[ET Trac] #2627: Tmunu inherits from ADMBase and StaticConformal without using them

Roland Haas trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Fri Aug 5 06:31:56 CDT 2022

#2627: Tmunu inherits from ADMBase and StaticConformal without using them

 Reporter: Gabriele Bozzola
   Status: open
     Type: bug
 Priority: trivial

Comment (by Roland Haas):

Having said that… I can make the full ET compile with minimal modification \(to GRHydro which contained a leftover STORAGE statement for `conformal_state`\) when removing those inherits. It also passes all tests. I will propose them to be declared deprecated in the next release and removed afterwards.

Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2627/tmunu-inherits-from-admbase-and
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