[Commits] commit/EinsteinUtils: hypercott: * SetMask_SphericalSurface: add verbose output option (default: false)

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Sun Apr 24 09:45:02 CDT 2016

1 new commit in EinsteinUtils:

Changeset:   87f49e037bf6
Branch:      cott/retainmask
User:        hypercott
Date:        2016-04-24 14:41:27+00:00
Summary:     * SetMask_SphericalSurface: add verbose output option (default: false)
* SetMask_SphericalSurface: modify criterion for setting the mask so that the mask is set as long as the surface exists and has a radius that makes sense. This is to avoid (hydro) failures at transient failures of AHFinderDirect to locate horizons. So mask is not set even if sf_valid = -1 as long as the radius makes sense.

Affected #:  2 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/einsteinutils/


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