[ET Trac] [Einstein Toolkit] #548: Let GetComponents relocate svn repositories when updating old location

Einstein Toolkit trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Wed Sep 7 10:06:24 CDT 2011

#548: Let GetComponents relocate svn repositories when updating old location
 Reporter:  knarf          |       Owner:  eric9     
     Type:  enhancement    |      Status:  new       
 Priority:  minor          |   Milestone:  ET_2011_11
Component:  GetComponents  |     Version:            
 Keywords:                 |  
 This patch lets GetComponents automatically relocate components which
 changed their url when url redirection is used.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.einsteintoolkit.org/ticket/548>
Einstein Toolkit <http://einsteintoolkit.org>
The Einstein Toolkit

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