[ET Trac] #2538: Inclusion of kuibit
Roland Haas
trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Fri Nov 19 09:06:23 CST 2021
#2538: Inclusion of kuibit
Reporter: Gabriele Bozzola
Status: open
Milestone: ET_2021_11
Version: development version
Type: enhancement
Priority: major
Comment (by Roland Haas):
You can request up to one \(not a hard rule but strongly encouraged\) citations that people should use when using RePrimAnd, as well as multiple \(any number, but you may provide indication under which circumstances which ones are suggested\) suggested citations. Those will be listed on: [https://www.einsteintoolkit.org/citation.html](https://www.einsteintoolkit.org/citation.html)
To provide the citation please provide bibtex entries to be included in einsteintoolkit.bib \(in the manifest repo\) that should look something like this:
suggested-for ="McLachlan/ML_BSSN",
key = {Kranc},
title = {{Kranc}: {Kranc} Assembles Numerical Code},
url = {http://kranccode.org/},
requested-for ={EinsteinToolkit},
author = {Zachariah Etienne and Steven R. Brandt and Peter Diener and William E. Gabella and Miguel Gracia-Linares and Roland Haas and Atul Kedia and Miguel Alcubierre and Daniela Alic and Gabrielle Allen and Marcus Ansorg and Maria Babiuc-Hamilton and Luca Baiotti and Werner Benger and Eloisa Bentivegna and Sebastiano Bernuzzi and Tanja Bode and Gabriele Bozzola and Brockton Brendal and Bernd Bruegmann and Manuela Campanelli and Federico Cipolletta and Giovanni Corvino and Samuel Cupp and Roberto De Pietri and Harry Dimmelmeier and Rion Dooley and Nils Dorband and Matthew Elley and Yaakoub El Khamra and Joshua Faber and Toni Font and Joachim Frieben and Bruno Giacomazzo and Tom Goodale and Carsten Gundlach and Ian Hawke and Scott Hawley and Ian Hinder and E. A. Huerta and Sascha Husa and Sai Iyer and Daniel Johnson and Thorsten Kellermann and Andrew Knapp and Michael Koppitz and Pablo Laguna and Gerd Lanferman and Frank L{\"o}ffler and Joan Masso and Lars Menger and Andre Merzky and Jonah Maxwell Miller and Mark Miller and Philipp Moesta and Pedro Montero and Bruno Mundim and Andrea Nerozzi and Scott C. Noble and Christian Ott and Ravi Paruchuri and Denis Pollney and David Radice and Thomas Radke and Christian Reisswig and Luciano Rezzolla and David Rideout and Matei Ripeanu and Lorenzo Sala and Jascha A Schewtschenko and Erik Schnetter and Bernard Schutz and Ed Seidel and Eric Seidel and John Shalf and Ken Sible and Ulrich Sperhake and Nikolaos Stergioulas and Wai-Mo Suen and Bela Szilagyi and Ryoji Takahashi and Michael Thomas and Jonathan Thornburg and Malcolm Tobias and Aaryn Tonita and Paul Walker and Mew-Bing Wan and Barry Wardell and Leonardo Werneck and Helvi Witek and Miguel Zilh{\~a}o and Burkhard Zink and Yosef Zlochower},
title = {The Einstein Toolkit},
month = may,
year = 2021,
note = {To find out more, visit http://einsteintoolkit.org},
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {The "Lorentz" release, ET\_2021\_05},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4884780},
url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4884780}
requested-for = {WVUThorns/IllinoisGRMHD},
author = "Noble, Scott C. and Gammie, Charles F. and McKinney,
Jonathan C. and Del Zanna, Luca",
title = "{Primitive variable solvers for conservative general
relativistic magnetohydrodynamics}",
journal = "Astrophys. J.",
volume = "641",
pages = "626-637",
doi = "10.1086/500349",
year = "2006",
eprint = "arXiv:astro-ph/0512420",
SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH/0512420;%%",
the preferred entry format is SPIRES-like, in that SPIRES keys are strongly recommended but we list all authors. The top of [einsteintoolkit.th](http://einsteintoolkit.th) explains the convention: [https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest/raw/master/einsteintoolkit.bib](https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest/raw/master/einsteintoolkit.bib)
Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2538/inclusion-of-kuibit
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