[ET Trac] #2527: Perl undefined variables warnings when tyring to inherit from a non existing thorn

Roland Haas trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Mon May 10 19:56:25 CDT 2021

#2527: Perl undefined variables warnings when tyring to inherit from a non existing thorn

 Reporter: Roland Haas
   Status: new
  Version: development version
     Type: bug
 Priority: minor
Component: Cactus

Erik Schnetter reported warnings from Perl of the sort:

The Einstein Toolkit ecosystem: Enabling fundamental research in the era of multi-messenger astrophysics

on Gitter. These seem triggered by trying to inherit from a non-existing thorn

CST error in /Users/eschnett/src/CarpetX/Cactus/repos/flesh/lib/sbin/interface_parser.pl (at 296)
  -> IDBRILLDATA (thorn IDBrillData) inherits from ellbase
    No thorn in your current ThornList implements ellbase
    Either remove IDBrillData, or add a thorn to your
     ThornList implementing ellbase
    No thorns in arrangements directory implement ellbase

and Perl trying to use a not yet defined array hash value when constructing the list of thorn ancestors.

There are no such warnings when the code builds, yet the Perl code should not produce these warning even in the case of a later build failure.

Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2527/perl-undefined-variables-warnings-when
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