<html>#2249: New TLS certificate for einsteintoolkit.org is self-signed and gives browser warnings/errors
<table style='border-spacing: 1ex 0pt; '>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Reporter:</td><td>Ian Hinder</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Status:</td><td>new</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'>Milestone:</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Version:</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Type:</td><td>bug</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Priority:</td><td>critical</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'>Component:</td><td>EinsteinToolkit website</td></tr>
<p>Comment (by Ian Hinder):</p>
<p>Yes please! I have been interested recently in monitoring solutions, and have played with Icinga (a nagios fork). Unfortunately, its certificate checking is restricted to checking expiry dates, not certificate chains. Maybe your tool could be hooked up to it instead? Would it have caught this problem? I found an SSL/TLS checker (<a href="https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh" rel="nofollow" class="ap-connect-link">https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh</a>), but it is very full-featured, takes a long time to run (maybe minutes), and doesn't return a simple exit code for "good" or "bad", probably because most sites will fail at least some of its checks (e.g. using old ciphers). Probably a simple grep on the output would catch the things we need, and maybe taking a few minutes doesn't matter if we only run it infrequently, but if your solution is much simpler, then I like it!</p>
<p>Was there no backup of the Einstein Toolkit server, in which the certificates could be found?</p>
Ticket URL: <a href='https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2249/new-tls-certificate-for-einsteintoolkitorg'>https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2249/new-tls-certificate-for-einsteintoolkitorg</a></p>