[ET Trac] #2648: Empty ApplyBCs call in LeanBSSNMoL

helvi witek trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Fri Jan 27 09:38:48 CST 2023

#2648: Empty ApplyBCs call in LeanBSSNMoL

 Reporter: Samuel Cupp
   Status: new
     Type: bug
 Priority: major
Component: EinsteinToolkit thorn

Comment (by helvi witek):

And the conversation between Roland and myself:  
**hwitek**  [3:40 PM](https://nrfunphyswitekgroup.slack.com/archives/C03RAQN3H1R/p1674769225574639)  
actually Sam had contacted me directly via email, but yes this should be in a ticket.


The original reason was to apply **inner** \(refinement or ghost zone\) boundary condition with the Cactus/Carpet “ApplyBCs” function, directly after computing the bssn variables, including $\\Gamma^\{i\}$.  
It is not clear to me that “ApplyBCs” really does nothing, and am therefore hesitant to just take it out without it having been tested for a non-trivial case.

**Roland Haas**  [9:39 AM](https://nrfunphyswitekgroup.slack.com/archives/C03RAQN3H1R/p1674833956516389)

so many avenues of interaction. The scheduled functions in the ApplyBCs group will not do anything unless there has been a SelectGroupForBCs first though \(and no intervening ApplyBCs which clears the selections\). SelectGroupForBCs does not have to be immediatedly before the ApplyBCs group though, so there could be a "forgotten" / "hidden" one somewhere earlier in the code. Also if this is during initial data only \(and I really should do as I say and use the ticket\)... then this may not be very visible at all if the initial data thorn did fill in data everywhere on all grid points irrespective of them being ghosts, buffer, physical boundary, symmetry boundary or interior points.

Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2648/empty-applybcs-call-in-leanbssnmol
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