHR::Cr[c]->get_mode(l, m).imag();
-            if (time_derivative_in_file) {
-               re[n+2] = SHR::Ct[c]->get_mode(l, m).real();
-               im[n+2] = SHR::Ct[c]->get_mode(l, m).imag();
-            }
-         }
-      //SHR::C[c]->sync(0);
-      //SHR::Cr[c]->sync(0);
-      //SHR::Ct[c]->sync(0);
-    }
-    const int root = 0; // proc 0 sends the data
-    MPI_Bcast(&re.front(), N, MPI_DOUBLE, root, SHR::comm_world);
-    MPI_Bcast(&im.front(), N, MPI_DOUBLE, root, SHR::comm_world);
-    // copy back
-    for (int c=0; c < NUM_METRIC_COMPONENTS; c++)
-    {
-      for (int l=0; l <= SHR::db[0]->lmax(); ++l)
-         for (int m=-l; m <= l; ++m)
-         { 
-            const int n = 3*(c*nm + l*l + l+m);
-            SHR::C[c]->set_mode(l, m, CCTK_Cmplx(re[n], im[n]));
-            SHR::Cr[c]->set_mode(l, m, CCTK_Cmplx(re[n+1], im[n+1]));
-            if (time_derivative_in_file) {
-               SHR::Ct[c]->set_mode(l, m, CCTK_Cmplx(re[n+2], im[n+2]));
-            }
-         }
-    }
-    if (verbose)
-       CCTK_INFO("...done.");*/
     SHR::read_data = 1;

File [modified]: sph_database.cc
Delta lines: +2 -171
--- PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/sph_database.cc	2014-03-14 16:05:18 UTC (rev 122)
+++ PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/sph_database.cc	2015-07-09 11:55:34 UTC (rev 123)
@@ -68,116 +68,12 @@
-            // read all modes on all extraction spheres for a given timestep and variable number into array
-/*void SPH_db_ASCII::read(const int timestep, const int varno, 
-		  vector<vector<vector<CCTK_COMPLEX> > >& coeff) const
-   // check cache if data is there
-   if (is_in_cache(coeff)) return;
-   file.clear();
-   //cout << file.tellg() << endl;
-   // move-pointer to byte-offset for requested timestep
-   file.seekg(byte_offset[timestep], ios::beg);
-   //cout << timestep << "  " << file.tellg() << "   " << byte_offset[timestep] << "   " << byte_offset[timestep+1] << endl;
-   char *line_buffer = new char[10000];
-   istringstream instream;  // input string-stream
-   string s;
-   double val, val_re, val_im;
-   int sphere = 0, l = 0, m = 0;
-   while (file.good() && file.tellg() < byte_offset[timestep+1])
-   {
-      // reset input-stringstream (clear from previous errors etc.)
-      instream.clear();
-      s.clear();
-      // read line from file (max 10000 chars)
-      file.getline(line_buffer, 10000);
-      // store length of input line
-      int line_length = strlen(line_buffer);
-      // set input -stringstream to line-buffer string
-      s = (const char*) line_buffer;
-      instream.str(s);
-      // only read line if it is not a comment
-      int this_line_num_columns = 0;
-      if (! (instream.str().c_str()[0] == '#'))
-      {
-	 instream >> ws;  // get rid of white spaces at beginning of stream
-	 // try to read values until we hit end of stream (which is end of line)
-	 while (!instream.eof())
-	 {
-	    // if value was successfully extracted, we count this as a column
-	    // and extract the data
-	    if (instream >> val)
-	    {
-	       this_line_num_columns++;
-	       // based on the current column, we assign the data
-	       // based on the selected varno (column)
-	       if (this_line_num_columns == varno)  // real-part
-		  val_re = (CCTK_REAL) val;
-	       if (this_line_num_columns == varno+1)  { // imaginary-part
-		  val_im = (CCTK_REAL) val;
-		  //break;
-	       }
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-	       CCTK_WARN(0, "Error in reading spherical coefficient file: not a number!");
-	    }
-	    instream >> ws; // get rid of whitespaces
-	 }
-      }
-      // if this line had no data continue with the next one, then we can assume that we 
-      // the next data block is the next extraction sphere.
