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TD.bg1 { color:white; background-color:#0000C0; font-size:120% }
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TD.bg3 { color:white; background-color:#8080FF; }
TD.test_passed { color:blue; }
TD.test_failed { color:red; }
TD.console { font-family:Courier New; }
TD.testmail {padding-left: 6pt}
.testbad {color:red}
.testgood {color:darkgreen}
p.SUCCESS {color:green}
p.FAILURE {color:red}
p.UNSTABLE {color:#eebb00}
<p class="FAILURE">
<b style="font-size: 200%;">BUILD FAILURE</b>
<tbody><tr><td>Build URL:</td><td><a href="https://build.barrywardell.net/job/EinsteinToolkit/267/">https://build.barrywardell.net/job/EinsteinToolkit/267/</a></td></tr>
<tr><td>Date of build:</td><td>Mon, 20 Oct 2014 01:49:27 +0000</td></tr>
<tr><td>Build duration:</td><td>8 min 58 sec</td></tr>
<br />
<!-- CHANGE SET -->
</tr><tr><td>Author:</td><td>Barry Wardell</td></tr>
<tr><td style="vertical-align:top">Log:</td><td><pre>Update URL for Carpet
<!-- <TR> -->
<!-- <TD width="10%"> edit</TD> -->
<!-- <TD>.gitmodules</TD> -->
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<!-- JUnit TEMPLATE -->
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<!-- ARTIFACTS -->
<h3>Console Output</h3>
<pre style="margin-top: 0em">
        [...truncated 2035 lines...]
        +++ pkg-config libpci --libs
        ++ echo '' -L/home/jenkins/workspace/EinsteinToolkit/configs/sim/scratch/external/pciutils/lib -lpci ''
        + PCIUTILS_LIB_DIRS=' /home/jenkins/workspace/EinsteinToolkit/configs/sim/scratch/external/pciutils/lib '
        ++ sed -e 's/ -[^l][^ ]*/ /g'
        ++ sed -e 's/ -l/ /g'
        +++ pkg-config libpci --libs
        ++ echo '' -L/home/jenkins/workspace/EinsteinToolkit/configs/sim/scratch/external/pciutils/lib -lpci ''
        + PCIUTILS_LIBS=' pci '
        + echo 'BEGIN MAKE_DEFINITION'
        + echo 'HAVE_PCIUTILS = 1'
        + echo 'PCIUTILS_DIR = /home/jenkins/workspace/EinsteinToolkit/configs/sim/scratch/external/pciutils'
        + echo 'PCIUTILS_INC_DIRS = /home/jenkins/workspace/EinsteinToolkit/configs/sim/scratch/external/pciutils/include '
        + echo 'PCIUTILS_LIB_DIRS = /home/jenkins/workspace/EinsteinToolkit/configs/sim/scratch/external/pciutils/lib '
        + echo 'PCIUTILS_LIBS = pci '
        + echo 'END MAKE_DEFINITION'
        + echo 'LIBRARY $(PCIUTILS_LIBS)'
        Building pciutils...
        Finished running configuration script for thorn PCIUTILS.
        Running configuration script for thorn HWLOC:
        hwloc selected, but HWLOC_DIR not set. Checking some places...
        hwloc not found
        Using bundled hwloc...
        hwloc has already been built; doing nothing
        Finished running configuration script for thorn HWLOC.
        Checking consistency...
        Creating Thorn-Flesh bindings...
        Creating implementation bindings...
        Creating parameter bindings...
        Creating variable bindings...
        Creating schedule bindings...
        Creating function bindings...
        There were 10 errors during execution of the CST
        These must be corrected before compilation can proceed
        Warnings were generated during execution of the CST
        CST error 1:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/CarpetIntegrateTest
        CST error 2:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/CarpetProlongateTest
        CST error 3:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/CarpetRegridTest
        CST error 4:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/HighOrderWaveTest
        CST error 5:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/ReductionTest
        CST error 6:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/ReductionTest2
        CST error 7:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/ReductionTest3
        CST error 8:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/RegridSyncTest
        CST error 9:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/TestCarpetGridInfo
        CST error 10:
        -> Missing thorn Carpet/TestLoopControl
        make[1]: *** [/home/jenkins/workspace/EinsteinToolkit/configs/sim/config-data/make.thornlist] Error 1
        make: *** [sim] Error 2
        Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
        Archiving artifacts
        Recording test results
        IRC notifier plugin: Sending notification to: #cactus
        IRC notifier plugin: [ERROR] not connected. Cannot send message to '#cactus'
        Email was triggered for: Failure - Any
        Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any
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