[ET Trac] [Einstein Toolkit] #597: WeylScal4 should use the kranc script rather than calling Mathematica directly

Einstein Toolkit trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Sat Oct 1 08:42:52 CDT 2011

#597: WeylScal4 should use the kranc script rather than calling Mathematica
  Reporter:  hinder                 |       Owner:                     
      Type:  enhancement            |      Status:  new                
  Priority:  minor                  |   Milestone:                     
 Component:  EinsteinToolkit thorn  |     Version:                     
Resolution:                         |    Keywords:  WeylScal4 testsuite

Comment (by hinder):

 Roland: I was actually proposing that the logic for finding Kranc that was
 originally in runmath be restored to runmath (which is part of WeylScal4),
 not to the kranc script.  The kranc script is inside Kranc, and hence
 cannot be used to find Kranc!  As you say, it is ET-specific.  Once the
 kranc script has been found, the only thing that can go wrong is that $0
 of the kranc script does not point to the original Kranc directory, but to
 a symlink. We can canonicalise the path within the kranc script to fix
 this case, though it seems complicated to do this in a portable way.

 Tanja: I like that idea.  We can print the path to Kranc from the kranc
 script, as well as the git branch and hash, if it is a git repository.

 Assuming that the symlink issue is solved, all the logic related to
 finding kranc needs to go into runmath.sh.  This will be duplicated (and
 customised) for every thorn which needs to find Kranc.  Can we make it
 general enough that the runmath.sh script can be the same for each thorn,
 e.g. for WeylScal4 and for McLachlan?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/597#comment:5>
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