[ET Trac] #2175: Test "Single, stable neutron star" example

David Boyer trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Thu Nov 7 17:10:21 CST 2024

#2175: Test "Single, stable neutron star" example

 Reporter: Roland Haas
   Status: open
Milestone: ET_2024_11
  Version: development version
     Type: task
 Priority: major
Component: EinsteinToolkit website

Comment (by David Boyer):

@{557058:59e031ba-9bb5-4298-a472-7b99d0ae6f22} I have run the gallery example and everything looks good, same outcome as before. The new runs are tarred up and ready to go. However, I have also rerun the test with the new gauge settings from ticket #2520, and now since I know what I need to do, I could upload those instead if you like, taking out both tickets at the same time. Would this alternative be preferred?

Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2175/test-single-stable-neutron-star-example
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