[ET Trac] #2626: Multipole is not OpenMP parallelized

Gabriele Bozzola trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Thu Aug 4 14:10:09 CDT 2022

#2626: Multipole is not OpenMP parallelized

 Reporter: Gabriele Bozzola
   Status: new
     Type: enhancement
 Priority: trivial

The `Multipole` thorn is completely serial, while being essentially a series for loops that could be easily parallelized with OpenMP. 

\(In one of my typical BBH simulation, `Multipole` is of order of 1-2 % of the execution time.\)



Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2626/multipole-is-not-openmp-parallelized
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