-      if (this_line_num_columns == 0)
-      {
-	 l=0;
-	 m=0;
-	 sphere++;
-	 continue;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-	 //cout << sphere << ", " << l << ", " << m << endl;
-	 coeff[sphere][l][m] = CCTK_Cmplx(val_re, val_im);
-	 //cout << sphere << ", " << l << ", " << m << ", " << coeff[sphere][l][m] << ",  " << coeff[sphere].size() << endl;
-	 m++;
-	 if (m >= 2*l+1)
-	 {
-	    l++;
-	    m=0;
-	 }
-      }
-   }
-   delete [] line_buffer;
             // read all modes on all extraction spheres for a given timestep and variable number into array
 void SPH_db_ASCII::read(const size_t timestep, const size_t varno, 
 		  vector<vector<vector<CCTK_COMPLEX> > >& coeff) const
-   //cout << _fname << ": reading timestep " << timestep << ", variable " << varno << endl;
    // check cache if data is there and return it
    if (is_in_cache(timestep, varno, coeff)) return;
@@ -205,10 +101,8 @@
-   //cout << file.tellg() << endl;
    // move-pointer to byte-offset for requested timestep
    file.seekg(byte_offset[timestep], ios::beg);
-   //cout << timestep << "  " << file.tellg() << "   " << byte_offset[timestep] << "   " << byte_offset[timestep+1] << endl;
    char *line_buffer = new char[10000];
@@ -233,7 +127,6 @@
-         //cout << t << endl;
       // reset input-stringstream (clear from previous errors etc.)
@@ -285,10 +178,6 @@
-	 //cout << sphere << ", " << l << ", " << m << endl;
-	 //coeff[sphere][l][m] = CCTK_Cmplx(val_re, val_im);
-	 //cout << sphere << ", " << l << ", " << m << ", " << coeff[sphere][l][m] << ",  " << coeff[sphere].size() << endl;
 	 if (m >= 2*l+1)
@@ -301,8 +190,6 @@
    delete [] line_buffer;
-   // done reading in cache -------------------------------
-   //cout << "done" << endl;
    // finally set coeff array according to cache
    if (!is_in_cache(timestep, varno, coeff)) 
@@ -347,7 +234,6 @@
       // store byte offset of this line
-      //int offset = file.tellg();
       this_line.byte_offset = file.tellg();
       // read line from file (max 10000 chars)
@@ -558,7 +444,6 @@
 void SPH_db_DAT::read(const size_t timestep, const size_t varno, 
 		  vector<vector<vector<CCTK_COMPLEX> > >& coeff) const
-   //cout << _fname << ": reading timestep " << timestep << ", variable " << varno << endl;
    // check cache if data is there and return it
    if (is_in_cache(timestep, varno*2+1, coeff)) return;
@@ -589,10 +474,8 @@
-   //cout << file.tellg() << endl;
    // move-pointer to byte-offset for requested timestep
    file.seekg(byte_offset[timestep], ios::beg);
-   //cout << timestep << "  " << file.tellg() << "   " << byte_offset[timestep] << "   " << byte_offset[timestep+1] << endl;
    char *line_buffer = new char[1000000];
@@ -653,26 +536,6 @@
 	       // based on the current column, we assign the data
 	       // based on the selected varno (column)
-	       /*if (this_line_num_columns == start_column)  // real part
-		  val_re = (CCTK_REAL) val;
-	       if (this_line_num_columns == start_column+1)  { // imaginary-part
-		  val_im = (CCTK_REAL) val;
-		  coeff[sphere][l][m] = CCTK_Cmplx(val_re, val_im);
-	          start_column += 2; // next lm-mode
-	          m++;
-	          if (m >= 2*l+1)
-	          {
-	             l++;
-	             m=0;
-	          }
-	          if (l >= _lmax) {
-	             done = true;
-	             break; // stop reading further!
-	          }
-	       }*/
 	       if (this_line_num_columns == column)  // real part
 		  cache[t][v][sphere][l][inverse_m ? 2*l-m : m] = (CCTK_REAL) val;
@@ -711,10 +574,7 @@
    delete [] line_buffer;
-   // done reading in cache -------------------------------
-   //cout << "done" << endl;
    // finally set coeff array according to cache
    if (!is_in_cache(timestep, varno*2+1, coeff)) 
       CCTK_WARN(0, "Variable not in cache even though I have put it there!");
@@ -753,7 +613,6 @@
       // store byte offset of this line
-      //int offset = file.tellg();
       this_line.byte_offset = file.tellg();
       // read line from file (max 1000000 chars)
@@ -821,10 +680,6 @@
-      /*if (!first_line && num_columns != this_line_num_columns)
-      {
-	 CCTK_WARN(0, "Error in reading spherical coefficient file: Number of columns of the current line have to be equal to other lines!");
-      }*/
       // compare the data of current line with data of previous line
       // and decide whether we have a new iteration etc...
