[ET Trac] #2633: SummationByPart's Diff_gv aliased function does ont document which part of the grid the computed derivative is valid

Roland Haas trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Fri Aug 19 14:31:59 CDT 2022

#2633: SummationByPart's Diff_gv aliased function does ont document which part of the grid the computed derivative is valid

 Reporter: Roland Haas
   Status: new
     Type: bug
 Priority: minor

Looking at the code in SummationByParts

  case (0) direction
    if ( bb(1) == 0 ) then
      il = 1 + gsize                                                                                        else
      ol = offset(1)
!$omp parallel workshare
      dvar(1+ol,:,:) = ( q(1,1) * var(1+ol,:,:) + q(2,1) * var(2+ol,:,:) ) * idel
      dvar(2+ol,:,:) = ( q(1,2) * var(1+ol,:,:) + q(3,2) * var(3+ol,:,:) ) * idel
!$omp end parallel workshare
      il = 3 + ol
    end if

seems to indicate that for non-boundary ends of a grid component \(`bb == 0`\) derivatives are computed only in the interior \(from `il = 1+gsize`\) while for boundary ends some \(larger\) area is valid. 

This does not seem to be documented though, at least I could not find it in either documentation.tex nor interface.ccl.

Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2633/summationbyparts-diff_gv-aliased-function
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