<html>#2403: compile failure with gfortran 10 when using CCTK_PointerTo
<table style='border-spacing: 1ex 0pt; '>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Reporter:</td><td>Roland Haas</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Status:</td><td>open</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'>Milestone:</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Version:</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Type:</td><td>bug</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'> Priority:</td><td>blocker</td></tr>
<tr><td style='text-align:right'>Component:</td><td></td></tr>
<p>Comment (by Roland Haas):</p>
<p>The pull request in <a data-is-external-link="true" href="https://bitbucket.org/cactuscode/cactus/pull-requests/97/cactus-declare-cctk_pointerto-as" rel="nofollow">https://bitbucket.org/cactuscode/cactus/pull-requests/97/cactus-declare-cctk_pointerto-as</a> now lets me compile (and use) <code>CCTK_PointerTo</code> on both QB2 (as a standin for a system with an older Intel compiler) and gfortran-10.</p>
<p>This does not yet let me compile or run the full toolkit to to similar issues like the <code>CCTK_Reduce</code> like functions one and, once that one is fixed in <code>TestReduce</code> and <code>EHFinde</code> issues in <code>EOS_Omni</code> and <code>GRHydro</code>. I will open separate tickets for them. As far as I can tell these will require fixes to Cactus using code and cannot be made to work by changes only to the flesh (since it affects subroutines rather than functions and Fortran does not require any interface like section for subroutines so the flesh has no way to hook in any possible solution to user code).</p>
Ticket URL: <a href='https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2403/compile-failure-with-gfortran-10-when'>https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2403/compile-failure-with-gfortran-10-when</a></p>