@@ -1006,7 +861,6 @@
    int c = 0;
    for (int l=0; l <= _lmax; ++l) {
       for (int m=l; m >= -l; --m, ++c) {
-         //coeff[0][l][m+l] = CCTK_Cmplx(buffer[c], buffer[c + buffer.size()/2]);
          coeff[0][l][m+l] = CCTK_Cmplx(buffer[2*c], buffer[2*c + 1]);
@@ -1058,12 +912,9 @@
                                   H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_NATIVE, NULL,
                                   H5iter, this, H5P_DEFAULT));
-   // sort 'steps' vector
-   //sort(steps.begin(), steps.end());
    for (size_t i=0; i < steps.size(); ++i) {
-      //cout << steps[i].name << " " << steps[i].time << endl;
       _iterations[i] = i;
       _times[i] = steps[i].time;
@@ -1072,7 +923,6 @@
    hid_t dataset = HDF5_ERROR(H5Dopen(file, (varname_table[0][0]+"/"+
-   //cout << (varname_table[0][0]+"/"+steps[0].name+"/"+varname_table[0][1]) << endl;
    hid_t dataspace = HDF5_ERROR(H5Dget_space(dataset));
    hsize_t size = HDF5_ERROR(H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(dataspace));
@@ -1275,7 +1125,6 @@
          int c = 0;
          for (int l=0; l <= _lmax; ++l) {
             for (int m=l; m >= -l; --m, ++c) {
-               //coeff[0][l][m+l] = CCTK_Cmplx(buffer[2*c], buffer[2*c + 1]);
                cache[t][2*v  ][0][l][m+l] = buffer[t*nmodes + 2*c]; 
                cache[t][2*v+1][0][l][m+l] = buffer[t*nmodes + 2*c + 1];
@@ -1293,26 +1142,9 @@
 void SPH_db_SpEC_H5_v2::scan_HDF5()
-   // pick one variable and browse through entire file
-   // to find out how many (and what) cycles and times there are
-   // (assuming that all variables are present at the same timesteps)
-   H5Literate_by_name (file, varname_table[0][0].c_str(), H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_NATIVE, NULL, H5iter, this, H5P_DEFAULT);
-   // sort 'steps' vector
-   //sort(steps.begin(), steps.end());
-   _iterations.resize(steps.size());
-   _times.resize(steps.size());
-   for (size_t i=0; i < steps.size(); ++i) {
-      //cout << steps[i].name << " " << steps[i].time << endl;
-      _iterations[i] = i;
-      _times[i] = steps[i].time;
-   }
    // get lmax from first variable and timestep
    hid_t dataset = HDF5_ERROR(H5Dopen(file, "gxx.dat"));
-   //cout << (varname_table[0][0]+"/"+steps[0].name+"/"+varname_table[0][1]) << endl;
    hid_t dataspace = HDF5_ERROR(H5Dget_space(dataset));
    hsize_t dims[2];
    HDF5_ERROR(H5Sget_simple_extent_dims (dataspace, dims, NULL));
@@ -1346,7 +1178,6 @@
    for (size_t i=0; i < steps.size(); ++i) {
-      //cout << steps[i].name << " " << steps[i].time << endl;
       _iterations[i] = i;
       _times[i] = steps[i];

File [modified]: sph_database.hh
Delta lines: +0 -8
--- PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/sph_database.hh	2014-03-14 16:05:18 UTC (rev 122)
+++ PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/sph_database.hh	2015-07-09 11:55:34 UTC (rev 123)
@@ -160,8 +160,6 @@
 	       double radius;
 	       record_t() : byte_offset(0), line_length(0), time(-100000), it(0), radius(0) { }
-               //vector<double>  columns;
@@ -252,8 +250,6 @@
 	       record_t() : byte_offset(0), line_length(0), time(-100000), it(0), radius(0),
 	                    lmax(-1), n_variables(-1) { }
-               //vector<double>  columns;
@@ -678,10 +674,6 @@
-               //cout << "iteration_in_file:" << iteration_in_file << ", ";
-               //cout << coeff[0][1][8][8].real() << " ";
-               //cout << coeff[1][1][8][8].real() << " ";
-               //cout << coeff[2][1][8][8].real() << " " << endl;

File [modified]: startup.cc
Delta lines: +1 -1
--- PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/startup.cc	2014-03-14 16:05:18 UTC (rev 122)
+++ PITTNullCode/SphericalHarmonicReconGen/src/startup.cc	2015-07-09 11:55:34 UTC (rev 123)
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
    // set iteration number in file to current iteration
    // (which in case of recovery and/or initial_time!=0 is non-zero)
-   SHR::iteration_in_file = cctk_iteration;// + SHR::C[0]->get_iteration(initial_time);
+   SHR::iteration_in_file = cctk_iteration;

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