[ET Trac] #2598: thornyflat - production run segmentation fault

Maria trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Thu Feb 24 17:45:00 CST 2022

#2598: thornyflat - production run segmentation fault

 Reporter: Maria
   Status: new
  Version: ET_2021_11
     Type: bug
 Priority: major

Comment (by Maria):

Again, the simulation gave me Segmentation Fault. In essence, the problem seems to be here:

/scratch/mbh0012/simulations/tov/output-0000/SIMFACTORY/RunScript: line 24:  9372 Segmentation fault      \(core dumped\) mpiexec -n 1 -npernode 2 /scratch/mbh0012/simulations/tov/SIMFACTORY/exe/cactus\_etk -L 3 /scratch/mbh0012/simulations/tov/output-0000/static\_tov.par

This can be traced to thornyflat.run, which is attached above. Most likely, there is an error in this line:

mpiexec -n @NUM\_PROCS@ -npernode @\(@PPN\_USED@ / @NUM\_THREADS@\)@ @EXECUTABLE@ -L 3 @PARFILE@

Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2598/thornyflat-production-run-segmentation
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