[Commits] commit/PITTNullCode: Yosef Zlochower: Copies of the "original" Null code. This includes an older second-order version and a newer first order version with corrected News calculation.

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Mon Jun 5 07:53:29 CDT 2017

1 new commit in PITTNullCode:

Changeset:   3b23a6b4513a
Branch:      master
User:        Yosef Zlochower
Date:        2017-06-05 12:52:02+00:00
Summary:     Copies of the "original" Null code. This includes an older second-order version and a newer first order version with corrected News calculation.

Affected #:  101 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/pittnullcode/


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