[ET Trac] [Einstein Toolkit] #619: launching jobs with simfactory without necessarily syncing the sources

Einstein Toolkit trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Thu Oct 13 21:38:23 CDT 2011

#619: launching jobs with simfactory without necessarily syncing the sources
  Reporter:  anonymous    |       Owner:  eschnett                   
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new                        
  Priority:  optional     |   Milestone:                             
 Component:  SimFactory   |     Version:                             
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  simfactory remote directory

Comment (by hinder):

 OK, so the answer to the original question is: "configure simfactory using
 its configuration file, defs.local.ini, to specify information about the
 remote machine that it cannot know".  Can the ticket be closed?

 Regarding the situation on damiana, if you use simfactory directly on the
 head node, you have to prefix every command with "--machine
 damiana/datura".  This is very tiresome.  I would prefer simfactory to
 know which machine I meant by the directory I was in, and for that I need
 separate directories for the two (such a feature is not implemented yet in
 any case).  It also means you can have the same configuration name for a
 given project for all machines, and not have to add _damiana or _datura
 suffixes all the time.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/619#comment:5>
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The Einstein Toolkit

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