[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] www/about/capabilities/ (Rev. 1505)

knarf at cct.lsu.edu knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Fri Apr 15 08:34:40 CDT 2016

User: knarf
Date: 2016/04/15 08:34 AM


 Zach Etienne: Add IllinoisGRMHD blurb to Capabilities webpage

File Changes:

Directory: /about/capabilities/

File [modified]: index.php
Delta lines: +22 -0
--- about/capabilities/index.php	2016-02-24 11:31:44 UTC (rev 1504)
+++ about/capabilities/index.php	2016-04-15 13:34:40 UTC (rev 1505)
@@ -28,6 +28,28 @@
       3D Cartesian coordinates on a curved dynamical background.</li>
+<h3>Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics</h3>
+<p>IllinoisGRMHD solves the equations of General Relativistic 
+MagnetoHydroDynamics (GRMHD) using a high-resolution shock capturing scheme.
+It is a rewrite of the Illinois Numerical Relativity (ILNR) group's GRMHD 
+code, and generates results that agree to roundoff error with that original
+code. Its feature set coincides with the features of the ILNR group's 
+recent code (ca. 2009--2014), which was used in their modeling of the
+following systems: </p>
+<li> Magnetized circumbinary disk accretion onto binary black holes </li>
+<li> Magnetized black hole--neutron star mergers </li>
+<li> Magnetized Bondi flow, Bondi-Hoyle-Littleton accretion </li>
+<li> White dwarf--neutron star mergers </li>
+IllinoisGRMHD is particularly good at modeling GRMHD flows into black holes
+without the need for excision. Its HARM-based conservative-to-primitive solver 
+has also been modified to check the physicality of conservative variables 
+prior to primitive inversion, and move them into the physical range if they 
+become unphysical.
 <h3>Initial Data</h3>

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