[ET Trac] [Einstein Toolkit] #326: Update gsl path in Ranger option file to gsl 1.13

Einstein Toolkit trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Fri Mar 4 14:07:18 CST 2011

#326: Update gsl path in Ranger option file to gsl 1.13
  Reporter:  bmundim     |       Owner:  mthomas                        
      Type:  task        |      Status:  new                            
  Priority:  minor       |   Milestone:                                 
 Component:  SimFactory  |     Version:                                 
Resolution:              |    Keywords:  Ranger option configuration gsl

Comment (by bmundim):

 I forgot to ask: which thorn(s) use this new env variables defined at

 VECTORISE                = yes

 I see that ./CarpetLib/src/gdata.cc uses  VECTORISE_ALIGNED_ARRAYS as a
 macro, but I am not sure
 which one uses VECTORISE. Is this documented somewhere?

 Also do these new variables mean we can drop -DKRANC_VECTORS in the


Ticket URL: <https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/326#comment:3>
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The Einstein Toolkit

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