[ET Trac] #2174: Test "Multi Patch Scalar Wave Equation" example

Roland Haas trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Thu Nov 21 14:35:54 CST 2024

#2174: Test "Multi Patch Scalar Wave Equation" example

 Reporter: Roland Haas
   Status: open
Milestone: ET_2024_11
  Version: development version
     Type: task
 Priority: major
Component: EinsteinToolkit website

Changes (by Roland Haas):
Before each release, check that http://einsteintoolkit.org/gallery/multipatch/index.html still works and produces correct output.


1. download the _development_ version of the Einstein Toolkit:

curl -kLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gridaphobe/CRL/master/GetComponents
chmod a+x GetComponents
./GetComponents https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/manifest/raw/master/einsteintoolkit.th

2. download the parameter file fro the gallery example

cd Cactus
wget --output-document par/Kerr-Schild_Multipole.par https://bitbucket.org/llamacode/llama/raw/master/LlamaWaveToy/par/Kerr-Schild_Multipole.par

3. compile Cactus for the system you are on \(this may require that you add a cluster allocation etc.\)

./utils/Scripts/MakeThornList --master thornlists/einsteintoolkit.th --output thornlists/Kerr-Schild_Multipole.th par/Kerr-Schild_Multipole.par
./simfactory/bin/sim setup-silent
./simfactory/bin/sim build --thornlist thornlists/Kerr-Schild_Multipole.th

4. run the simulation, using number of MPI ranks similar to what is shown on the ET website, so _for example_

./simfactory/bin/sim create-submit Kerr-Schild_Multipole --parfile par/Kerr-Schild_Multipole.par --cores 8 --num-threads 2 --walltime 0:30:00

5. on your laptop install VisIt using the precompiled executable available from its [download page](https://visit-dav.github.io/visit-website/)
6. comprehensive instructions on how to produce the images are on the [gallery page](http://einsteintoolkit.org/gallery/multipatch/index.html)

**Data to upload**

1. Data is made available at [https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/www/downloads/](https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/www/downloads/) and you should see a blue “Add Files” button in the top right, when logged in with your Bitbucket account. If that is not the case contact the release manager to have you added.
2. The data file is named Kerr-Schild\_Multipole-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz and should contain the files required to reproduce the plots as well as parameter files, stdout and stderr files and the plot scripts. As of this writing this are the files `u.file_*.h5`, `x.file_*.h5`, `y.file_*.h5`, `z.file_*.h5`, `Kerr-Schild_Multipole.par`, `Kerr-Schild_Multipole.out`, `Kerr-Schild_Multipole.err`, `plot.py`, `Kerr-Schild_Multipole.session`.
3. uploading the file with a browser can be troublesome and fail with no apparent error message. Instead using `curl` and bitbucket’s [REST API ](https://developer.atlassian.com/bitbucket/api/2/reference/resource/repositories/%7Bworkspace%7D/%7Brepo_slug%7D/downloads#post)can be used.

    1. If you have enabled TFA for Bitbucket, then you can use an Application password with write permission to the repo. These can be created here: [https://bitbucket.org/account/settings/app-passwords/](https://bitbucket.org/account/settings/app-passwords/)
    2. Then run \(replace the file name and the user name and password with the appropriate values\):

curl -u YOURBITBUCKETUSERNAME:YOURBITBUCKETPASSWORD -X POST https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/einsteintoolkit/www/downloads -F files=@Kerr-Schild_Multipole-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz

**Update the webpage**

1. clone the `www` repository to update the gallery page using:

git clone git at bitbucket.org:einsteintoolkit/www.git 

2.  update the figure files in `gallery/multipatch` with ones you created \(the `kerr_4x3.png` one is used on the ET website frontpage in the “slider” so its aspect ratio must be 4x3\). 
3. indicate in `index.html` the date and your name to show when the gallery example was last run
4. update the run time estimates if possible
5. update instructions on the website if they were not clear
6. add, commit and push the changed files to the `www` repository

git add gallery/multipatch/index.html gallery/multipatch/kerr.png gallery/multipatch/kerr_4x3.png
git commit -m 'multipatch: update for release ET_YYYY_MM'
git push

Please report in this ticket any issue you found

Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2174/test-multi-patch-scalar-wave-equation
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