[ET Trac] [Einstein Toolkit] #619: launching jobs with simfactory without necessarily syncing the sources

Einstein Toolkit trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Fri Oct 14 09:31:52 CDT 2011

#619: launching jobs with simfactory without necessarily syncing the sources
  Reporter:  anonymous    |       Owner:  eschnett                   
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new                        
  Priority:  optional     |   Milestone:                             
 Component:  SimFactory   |     Version:                             
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  simfactory remote directory

Comment (by eschnett):


 Simfactory can handle multiple Cactus source trees per machine because
 many people use this. When you use --remote, then Simfactory has to find
 the "correct" Cactus source tree on the remote system. It does so by
 looking (on the local machine) from where you call Simfactory, and then
 using the "equivalent" source tree on the remote system. For this, it
 needs to know where all the source trees are stored.

 It is unfortunate that Damiana and Datura share the same head node and the
 same file system, but are otherwise different systems requiring different
 configuration options. (This is actually also the case on certain DOE and
 NCSA systems.) Simfactory has the notion of a "default" configuration (the
 one called "sim"), and since there is only one default configuration, each
 source tree is really only meant for a single machine, i.e. either Damiana
 or Datura. Hence the "damiana" and "datura" subdirectories.

 This could be changed, of course, and maybe should, but the current best
 solution is to either use the "datura" subdirectory (which I would
 recommend), or to add the two lines

 sourcebasedir = /home/@USERS

 at the end of your etc/defs.local.ini.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/619#comment:8>
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The Einstein Toolkit

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